Nang's SPOTD is Tet's Hit Out of the Park!

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Search through the TOL archives the best you can and see if you can find a shred of evidence that any of the people on this thread, that you have accused of being followers of Darby, are obsessed with end times theology.

Ok, the following took less than 5 minutes:

Paul: Taught all of what we know about the unpredictable rapture of the Church before the start of the Tribulation.

I wonder if 11:55 is the time on Hank's personal prophetic clock before the Rapture of the Body of Christ.

It's all coming together while we watch. :rapture:

I'm as curious as you are but are all our questions about HOW God did what He did going to be answered this side of death or the rapture, whichever comes first?

ALL rapture views believe it (the rapture) takes place before the wrath of God falls upon the earth because the Body of Christ is not appointed unto wrath.

Any Pre-Wrath Rapture folks here?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I've finally found something that upsets Dispensationalists more than saying "John Nelson Darby".

Now all I have to say is "Rom 12:1 spiritual sacrifices", and the Dispies go berserk.

Are you on drugs or do you suffer from mental illness? You're
50 years old, and obviously are unemployed. You're on TOL
day and night. What's your problem? You seem to love
annoying people as well! You're also disrespectful to Del
who happens to be a moderator! What's with you?


TOL Subscriber
I don't approve of condescension . . Especially when inexplicitly and biasly imposed by moderators against members at large.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't approve of condescension . . Especially when inexplicitly and biasly imposed by moderators against members at large.

Who cares what bothers you? I certainly don't! I doubt anybody
else cares what bothers you either. I know, you're a grouchy,
cranky, and mean-spirited Misanthrope! You're also a loony
Calvinist! Besides those truth's, you don't seem like someone
who is happy about her life, others, or her faith!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
TeT on the other hand, has something wrong with him that he's not
gonna be willing to go public with! You two make a good team!
Nang+TeT against the world!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
TeT, you have refused to give a personal testimony to why, how, and
when you became a "Child of God!" Which makes posters wonder about
your sincerity, and belief? I'm not sure you even know how to become
a member of the "Body of Christ?"
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