Mueller turns up the heat on impeachment

The Barbarian

He voluteered for Vietnam? And I'm supposed to be impressed?

Not everyone thinks being willing to put one's self in harm's way for America is an honorable thing. Vietnam was a mistake. I knew it when I was called up. But I had no honorable way of avoiding it.

Mueller was willing to die for America. That puts him way ahead of anyone who isn't.


Well-known member
Not everyone thinks being willing to put one's self in harm's way for America is an honorable thing. Vietnam was a mistake. I knew it when I was called up. But I had no honorable way of avoiding it.

Mueller was willing to die for America. That puts him way ahead of anyone who isn't.

America and the US Constitution are not the same..

The Barbarian

America and the US Constitution are not the same..

So Trump has said. However, for most of us, it is.

Mueller and I, for example, swore to obey lawful orders to protect and defend the Constitution, and were willing die, if necessary to do that. Some others thought that was foolish.

No accounting for that kind of thinking.

The Barbarian

So Trump has said. However, for most of us, it is. Without the Constitution, America is just another state. I'm not an American exceptionalist, but you have to admit that few, if any nations have a better charter of rights.

Mueller and I, for example, swore to obey lawful orders to protect and defend the Constitution, and were willing die, if necessary to do that. Some others thought that was foolish.

No accounting for that kind of thinking.


Well-known member
From the movie Shenandoah:
Charlie Anderson: Can you give me one good reason why I should let my sons march down that road like a bunch of damn fools?
Lt. Johnson: Virginia needs all her sons, Mr. Anderson.
Charlie Anderson: They don’t belong to the state they belong to ME! When they were babies I never saw the state comin’ around here with a spare tit!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
He voluteered for Vietnam? And I'm supposed to be impressed?
Unless you've put yourself in harm's way for something or someone else, pushed everything to the center of the table on principle, then no. Because you won't really understand what that means and no one who has would think worse of you for not getting your head around it.

But you should at least have sense enough to recognize how mistaken your response was and to regret it, if not withhold it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He voluteered for Vietnam? And I'm supposed to be impressed?

I wanted to myself, was drawn by the romantic appeal of military service, was convinced by the rhetoric supporting the noble cause.

Then Kissinger brokered that damned peace agreement when I was 14.

And I grew up, developed my knowledge base and reasoning skills and realized I had been a fool at 14 and 13 and 12, that I and other fools like the 24 year old Mueller had been manipulated by evil men skilled in persuasive rhetoric.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Mueller and I, for example, swore to obey lawful orders to protect and defend the Constitution, and were willing (to) die, if necessary to do that.

You and Mueller were willing to see 58,000 of your fellow American servicemen die, to prop up a collapsing colonial system that the French were too weak to control after the second world war.

You and Mueller were willing to sacrifice the lives of three and a half million vietnamese in their homeland and to pretend that it was to "protect and defend the constitution"

Some others thought that was foolish.

"foolish" just begins to scratch the surface. A deeper look uncovers such concepts as "retarded", "evil", "racist"...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So Trump has said. However, for most of us, it is.

Mueller and I, for example, swore to obey lawful orders to protect and defend the Constitution, and were willing die, if necessary to do that. Some others thought that was foolish.

No accounting for that kind of thinking.
What kills me is the lengths/mental gymnastics the right is willing to go through to divorce people they don't like from the respect they heap on those they do as it relates to service, or to elevate those who avoided it (see: Kerry/Trump). If "The Greatest Generation" had been demonstrably to the left they'd likely be accused of spreading socialism by the sword instead of making the world safe for democracy.


like marbles on glass
You and Mueller were willing to see 58,000 of your fellow American servicemen die, to prop up a collapsing colonial system that the French were too weak to control after the second world war.

You and Mueller were willing to sacrifice the lives of three and a half million vietnamese in their homeland and to pretend that it was to "protect and defend the constitution"

"foolish" just begins to scratch the surface. A deeper look uncovers such concepts as "retarded", "evil", "racist"...

You have a son in the service, IIRC. What would you tell him to do if he was deployed for war with Iran?

Vietnam is one of many ill-begotten wars this country has engaged in. Interesting how you suddenly have compassion for "brown people" in Vietnam when you have absolutely none for "brown people" at our southern border or "brown people" being destroyed in our march for oil in the Middle East.

When a young man is drafted into an ill-begotten war, what's your advice for him? Your son, or someone else's son?


like marbles on glass
The left, using one's service in Vietnam as a badge of honor :dizzy:

Ok, we're officially through the looking glass

The right, once again using the military for propaganda in whatever way suits their fancy. Adulate them, line them up behind the president, clap for them in the airport when they come home, while decrying long-hairs and hippies - and then throw them under the bus as necessary for whatever argument they're trying to win on the internet...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You have a son in the service, IIRC.

i do, and i trust him to interpret "obey lawful orders to protect and defend the Constitution" in the context of the values I gave him when he was young

What would you tell him to do if he was deployed for war with Iran?

Vietnam is one of many ill-begotten wars this country has engaged in.

I could talk for hours about it, but it all boils down to this for me - Nixon (and Kissinger) brokered an honorable peace that we and the South Vietnamese knew the North Vietnamese wouldn't honor unless there was teeth in it. The democrats in their bloodlust to take down Nixon ignored that peace, ignored the violations of the treaty by the communists, refused to support our allies in the south and turned their back on them while they were slaughtered by their enemies and the whole region exploded in a paroxysm of blood.

Interesting how you suddenly have compassion for "brown people" in Vietnam

i was an older teen/young adult when the waves of boat people hit our shores - i had compassion for them then and do still

when you have absolutely none for "brown people" at our southern border

that's a lie

or "brown people" being destroyed in our march for oil in the Middle East.

and another lie

When a young man is drafted into an ill-begotten war, what's your advice for him? Your son, or someone else's son?

do your service as best you can, act in an honorable fashion and get out as soon as you can - and when you're older don't pretend you served "nobly"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He voluteered for Vietnam? And I'm supposed to be impressed?

Remember the left's scramble to pin the badge of "Vietnam Vet" on that scumbag Nathan Phillips as if it was some cloak of inviolable respectability? And their scramble to distance themselves from him when it turned out that his service was anything but honorable, that he lied about his service, that he never had served in country? :nono:

It's all about manipulation for the left, if they can use it to further their goals, they will, as soon as it's not longer useful they discard it.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The right, once again using the military for propaganda in whatever way suits their fancy. Adulate them, line them up behind the president, clap for them in the airport when they come home, while decrying long-hairs and hippies - and then throw them under the bus as necessary for whatever argument they're trying to win on the internet...
I was thinking of AMR when I wrote my responses to DR and TB, how he went over at 16 (long story) and what he saw and did there, for a country that reviled him for doing his duty when he returned. I don't recall many threads by the right attacking our involvement in Vietnam, fewer still who failed to appreciate the service of those young men in that war, and I do remember a steady berating of the left for how those men were met coming home. But let one of those same young men favor a political philosophy other than that hawkish, right wing advance and suddenly they're viewed in a far less noble light. Their service is questioned. Their honor impugned or ignored.

Hypocrites and vipers are too plentiful among the right these days. As unworthy of the sacrifice of those young people who came before and after as this president is to lead them.