In the interview Dolezal says her life has been about "survival". Someone left this hilarious comment! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
When asked by Lauer if she would’ve done anything differently in light of the controversy, Dolezal said no. “My life has been one of survival,” Growing up on the mean streets of Libby, Montana, where marauding bands of Raccoon's would run amok and sinister Canadians would roam the dark alleyways searching for Molson's and fresh, hot Cruller's, while their 4-wheel dives pulse from the Bass speakers, Gordon Lightfoot and Celine Dion songs. With all the Trees and Mountains it would be hard to see the Graffiti Signs, like "Moose Crossing", "Camping Area Ahead" or "PTA Pot-Luck Dinner this Friday" ...It is surprising she survived at all...