Nonsense! Did Trump downplay this at the outset? Yes, did every other politician in America also down play it? Yes (maybe to avoid a national panic? :idunno

. Try to get the facts straight Artie, The politicians in this country were briefed the same as the president, at the same time as the president, and they took to the streets, & along with their spokes idiots in the media began their smear propaganda campaign to malign the president when he did take decisive action, it amazes me how dishonest liberals are when it comes to ALL of the facts. There is plenty of Blame to go around yet, nobody wants to lay this at the feet of the actual culprits, the Chinese Communists! If you are in search for who to lay proper blame on, we could all start there. The Chinese Communists are the enemy of the world, and it is high time that fact is recognized.
Again, this blindsided every country, nobody realized the gravity of this until it was upon them. Lets, try to be honest here...