Mueller turns up the heat on impeachment


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...the days of gassing...
That's weapons of mass destruction?
According to the UN, yes

Bush acted like they had nuclear weapons.
After the Great War, we all agreed that if we couldn't kill each other by any other way, then there still is no excuse for using gas. Gas even in war is like pedophilia, never ever justified. But you have to really think about what they said there, they said it's OK if you shoot someone dead, it's OK if you blow them to hamburger meat with bombs. You can fill their barracks with grenades while they sleep and kill them all. You can kill them with machine guns, just blow them to bits, or run them over with a tank. All that's OK, that's fine. But you can't use the gas, ever. WWI, we now call it, was the last time we were ever supposed to use gas in war. So gas is a legitimate weapon of mass destruction.
saddam had to go
Yeah because he had the gas. That's enough.

God's Truth

New member
After the Great War, we all agreed that if we couldn't kill each other by any other way, then there still is no excuse for using gas. Gas even in war is like pedophilia, never ever justified. But you have to really think about what they said there, they said it's OK if you shoot someone dead, it's OK if you blow them to hamburger meat with bombs. You can fill their barracks with grenades while they sleep and kill them all. You can kill them with machine guns, just blow them to bits, or run them over with a tank. All that's OK, that's fine. But you can't use the gas, ever. WWI, we now call it, was the last time we were ever supposed to use gas in war. So gas is a legitimate weapon of mass destruction.
Yeah because he had the gas. That's enough.

No, Bush said it was about nuclear weapons.

I remember Colin Powell saying this on TV:

On that February 5 in front of the U.N. Security Council, was Colin Powell certain what he was saying was accurate? He certainly was:
POWELL: My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence.​

Later, regarding whether Iraq had reconstituted a nuclear weapons program, he said:
POWELL: There is no doubt in my mind …​

That’s in public. What about in private? According to Larry Wilkerson, Powell’s chief of staff, here’s what Powell was thinking at the time:
WILKERSON: [Powell] had walked into my office musing and he said words to the effect of, ‘I wonder how we’ll all feel if we put half a million troops in Iraq and march from one end of the country to the other and find nothing.’​
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
OK. Saddam was a war criminal, the worst kind of criminal, because usually there are stacks of bodies when there are war crimes, and Saddam had his stacks of bodies to prove it. He needed to be punished for his war crimes. The father didn't do it for whatever reason, and the son came in and finished the job. The world's a little more just, since Saddam the war criminal swung for his war crimes.

God's Truth

New member
OK. Saddam was a war criminal, the worst kind of criminal, because usually there are stacks of bodies when there are war crimes, and Saddam had his stacks of bodies to prove it. He needed to be punished for his war crimes. The father didn't do it for whatever reason, and the son came in and finished the job. The world's a little more just, since Saddam the war criminal swung for his war crimes.

Bush lied and shouldn't have.

Maybe it takes a barbaric to control barbaric people.


like marbles on glass
Nobody's ever seen a bigger fan of Putin, they say I'm the best fanboi Putin's ever had!



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Bush lied and shouldn't have.

Maybe it takes a [barbarisn] to control barbaric people.
Bush wasn't barbaric, and no it doesn't. Barbarism isn't eradicated with more barbarism, it's eradicated with the respect for our universal, indivisible human rights. The Aztecs, and some of the North American Indian tribes were barbaric, it took Europeans who respected our rights to uproot barbarism from the Americas. Barbarism in the Paleoamerican peoples ("redskins" e.g.) was a plague. Europeans largely ended it. But the spirit of barbarism and savagery obviously lives on in this world, with every school shooting, with every massacre, with every wanton killing, with every disfiguring torture and rape, the savages who live among us make their presence known. What you need when you've a savage or a barbarian on your hands, is guns. And, plenty of em.

God's Truth

New member
Bush wasn't barbaric, and no it doesn't.

Firstly, can you NOT quote me and then CHANGE what I said?

Secondly, I wasn't talking about the idiot Bush Jr being barbaric. I was talking about leaving the barbaric Saddam Hussein alone to keep his barbaric people in line.
Bush wasn't barbaric, and no it doesn't. Barbarism isn't eradicated with more barbarism, it's eradicated with the respect for our universal, indivisible human rights. The Aztecs, and some of the North American Indian tribes were barbaric, it took Europeans who respected our rights to uproot barbarism from the Americas. Barbarism in the Paleoamerican peoples ("redskins" e.g.) was a plague. Europeans largely ended it. But the spirit of barbarism and savagery obviously lives on in this world, with every school shooting, with every massacre, with every wanton killing, with every disfiguring torture and rape, the savages who live among us make their presence known. What you need when you've a savage or a barbarian on your hands, is guns. And, plenty of em.
And who do you think you are saying Bush wasn't barbaric when he LIED ABOUT HUSSEIN and started attacking him and his people?

You can't even quote me without doing wrong.

God's Truth

New member
Are you out of your mind? President Geo. W. Bush rid the world of someone who aspired to be Stalin, saving countless more innocent lives as a result. He was a good American president.

So you are going to ignore the fact that YOU CHANGED WHERE YOU quoted me?

Bush and Colin did lie and then attacked a country he had no business attacking.

Now the psychopathic Bush paints pictures of the US Military men that got maimed because of HIM.