The left constantly says they want non-citizens to vote.
Almost no one says that, let along some unified voice of the left. I have heard it advanced though. Read an article the other day on it that noted early in American life it wasn't citizenship that determined your right to vote, but your race, gender and property. That women and others were denied the vote, though they were citizens. Citizenship was largely a limiter on who could assume office, if that.
In fact, the S.Ct. once held, in Minor v. Happersett, 88 US 162 (1875) that, "
citizenship has not in all cases been made a condition precedent to the enjoyment of the right of suffrage. Thus, in Missouri, persons of foreign birth, who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, may under certain circumstances vote."
It's an old idea and one with history that wasn't stridently attacked until the turn of the last century. My current state of residence, Alabama, was among the first to process an anti-immigrant feeling into laws denying the non-citizen the vote (so if you like the idea you can blame the Irish), in 1901. It wasn't until the late 20s that no foreigner was allowed to cast a vote anywhere in the U.S.
Their leader push this philosophy on a daily basis. They do everything they can to encourage illegal aliens to vote including registering illegals knowing they are illegals. They run ads telling illegals that it is a good thing if they vote in our elections. Yet they say that the Russians are trying to corrupt our elections when they try to influence the elections. What's the difference between a Russian and Latino from South America?
The Russians don't live here, pay taxes, produce goods and provide services, aren't impacted by the success of our enterprise and could benefit from its failure. . . So, a lot of important differences, when you consider it.
Nothing besides ethnicity. Their citizenship status is exactly alike.
No, supra.
Yet the left screams about anyone saying we need to deport non-citizens, or that the non-citizens shouldn't vote.
Again neither of those statements is actually true except among some on the left, though you can make arguments for both propositions.
What's the difference between a Russian and a illegal alien affecting our elections?
Asked and answered.
Wrong again then, supra.
Thus their arguments are irrational because, according to them, non-citizens must and must not affect our elections.
And again, no. The argument first isn't being advanced by the left, but by some and those advancing it understand the distinction that you do not and which was set out prior, but to be generous on the point: there are fundamental differences between individuals working, living, contributing, and being impacted by laws here having a voice in those laws and an alien nation, a government, outside of out boundaries, with an arguable interest in undermining our efforts and success as a nation, trying to influence our laws and leadership.
They're so fundamentally different that it's staggering you haven't seen it...or perhaps you simply never thought about it seriously enough.
The position you and I hold is that no non-citizen must be able to affect our elections.
And you're entitled to it, even though, historically, many did for a very long period of national success and advancement.
It is thus coherent and rational.
As is a contrary position, when and if you really think about it, no matter what your ultimate conclusion on the better course.