Muslim Bakers and Photographers


like marbles on glass
All right, this might be a good place to start.

From Orthodox Rabbi Natan Ophir:

A. Child Marriage – Historical, Halachic and Sociological Development

1.Girls Under Age 12:
In Talmudic and Medieval times the father had the power of jurisdiction to marry off his young daughter from the day she was born until she reached age 12 (Shulkhan Arukh, Even HaEzer, Laws of Marriage, 37,1). This reflected social concerns necessitating early marriage, such as protecting young girls from minhag hefker, i.e. being taken advantage of by licentious opportunists (Talmud, Yevamot*112b). By the end of her 12th year a girl is considered an adult (gedolah) and has the right to decide whom to marry (Shulhan Arukh, Even HaEzer*, 37,2; 43,1).​


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You do realize that [executing child molesters] would wipe out about 98% of the LGBTQueer movement don't you Sandy?

And then there's people like Art Brain who wouldn't tell children that the disease ridden deathstyle known as homosexuality is wrong, in fact he'd tell them that "As long as two people love each other...".

As "dictator", what would you do with people like Art Brain?

Misrepresentation of people does not an argument make, ACW. AB would tell CHILDREN that they should not be having sex. PERIOD.

Note how Sandy didn't address the point that Art Brain wouldn't tell children that homosexuality is an extremely unhealthy and absolutely disgusting behavior.

If you would like me to pull up Art and my conversation, I have it tucked away in that wonderful table of contents that Art likes so much.

Along with Anna, AB would be my second in command. I would need them to help me locate and prosecute those who resort to the baseless harassment, slander and libel of others ... :)

The fine would be ... confiscation of all their cyber devices ...

That would wipe out 100% of the LGBTQ movement Sandy and you would be without friends :(


All right, this might be a good place to start. From Orthodox Rabbi Natan Ophir:
A. Child Marriage – Historical, Halachic and Sociological Development
1.Girls Under Age 12:
In Talmudic and Medieval times the father had the power of jurisdiction to marry off his young daughter from the day she was born until she reached age 12 (Shulkhan Arukh, Even HaEzer, Laws of Marriage, 37,1). This reflected social concerns necessitating early marriage, such as protecting young girls from minhag hefker, i.e. being taken advantage of by licentious opportunists (Talmud, Yevamot*112b). By the end of her 12th year a girl is considered an adult (gedolah) and has the right to decide whom to marry (Shulhan Arukh, Even HaEzer*, 37,2; 43,1).​

Tell me anna: Did 6 year old Aisha decide whom she should marry? I highly doubt that a murdering and thieving 49 year old (may pis...) would have been her first pick.


New member
I also want to know how each Baker was approached. Was it made clear this was for a gay wedding? If not, some i object could have been ordered for the cake to symbolize something in the gay community that the Muslim community was totally oblivious to. With no mention of what the object symbolized or if a totally blank cake was ordered and it was only mentioned briefly and politely in a friendly conversation that the wedding was for a gay couple, I can the Muslims accepting it. I doubt the LGBQT confrontation with the Christian Baker was cordial at all.... probably started out in attack mode.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Marriageable age for Jewish girls was about 12 years old. Why is that acceptable? Is it because it was Jewish culture and not Muslim culture?
The age of 12 was probably the norm for when girls start their menstrual cycle, therefore thinking they were of child bearing age.
But even at that young age, other factors should be considered for proper child bearing.
One being breast development to be able to nurse the child. (Not talking about size, but developed enough to be able to produce enough milk for the child to nurse.)


No girl a thousand or two thousand or more years ago was treated any other way except as the property of males.

That is categorically false, being that murdering a girl was murder and not vandalism.

But thanks for showing what this entire subject is really about with you few women on here :rolleyes:


You can't see it even when it's right in front of your face.

No girl a thousand or two thousand or more years ago was treated any other way except as the property of males.

In the Muslim faith, you are correct.

BTW: You know that false prophet (may pi...) who married a 6 year old girl and raped her at age 9, well there's evidence showing that he was a homosexual.

Like most homosexuals, there's good evidence that Muhammad (may pi...) liked little boys as well.

I'd link that evidence, but I don't think that your liberal heart can handle all of this information at once.


Try addressing the quote from the Rabbi I posted above.

What's to address? In biblical days girls often times married young out of necessity.

Was it necessary that 6 year old Aisha marry 49 year old Mo (may pi...)?

On a side note: Did you see in the news where an Iranian woman was threatened to be ejected from the Rio Olympics for holding up this sign?


Why do you defend a misogynist religion anna?


What's to address? In biblical days girls often times married young out of necessity.

Was it necessary that 6 year old Aisha marry 49 year old Mo

It was a high honor for her parents, and would have been necessary for her to marry in just several years time anyway.

You all sound dumb boiling it all down to 'pedophilia'.

Muslim scholars agree that during consummation, there was no penetration because that is unclean by Islamic standards. Would you support something of your own authorship and then publically violate it while demanding everyone else do otherwise?

It doesn't add up.
But you all never thought that far, because your hatred for Islam trumps reason and accountability.
Stop blabbering the same old nonsense.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What's to address? In biblical days girls often times married young out of necessity.

Was it necessary that 6 year old Aisha marry 49 year old Mo

It was a high honor for her parents, and would have been necessary for her to marry in just several years time anyway.

In other words: It was an honor for the parents of 6 year old Aisha to pimp her out (my mistake, pimping is renting someone out for sexual purposes, Aisha was sold) to a murdering, thieving 49 year old who most likely was a homosexual as well?

You all sound dumb boiling it all down to 'pedophilia'.
Muslim scholars agree that during consummation, there was no penetration because that is unclean by Islamic standards. Would you support something of your own authorship and then publically violate it while demanding everyone else do otherwise?

It doesn't add up.
But you all never thought that far, because your hatred for Islam trumps reason and accountability.
Stop blabbering the same old nonsense.

What doesn't make sense is why the false prophet Muhammad (may pi...) waited 3 years after marrying 6 year old Aisha to consummate the marriage if penetration (sexual intercourse) isn't a part of consummation.

•the action of making a marriage or relationship complete by having sexual intercourse:

Regarding sexual intercourse (i.e. penetration) being unclean by Islamic standards:

By looking at the amount of Muslim children throughout the world, it looks like a Muslim or two broke the rules.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Note how Sandy didn't address the point that Art Brain wouldn't tell children that homosexuality is an extremely unhealthy and absolutely disgusting behavior.

If you would like me to pull up Art and my conversation, I have it tucked away in that wonderful table of contents that Art likes so much.

Yeah, you do that Connie. Pull the whole convo up so it can't be quote mined as well. I stick with every word of it you gay obsessed loony.

That would wipe out 100% of the LGBTQ movement Sandy and you would be without friends :(

Oh, for a world class psychiatrist...



Hall of Fame
Note how Sandy didn't address the point that Art Brain wouldn't tell children that homosexuality is an extremely unhealthy and absolutely disgusting behavior.

Of course ... he wouldn't feel the need to lie to or mislead them. Next ....

If you would like me to pull up Art and my conversation, I have it tucked away in that wonderful table of contents that Art likes so much.

Go ahead ...

When it comes to my friends such as AB and Anna, I already know their POV on most topics.


Well-known member
No. moron. It's about right and wrong.

You got some kind of crush on the drug addicted, murdering, sexual pervert?

If you can't see anything deranged about a grown man in his late 40's that wants a 6 year old little girl to be his wife, then you are just as deranged as he and all his deranged followers.

He was a pedophile of the worst kind --- those that claim it is not a perversion for a grown man to look upon a little girl child to be his wife, but instead try to convince the rest of the world that it's the greatest love story ever told.

Woe to them that call evil 'good'.

Muhammad (piss be upon him) was a sexually deviant pedophile that flung the door wide open for his followers to be sexually deviants as well.
1: right and wrong are defined by society. Which is one reason why applying 21st century mores to a 6thC time is idiotic.

2: it is Bukhari who says that Aisha was 6. He was notoriously inaccurate with regard to incidents in Muhammad's later personal life.

3: Aisha herself says otherwise. "...Aisha is reported to have said that at the time Surah Al-Qamar, the 54th Chapter of the Quran, was revealed, "I was a young girl" The 54th surah of The Quran was revealed nine years before Hijrah. So Aisha was a young girl (jariyah), and not an infant (sibyah) at that time ..."

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Well-known member
Or we could go from this point:

Is there EVER a case when it is okay for an adult to have a relationship with a child or teeny bopper? Is it ever okay to promote the idea that under certain circumstances it is acceptable?

I am going to with a resounding ....

You are applying 21st century, Western mores to other cultures and times. You are wrong to do so as it is cultural imperialism of the worst kind.

Sent from my SM-A500Y using Tapatalk


No. moron. It's about right and wrong.

You got some kind of crush on the drug addicted, murdering, sexual pervert?

If you can't see anything deranged about a grown man in his late 40's that wants a 6 year old little girl to be his wife, then you are just as deranged as he and all his deranged followers.

He was a pedophile of the worst kind --- those that claim it is not a perversion for a grown man to look upon a little girl child to be his wife, but instead try to convince the rest of the world that it's the greatest love story ever told.

Woe to them that call evil 'good'.

Muhammad (piss be upon him) was a sexually deviant pedophile that flung the door wide open for his followers to be sexually deviants as well.


The marriage between him and Aisha was an honor to her family, whom she remained with after the marriage. A few years later, she went to live with him to learn the way of life as his wife.

There is nothing 'pedophile' about it. You merely stand by your dumbed down, green as grass bias on sexual and marital morality- you fail to realize that for most of history, it was commonplace for very young girls to marry grown men.

Nobody worth their salt in interpreting these matters can take you or anyone like you seriously. This whole nonsense didn't start by mere inquiry, it started out of your hate for Islam.
At least be a man (or a woman), and admit it.

And then shut it, because it's nothing but rhetorical platitudes that become like screeching chalkboards after hearing it a million times.


Hall of Fame
You are applying 21st century, Western mores to other cultures and times. You are wrong to do so as it is cultural imperialism of the worst kind.

Free free to explain how the body of a six, ten, twelve, fourteen year old, etc was different back in the bad old days as compared to the present? Muhammad was a child predator ... as was anyone who becomes sexually involved with a CHILD.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The Following Users Say Thank You to Arthur Brain For Your Post:

annabenedetti (Today), Rusha (Today)

The irony :chuckle:

So you don't even know what irony is then. How ironic...

Look kid, sorry if you've been dumped or whatever but in reality you know nothing about women or people in general frankly. Maybe a few years will rid you of that giant chip on your shoulder in regards to the fairer sex or maybe you'll just mire yourself in the same silly crap and live a miserable ignorant life. I hope it's the former. You're not remotely as learned as you delude yourself into thinking and you must have noticed you don't get much respect from any quarter on here, man, woman, conservative, liberal etc.

Put two and two together and try not to make five...
