
Well-known member

I am not aware that Trump wasted billions of dollars on anything.

You could start with the millions wasted on planned Parenthood.
Money wasted on Planned Parenthood is the fault of every baby-killing politician involved with forcing American taxpayers to fund the bloody barbaric practice. I don't know that Trump supported such wicked funding mandates but I do know democrats have been doing so for decades.


Well-known member
Anonymous claims he is of the devil and I believe him. I also know why the devil is attacking Musk, because Musk has now seriously damaged one of the leftist democrats' most powerful monopolies, the social media platform.


Well-known member
Ironic that he appeared on an episode of 'The Big Bang Theory' volunteering at a soup kitchen and saying how good it was to help the homeless...
Did someone say "soup kitchen?"



Well-known member
Why? Cos some nutcases like MTG are allowed back on? She didn't exactly get much support from her 'fellow republicans' when she was booted from the platform did she? Heck, let her back on and Trump for that matter. They did their own causes more harm than good while tweeting away like nutters while on it anyway.
Not to fear. Herr Biden of the Glorious Socialist Democrat Party of DC has just established a new government agency with the illegitimate authority to enforce the free propagation of lying leftist democrat propaganda and to suppress free speech opposition to democrat corruption in American media. The highly-paid democrat agency will be headed by a thoroughly brainwashed woman named Numnuts Jerkowitch or some such alias.


The head of a new Department of Homeland Security initiative to combat disinformation cast doubt on the New York Post‘s since-vindicated story on the content of Hunter Biden’s laptop ahead of the 2020 election.
Nina Jankowicz, a Wilson Center fellow, will be the executive director of the DHS’s planned Disinformation Governance Board, Politico Playbook revealed on Wednesday. Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed in congressional testimony earlier on Wednesday that the agency is creating the board to target disinformation in minority communities, Fox News noted.


Well-known member
The biggest thing is, is twitter going to permit the usage of TOL's R-word? twitter's computer pre-censored that word right out of your timeline never even published it. You can't put it in a tweet and get that tweet published. Here on TOL, by comparison, you can publish it in OP thread titles. In all caps if you want. twitter permits all the other gutter language, but not TOL's R-word.
What is the "R" word? "Retarded?" Is that word no longer in the English language or is it a word that should be banned from the English language? When I was a teenager I did volunteer work for a group that helped care for disabled individuals at the state hospital. The Group was named TARS (Teens Aid the Retarded.)


Well-known member
Looks like Elon Musk got a free ride of his own:

Biden has multiple million-dollar homes built with money he made on the side as a government-paid politician for 50 years. He made more money through graft and corruption than he did honestly, and we can see the evidence of his accumulated wealth in several US locations. Unlike Biden, I suspect Musk had to earn his money the hard way.


Well-known member
Looks like Elon Musk got a free ride of his own:

Herr Robert Reich(tag): A democrat socialist/communist extraordinaire.

Robert Reich (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am appalled by the economic illiteracy encountered in leading newspapers, business magazines, and prominent web sites (the news section of the Wall Street Journal is no exception). Robert Reich’s Higher Wages Can Save America’s Economy – and Its Democracy ( is only one of many examples. As a teacher of economics for over forty years and a co-author of a best-selling 1980s economics 101 textbook, I would have given Reich’s paper a resounding F, if he had submitted it for my elementary economics class.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What is the "R" word? "Retarded?" Is that word no longer in the English language or is it a word that should be banned from the English language? When I was a teenager I did volunteer work for a group that helped care for disabled individuals at the state hospital. The Group was named TARS (Teens Aid the Retarded.)
Couldn't say it on twitter under the old regime.