National Rifle Association Lawsuit?


Well-known member
The numbers indicate that fewer and fewer households have guns, but those that do, have a lot more of them than they used to own.

Hello..... :)
I read that there are about 300 million guns somewhere in the USA.
Do you have a source for your post, above?


Well-known member
I "support" them, I'm just not a member. I don't understand what the big deal is with these numbers with you. If there was a rattle snake in my neighborhood, I'd join with the local men, hunt it down and kill it. But when it was all over, I'm not going to join the Rattle Snake Killers Association of America. Why should I?

OK............. Armchair support is quite common.
Well, I don't expect that you've had to get up and out there, joining with local NRA members, eh?

I'm just surprised that for such a big noise it makes, the NRA is smaller than I expected, is all.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
So about 100 million people own guns, but 5 million are members of the NRA?

Sounds about right. Lots of Americans take gun ownership for granted, and see no need to join an organization to defend it.


Well-known member
I'm surrounded by conservatives and just about everyone I can think of in my extended family owns guns - handguns, long guns. I know of only one of them who belongs to the NRA, though.

Hello...... :)
I don't think that owning guns is bad, but responsible gun owners do step-up their home security, install gun safes, use them, and take out third party indemnity all-risks gun insurance.

It amazes me that very few gun users take out accident insurance.

If somebody injures another person who is disabled and a Court awards huge costs and damages the poor claimant will receive little of nothing if the perpetrator has no funds......... hence, compulsory gun insurance for all would be a good idea.

And Insurers won't underwrite bad risks so they would be careful to check out applicants very thoroughly.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...a country where it is estimated that three hundred million guns are in private ownership...
Closer to 400 million. Latest data, some years old, is 120 per 100 people. Next closest on that metric, I think is Yemen? They're like half as many as the US, and the next closest after that also drops off precipitously. i o w nobody owns more guns that Americans. :cloud9:


Well-known member
Closer to 400 million. Latest data, some years old, is 120 per 100 people. Next closest on that metric, I think is Yemen? They're like half as many as the US, and the next closest after that also drops off precipitously. i o w nobody owns more guns that Americans. :cloud9:

I've got a take-down bow, sling, arrow-slingshots and catapults.

I used to practice regularly but not now.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Great news - thank you NRA!!!

JAY BARMANNTrump and Bush Appointees On Ninth Circuit Rule That CA Ban On High-Capacity Magazines Is Unconstitutional

In a victory for the gun lobby, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has invalidated California's law limiting gun magazines to 10 bullets, saying that the law violates the Second Amendment.

In a ruling published today in the case known as Duncan v. Becerra, Circuit Judge Kenneth Lee acknowledges the scourge of gun violence and mass shootings in this country, but he writes, "Even well-intentioned laws must pass constitutional muster." And he adds that banning high-capacity magazines "strikes at the core of the Second Amendment — the right to armed self-defense."​​​​​​


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Great news - thank you NRA!!!

JAY BARMANNTrump and Bush Appointees On Ninth Circuit Rule That CA Ban On High-Capacity Magazines Is Unconstitutional

In a victory for the gun lobby, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has invalidated California's law limiting gun magazines to 10 bullets, saying that the law violates the Second Amendment.

In a ruling published today in the case known as Duncan v. Becerra, Circuit Judge Kenneth Lee acknowledges the scourge of gun violence and mass shootings in this country, but he writes, "Even well-intentioned laws must pass constitutional muster." And he adds that banning high-capacity magazines "strikes at the core of the Second Amendment — the right to armed self-defense."​​​​​​

The reason this matters to me is because Cuomo has limited me and my fellow New Yorkers to 7 rounds in a clip.

The Barbarian

Hello..... :)
I read that there are about 300 million guns somewhere in the USA.
Do you have a source for your post, above?

A decreasing number of American gun owners own two-thirds of the nation's guns and as many as one-third of the guns on the planet -- even though they account for less than 1% of the world's population, according to a CNN analysis of gun ownership data.

The data, collected by the Injury Prevention Journal, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the General Social Survey and population figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, found that the number of U.S. households with guns has declined, but current gun owners are gathering more guns.

The United States tends to have better data on gun numbers than other countries, for instance Somalia or the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which may account for the high percentage, according to Alan Lizotte, dean and professor at the School of Criminal Justice at The University at Albany.
study published in the Injury Prevention Journal, based on a 2004 National Firearms Survey, found that 20% of the gun owners with the most firearms possessed about 65% of the nation's guns.

The number of households owning guns has declined from almost 50% in 1973 to just over 32% in 2010, according to
a 2011 study produced by The University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center. The number of gun owners has gone down almost 10% over the same period, the report found

The concentration comes, in part, because guns are "marketed by and large to people who already own guns," Lizotte said.
Both studies also found that men were more likely to own guns, though the General Social Survey found that male gun ownership is down almost 20% since 1980. The Violence Policy Center's analysis of the General Social Survey data also found that part of the reason the gun owning population is declining is because those weapons are largely owned by white males, a group whose population is aging.

Part of the issue is increasing urbanization. I had guns when I was younger, but there were places to go hunt and shoot. Now, I have to go a long way, get a hunting lease, or go to a shooting range. Not worth the effort. And I'm not scared of my shadow, so I don't feel the need to have one for protection.

Yes, I know, "but what if..." I don't have a meteorite shield on my house, for the same reason I don't own a gun for protection. Violent crime has greatly declined since I owned guns, which makes it even less of an issue.