For a Leftist, sure (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :idunno:
I am correct, no matter what my political beliefs are.
For a Leftist, sure (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :idunno:
Right, I am not a huge fan of polarization when it comes to facts. If it's true, it's true. No need to drag political labels into it.I am correct, no matter what my political beliefs are.
I am quite aware of these facts. Yet that does not make "Islam is violation of the 1st amendment." a true statement.
If congress decided to make Islam the state religion in the US- that would violate the amendment.
There is room for a history lesson here in how Christianity spread.
How is he wrong to a "rightist"?
We are better than them.Muslim countries have a religious test
You can not become a citizen of a Muslim country if you are a Christian. In some Muslim countries it is a death sentence to be found a Christian.
Correct, we are in agreement. Feel free to review the previous posts.Convert of face the sword is a violation of not establishing a religion you raging moron.
Sure it does. Go ahead and post Islamic law that muslims want. Islam is a way of life, not just a religion based on child molesting false prophet.
Funny how the left gets the 1st amendment right when it suits them, but wrong when a student wants to use the school for Bible study after hours.
Just so you know, Pat Robertson is not a Christian.
Read the first amendment. just read it.
Convert or face the sword violates it. It establishes religion.
Turkey became Muslim over 500 years ago. This is not exactly a recent event.
The world was entirely, completely, totally non-Muslim 1,500 years ago.
And completely non-Christian 2,000 years ago.
LOL. Educate yourself.
Have either of you studied Secret Societies?:chuckle: Your posts are too much sometimes. I love it.
Be hard to, then they wouldn't be secret anymore.Have either of you studied Secret Societies?
Islam is violation of the 1st amendment.
Seek and ye shall find.Be hard to, then they wouldn't be secret anymore.![]()
And what tiny fraction of American Muslims want that?
Let's try this again. Here is the Amendment:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"
Now, if I was a Muslim, and believed that all people should be forced to become Muslim, I clearly would disagree with this amendment. The belief itself is not a "violation" of the constitution.
If I get a majority in congress to agree with my ideas, and they pass a law to make Islam the official religion of the USA, then congress will have violated the amendment.
On the other hand, if congress declares Islam, or any other religion, to be illegal in the USA- then that would violate the amendment: "...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
The statement: "Islam is violation of the 1st amendment." is not true. You can say that "Islam is against the 1st amendment"- that would be true, at least for some forms of Islam.
It really is not that complicated.
To preach from the pulpit advocating and inciting the violent overthrow of our government is illegal. When that happens the religious edifice is no longer merely a religion but has become an illegal anti-government terrorist group. And MUST be dealt with accordingly.
Yes. But "Islam is violation of the 1st amendment." remains a false statement.