Mystery Babylon


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Mystery Babylon
Quoting: Mr. Rev. Clarence Larkin. “When Attalus, the Pontiff and King of Pergamos, died B.C. 133, he bequeathed the Headship of the Babylonian Priesthood to Rome. When the Etruscans came to Italy from Lydia (The region of Pergamos), they brought with them the Babylonian religion and rites. They set up a Pontiff who was head of the Priesthood. Later the Romans accepted this Pontiff as their civil ruler. Julius Caesar was made Pontiff of the Etruscan Order in B.C. 74. In B. C. 63, he was made Supreme Pontiff of the “Babylonian Order,” thus becoming heir to the rights an title of Attalus, Pontiff of Pergamos…Thus the first Roman Emperor become head of the “Babylonian Priesthood” and Rome the successor of Babylon (p. 151-152).” ...Constantine the Great coinage carried the symbols of the sun-cult until 324. Even when he dedicated the new capital of Constantinople, which became the seat of Byzantine Christianity for a millennium, he did so wearing the Apollonian sun-rayed Diadem. Constantine was the Pagan High priest of the Babylonian Mystery cult.
Attalus III (in Greek Attalos III) Philometor Euergetes (ca 170 BC – 133 BC) was the last Attalid king of Pergamon, ruling from 138 BC to 133 BC.
Rev. Alexander Hislop states: “… There never has been any difficulty in the mind of any enlightened Protestant in identifying the woman sitting on seven hills, and having on her fore head the name written ‘Mystery, Babylon the great,’ with the Roman apostasy. No other city in the world has ever been celebrated, as the city of Rome has … for its situation on seven hills (p. 2).”
Mystery Babylon.

That city is Rome, and more specifically, Vatican City.

Catholic apologist Karl Keating admits that Rome has long been known as Babylon. Keating claims that Peter's statement "The church here in Babylon ... sends you her greeting" (from I Peter 5:13) proves that Peter was writing from Rome. He explains further:

"Babylon is a code word for Rome. It is used that way six times in the last book of the Bible [four of the six are in chapters 17 and 18 and in extrabiblical works such as Sibylling Oracles (5, 159f.), the Apocalypse of Baruch (ii, 1), and 4 Esdras (3:1).

Eusebius Pamphilius, writing about 303, noted that "it is said that Peter's first epistle... was composed at Rome itself; and that he himself indicates this, referring to the city figuratively as Babylon."

As for "Mystery," that name imprinted on the woman's forehead is the perfect designation for Vatican City. Mystery is at the very heart of Roman Catholicism, from the words "Mysterium fide" pronounced at the alleged transformation of the bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ to the enigmatic apparitions of Mary around the world.
Every sacrament, from baptism to extreme unction, manifests the mysterious power which the faithful must believe the priests wield, but for which there is no visible evidence. Rome's new Catechism explains that liturgy "aims to initiate souls into the mystery of Christ (It is 'mystagogy.')" and that all of the Church's liturgy is "mystery."

For more info see:


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Eusebius Pamphilius, writing about 303, noted that "it is said that Peter's first epistle... was composed at Rome itself; and that he himself indicates this, referring to the city figuratively as Babylon."

There is no scriptural evidence that the apostle Peter was ever in Rome. Peter said he was in Babylon in Parthia. Peter went to the circumcision in Parthia.

With the Greeks as a ruling minority in Babylonia, the Jews as a subject minority appear to have prospered by trusting and being trusted. Josephus reports that Alexander reaffirmed the privileges which the Persians had accorded them (Ant., 11:338). Jews served in the Greek armies: Josephus (Apion, 1:192) mentions Alexander's excusing Jewish soldiers on grounds of religious scruples from the army's work on the temple of Bel in Babylon; and a Jewish contingent (in c. 220 B.C.E.) aided in the defense of Babylonia against a Galatian invasion (II Macc. 8:20). Antiochus III sent 2,000 Jewish families, about 210 B.C.E., as settlers to assist in an effort to control Asia Minor (Jos., Ant., 12:147–53).

From around 120 B.C.E. to their fall in 224 C.E., the Parthians treated the Jewish settlements well. Palestinian Jewry under the Hasmoneans and Arsacid Parthia had a common interest in the destruction of Seleucid power.



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There is no scriptural evidence that the apostle Peter was ever in Rome. Peter said he was in Babylon in Parthia. Peter went to the circumcision in Parthia.

With the Greeks as a ruling minority in Babylonia, the Jews as a subject minority appear to have prospered by trusting and being trusted. Josephus reports that Alexander reaffirmed the privileges which the Persians had accorded them (Ant., 11:338). Jews served in the Greek armies: Josephus (Apion, 1:192) mentions Alexander's excusing Jewish soldiers on grounds of religious scruples from the army's work on the temple of Bel in Babylon; and a Jewish contingent (in c. 220 B.C.E.) aided in the defense of Babylonia against a Galatian invasion (II Macc. 8:20). Antiochus III sent 2,000 Jewish families, about 210 B.C.E., as settlers to assist in an effort to control Asia Minor (Jos., Ant., 12:147–53).

From around 120 B.C.E. to their fall in 224 C.E., the Parthians treated the Jewish settlements well. Palestinian Jewry under the Hasmoneans and Arsacid Parthia had a common interest in the destruction of Seleucid power.

The congregation in Mystery Babylon. It was Mark who was in Rome.
1 Peter 5:13
She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark.
2 Timothy 4:11
Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry.


New member
The congregation in Mystery Babylon. It was Mark who was in Rome.
1 Peter 5:13
She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark.

You are looking at this wrong, because you are adopting a European Protestant viewpoint instead of the viewpoint of the writer at the time he wrote the epistle.

Peter was a Jew, and every Jew in his time knew about the exile that happened under Nebuchadnezzar in 597 and 586 BCE and referred to the Jews that never lived in Judea after the captivity as being "in Babylon."

The Babylon Peter wrote about is not the Mystery Babylon found in Revelation.

Many people will point out the similarity between Nebuchadnezzar destroying Jerusalem in 587 BCE and Vespasian destroying Jerusalem in 70 CE as a way of claiming that Rome is Mystery Babylon.

However, the Mystery Babylon (hidden Babylon) is the great (large) city where the majority of the Jews outside of the land of Israel will be living when the beast is revealed, not a religious denomination.

Few Jews live in Rome and fewer (if any) live in Vatican city.
Many Jews live in Brooklyn on Long Island New York.
The town of Babylon, New York is also on Long Island.
There were six businesses named after the seven hills in that area on Long Island (two now closed), and a seventh nearby in Manhattan, showing that the city is known for having seven hills.
New York city also houses the World Trade center and the United Nations, two additional clues to Mystery Babylon found in Revelation 18.


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Hall of Fame

has seven hills
has many waters
was famous for trade
has fallen, has fallen
can be found no more
is still a mystery

no other city qualifies


New member
You are looking at this wrong, because you are adopting a European Protestant viewpoint instead of the viewpoint of the writer at the time he wrote the epistle.

Peter was a Jew, and every Jew in his time knew about the exile that happened under Nebuchadnezzar in 597 and 586 BCE and referred to the Jews that never lived in Judea after the captivity as being "in Babylon."

The Babylon Peter wrote about is not the Mystery Babylon found in Revelation.

Many people will point out the similarity between Nebuchadnezzar destroying Jerusalem in 587 BCE and Vespasian destroying Jerusalem in 70 CE as a way of claiming that Rome is Mystery Babylon.

However, the Mystery Babylon (hidden Babylon) is the great (large) city where the majority of the Jews outside of the land of Israel will be living when the beast is revealed, not a religious denomination.

Few Jews live in Rome and fewer (if any) live in Vatican city.
Many Jews live in Brooklyn on Long Island New York.
The town of Babylon, New York is also on Long Island.
There were six businesses named after the seven hills in that area on Long Island (two now closed), and a seventh nearby in Manhattan, showing that the city is known for having seven hills.
New York city also houses the World Trade center and the United Nations, two additional clues to Mystery Babylon found in Revelation 18.

In 70 AD many Jews were taken captive to Rome.


New member

has seven hills
has many waters
was famous for trade
has fallen, has fallen
can be found no more
is still a mystery

no other city qualifies

For hundreds of years only Rome was known as the city of the seven hills. The book of Revelation is an overview from the time of the disciples to the last day for Rome. A meteor will strike the foot of Italy (the beast) and will sink it below the ocean.


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The statue of Jupiter is now called the statue of Peter. The statue is also giving a trinity hand sign

Temple of the Capitoline Jupiter, we find that no connected and intelligible account of this great national temple exists; and no fragment of it remains, to our absolute certainty. From many writers we gather interesting references to the temple and its possessions, but these writers disagree. Not in the main fact that here was a most important, magnificent, and enormously wealthy shrine, dedicated to the great Jove, but in their accounts of its details; as when Livy says that the statue of Jupiter was the work of Turianus, an Etruscan sculptor, and Pliny records that it was made by Volca of Veii.

These disagreements are not of vital importance; but one has a sensation of being cheated when he spends his time to read one authority only to be contradicted by another. As this temple was more than once destroyed and rebuilt, both sculptors may have made statues of its deity; but there is so much of legend about it that no clear-cut idea of it can be formed.

In imperial times the original meaning of the festival was lost and it became a celebration of the whole city. Then, (G. Vaccai - Le Feste di Roma Antica) somebody at the time of the emperors, when the city had grown bigger, started to wonder which were the seven hills, therefore they were identified with the seven hills that we know today.
The first document that lists them is a description of the city made in Constantinian times. (Early 4th century)

This is the list of hills:

Aventinus (Aventine)
Caelius (Caelian)
Capitolium (Capitoline)
Esquiliae (Esquiline)
Palatium (Palatine)
Quirinalis (Quirinal)
Viminalis (Viminal)

The seven hills are:

Aventine Hill (Latin, Aventinus; Italian, Aventino)
Caelian Hill (Caelius, Celio)
Capitoline Hill (Capitolinus, Campidoglio)
Esquiline Hill (Esquilinus, Esquilino)
Palatine Hill (Palatinus, Palatino)
Quirinal Hill (Quirinalis, Quirinale)
Viminal Hill (Viminalis, Viminale)


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Vatican Hill (in Latin, Mons Vaticanus ) is the name given, long before the founding of Christianity, to one of the hills on the side of the Tiber opposite the traditional seven hills of Rome. It may have been the site of an Etruscan town called Vaticum.

The name "Vatican" is thought to be derived from the Latin "vates", meaning "seer, or soothsayer." Although this is uncertain and it is also possible that "Vaticanus" comes from an unrelated Etruscan loan-word. Vatican Hill was the home of the Vates long before pre-Christian Rome. Vaticanus, also known as Vagitanus, was an Etruscan god of prophecy, and his temple was built on the ancient site of Vaticanum (Vatican Hill).

In the 1st century AD, the Vatican Hill was outside the city limits and so could feature a circus (the circus of Nero) and a cemetery. St. Peter's Basilica is built over this cemetery, the traditional site of St. Peter the Apostle's grave.

The Vatican Hill is not one of the famous Seven Hills of Rome although it was included within the city limits of Rome during the reign of Pope Leo IV, who, between 848 and 852, expanded the city walls to protect St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican. Thus, Vatican Hill has been within the walls and city limits of Rome for over 1100 years. Until the Lateran Treaties in 1929 it was part of the Rione of Borgo.

Before the Avignon Papacy (1305–1378), the headquarters of the Holy See were located at the Lateran Palace. After the Avignon Papacy the church administration moved to Vatican Hill and the papal palace was (until 1871) the Quirinal Palace, upon the Quirinal Hill.

Since 1929, part of the Vatican Hill is the site of the State of the Vatican City. However, the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, is not St. Peter's in the Vatican, but Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, which is extra-territorially linked, as indicated in the Lateran Pacts signed with the Italian state in 1929, with the Holy See.


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Catholics Claim "Keys" To Heaven
The Catholic Church claims That Peter passed on the keys to the gates of Heaven, and that no one can enter into God’s presence unless that Catholic Church opens the gates. The word "Cardinal" means "hinge." The Cardinals of the Roman Church are the “hinges” upon which the “gate,” whom is the Pope, is able to open.
[12th century. Via French < Latin cardinalis < cardin- "hinge"]

Mat 4:18 Now as Jesus [Yahshua] was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.

Simon already had the nick name [Peter/Rock] before Yahshua met him. Therefore Yahshua did not name him Rock, but was only calling him by his nick name. That would mean that Yahshua was speaking of the Father being that Rock, which is used often in scriptures.

The Vatican cave was a Mithraeum: a temple of the Roman God Mithras
"The cave of the Vatican belonged to Mithra until 376 A.D., when a city prefect suppressed the cult of the rival Savior and seized the shrine in the name of Christ, on the very birthday of the pagan god, December 25."
-- Barbara G. Walker (The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets)
Paul says, 'They drank from that spiritual rock and that rock was Christ' (I Cor. 10:4).
These are identical words to those found in the Mithraic scriptures, except that the name Mithra is used instead of Christ.

The Vatican hill in Rome that is regarded as sacred to Peter, the Christian rock, was already sacred to Mithra. Many Mithraic remains have been found there. The merging of the worship of Attis into that of Mithra, then later into that of Jesus, was effected almost without interruption.

The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read (various authors)
The throne in the Vatican Mithraeum, upon which the Pater Patrum ("Father of Fathers", the head priest of Mithraism) was customarily seated, was also taken. It is now the throne of St. Peter, though it is adorned by Mithraic carvings and is older than the later Vatican Church. Seated upon it now is the Bishop of Rome, also known as the Pope (from Papa meaning father, late vulgarization of Latin Pater).
Christian Bishops of Rome pre-empted the Mithraic high priest's title of Pater Patrum, which became Papa, or Pope.
"oracles" that breathed the fumes from fumaroles of volcanoes before pontificating.

"'The oracle of Delphi functioned in a specific place, the adyton, or "no entry" area of the temple's core, and through a specific person, the Pythia, who was chosen to speak, as a possessed medium, for Apollo, the god of prophecy."

The temple was constructed over an area of rock in which there were fissures and cracks leading from a deep cavern; the fissures allowed vapors of gases contained in an underground stream to seep up through the rock. The Pythia - an initiated female priestess who had undergone extensive training and conditioning that included fasting - would sit in the adyton, breathe the vapors to induce a trancelike state, and prophesize to those who waited to hear her words outside. The prophecies were obscure and cryptic - in fact, one synonym for the word "cryptic" is "Delphic" - and open to very wide interpretation. The gases were "sweet and perfume-y" according to Plutarch - a known statesman and historian, and one of the two Priests of Delphi - and they did not affect the uninitiated in the same way that they would the priestess. Plutarch also noted that the gases were beginning to lessen and dissipate even during his time (in the first century BC.) The Oracle fell out of use in the 4th century AD with the onset of Roman Christianity, and until very recent times the existence of the gases and even the underground spring was in doubt; modern science has revealed that the legend could have indeed been fact.'"

The Vatican City, the Vatican ... word vaticinor means "foretell, prophesy" from vatis "poet, teacher, oracle".

History: The origin of the word Vatican is shrouded in as much mystery as the place itself. It was used simply as the name of a hill in Rome, Mons Vaticanus "the Vatican Hill". The Latin word vaticinor means "foretell, prophesy" from vatis "poet, teacher, oracle". This suggests that the original hill was the location of an oracle, a place where high priests communicated with the Roman gods. Thus the name reflects a long history of contact with spiritual powers.


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Mat 4:18 Now as Jesus [Yahshua] was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter...

Simon was called Peter, which in Greek is petros, meaning a stone, but what if Simon was not Greek, what if Simon was a Hebrew?


New member
Vatican is a compound word, but yet, you will not find a dictionary that states that fact. Why is that?

That is interesting.

Vatican means old looking prophet?
vati (one of the following)
vates a foreteller, seer, soothsayer, prophet, diviner
vatius bent outwards
canus white, hoary


New member
That is interesting.

Vatican means old looking prophet?
vati (one of the following)
vates a foreteller, seer, soothsayer, prophet, diviner
vatius bent outwards
canus white, hoary
Vati / can
Vatican is synonymous with "Divine or Prophetic Serpent."
Thus, your false prophet of Revelation.

Cross Reference

New member
For hundreds of years only Rome was known as the city of the seven hills. The book of Revelation is an overview from the time of the disciples to the last day for Rome. A meteor will strike the foot of Italy (the beast) and will sink it below the ocean.

But never a city which sat on seven "mountains".