My First and Only Thread about LGBTT...


Active member
Being that you don't believe in the imaginary sky god Tinark, how would you know what He abhors and doesn't?

Since the God is imaginary, there is no God to abhor the actions you describe. Therefore, the only possible entities that can abhor it are people like you.


Active member
How does a private, consensual act that involves two consenting adults cause harm?

How does a private, consensual homosexual act that involves two unrelated adults cause harm?

You do realize that Nick was the one that brought up the harm criteria, yes?


Active member
that's fine - it's just as easy to show you to be a hell-bound pervert lover whether you're responding to me or not

this way people will recognize that you're also a coward like granite :thumb:

She's dirt nap bound (as are you), pervert lover only under your own warped criteria.


Since the God is imaginary, there is no God...



Really, I don't believe I've authored a thread before and seriously believe I won't author one again. I wanted to relate some personal experiences to start, what I hoped, would be a fruitful dialogue. Although most would consider me a Right Wing Conservative, I tend to fall into the Moderate Category when taking those personality tests.

Roman Catholic education, at my time, did not teach anything about homosexuality, at least not at my high school. So what I've learned is from personal experience. I'm not a Reverend or a Preacher. I will share what I believe with others, I don't keep my Christian beliefs secret.

My wife drug me into a conversation once with young teens, 3 girls 1 boy, who were looking for a liberal translation of the Bible that made homosexual conduct okay. I did my best to point him to accurate but readable translations, but he was looking for God's acceptance of his future lifestyle choice. I remember him and pray for him, but beyond that, I really don't know what I could have said that wouldn't have driven him farther away from God.

You cant take the fundies here seriously do go ahead and post whatever you want. Christians do not follow the dictates of the Old Testament. If they did, polygamy would be legal, and things like tattoos, wearing mixed fabrics, eating pork, and seeding lawns with a variety of grasses would be forbidden. If Christians followed the dictates of the Old Testament, then today if the parents of a new bride could not, upon her husband’s request, prove that she was a virgin, that bride would have to be stoned to death. Christians would also have to stone to death any Christian guilty of adultery. And the Christian day of worship would be Saturday, not Sunday..


like marbles on glass
You cant take the fundies here seriously do go ahead and post whatever you want. Christians do not follow the dictates of the Old Testament. If they did, polygamy would be legal, and things like tattoos, wearing mixed fabrics, eating pork, and seeding lawns with a variety of grasses would be forbidden. If Christians followed the dictates of the Old Testament, then today if the parents of a new bride could not, upon her husband’s request, prove that she was a virgin, that bride would have to be stoned to death. Christians would also have to stone to death any Christian guilty of adultery. And the Christian day of worship would be Saturday, not Sunday..

Oh, there are supposed Christians here who are ready and willing to pick up a stone and do some stoning.


Stop the bleeding, click on those words that say "log out" on the far right above on the blue toolbar.

My puppet strings are not long enough to reach "log out". I'm forced by God to stay and expose the truth about your sins. Puppets don't make choices but they can bleed from the stones thrown by those that love themselves.


that's fine - it's just as easy to show you to be a hell-bound pervert lover whether you're responding to me or not

this way people will recognize that you're also a coward like granite :thumb:

Incest doesn't just affect the two involved. It creates inbred babies with high risk of retardation.