Be honest. You don't want to pay taxes, period. You would rather let people starve than blow the dust off ¿YOUR? hard earned cash. The word greed immediately comes to mind. But what would I know? I've only been feeding and providing necessities for more poor neighbors and strangers (over and above those eating from my taxes) than I can recall since my youth, and I'm 61 and retired now still doing so. Yet I never resented one cent of it even if it pinched my budget. My grandfather (a preacher) died during the Depression after missing many meals, yet I was told that nobody was ever turned away from his door in search of a meal. They frequently fed others while he did without. But your god has become a golden calf.
Sorry, but I have tired of listening to you egocentric whiners.
Who are you to assume what she does with her money and who she should shell it out to? Good for you that you do as you please with yours. She has the same right which should not include you telling her what she should do with it.