My First and Only Thread about LGBTT...

My first experience with Gays and Lesbians was when I was working at Stake n' Shake as a 16 year old curb-boy. Some of the CBs wouldn't wait on them but I did. They were funny and always having a good time and joking with me. I didn't feel threatened and I treated them with respect. They're also good tippers. The Lesbians I waited on were generally cool except one who was a bit forceful because her girlfriend was sorta flirting with me. I didn't flirt back so everything was cool down. I had one unwanted phone call where I had to explain I had a girlfriend and wasn't interested, but I have no idea who that was that called. He was definitely older.

If a church congregation wants to allow homosexual marriage and the government supports it, there's nothing much I can do but find a new church. Whether Gays and Lesbians are born that way I cannot say. But the Gospel is for them too so maybe, just maybe they will change. It really depends on whether they want to obey God, or the lusts in their hearts. Sin is sin and their sin is no worse than any other. God can turn a life around if you truly want it and want to please Him. I know God is just. The Bible seems fairly clear if you believe it. I believe I should show all respect even if I disagree with their life choices.
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Well-known member
My first experience with Gays and Lesbians was when I was working at Stake n' Shake as a 16 year old curb-boy. Some of the CBs wouldn't wait on them but I did.

How did you know they were, stickers on the car?


My first experience with Gays and Lesbians was when I was working at Stake n' Shake as a 16 year old curb-boy. Some of the CBs wouldn't wait on them but I did. They were funny and always having a good time and joking with me. I didn't feel threatened and I treated them with respect. They're also good tippers...

"Them" being individuals who proudly and unrepentantly engage in a behavior that God abhors.

Would you treat others who proudly engage in sexual sins with the same "respect" (provided they were good tippers), or are these "gays and lesbians" that you're talking about the only ones deserving of it?


Active member
"Them" being individuals who proudly and unrepentantly engage in a behavior that God aCW abhors.

Would you treat others who proudly engage in sexual sins with the same "respect" (provided they were good tippers), or are these "gays and lesbians" that you're talking about the only ones deserving of it?



Sin is sin and their sin is no worse than any other. God can turn a life around if you truly want it and want to please Him. I know God is just. The Bible seems fairly clear if you believe it. I believe it but will show all respect even if I disagree with their life choices.

would you extend the same respect to a child molester who had no intention of changing his ways?


Because a guy molesting a child is the same as two men or women of legal age consenting.

they're both perverts, defying God to satisfy their own lusts and perversions

but that wasn't why i asked the question of sobg

in the context of the question as asked, the similarities lie in the rejection of acknowledging their sin

The Beard of Zeus

they're both perverts, defying God to satisfy their own lusts and perversions

but that wasn't why i asked the question of sobg

in the context of the question as asked, the similarities lie in the rejection of acknowledging their sin

Homosexuality is natural. Seen in all animals with at least two genders. And it doesn't affect anyone else other than the people involved.

You believe these people will face eternal hellfire. Is that not enough punishment? Why must you take their happiness in life away?

The Beard of Zeus

so are cannibalism and pedophilia

but by all means, take your cues for moral behavior from the animals :idunno:

Cannibalism is only seen in higher animals in extreme circumstances. Humans actually practice it more.

Where is pedophilia in the animal kingdom?

You shouldn't need anything to tell you how to be moral. That should be instilled into you