Mueller turns up the heat on impeachment

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So trump gets fired

Pence takes the presidency, recriminalizes homosexuality

And the dems go down in flames in the 2020 elections

Sounds like a plan! :thumb:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Dems shoot themselves in the foot

Impeachment fails

Trump is re-elected

And dems go down in flames in 2020

Works for me :)

The Barbarian

Impeachment Will Be Good for Trump

It was for Clinton, because a substantial majority of people didn't believe he was guilty of anything. Trump's not quite as well off, but a substantial minority believe he's innocent. In such cases, it's probably wiser to just hammer on what he's done wrong, put any of his criminal underlings in prison, and set his legacy as one of a crime boss.

Even if the Senate republicans had the courage and patriotism to convict him,it would divide the nation. Better to drain his personal swamp and continue to thwart his bad ideas as much as possible.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It was for Clinton, because a substantial majority of people didn't believe he was guilty of anything. Trump's not quite as well off, but a substantial minority believe he's innocent. In such cases, it's probably wiser to just hammer on what he's done wrong, put any of his criminal underlings in prison, and set his legacy as one of a crime boss. Even if the Senate republicans had the courage and patriotism to convict him,it would divide the nation. Better to drain his personal swamp and continue to thwart his bad ideas as much as possible.

Democracy — where how many people believe something is more important than the truth.

Also Darwinism.


like marbles on glass
It was for Clinton, because a substantial majority of people didn't believe he was guilty of anything. Trump's not quite as well off, but a substantial minority believe he's innocent. In such cases, it's probably wiser to just hammer on what he's done wrong, put any of his criminal underlings in prison, and set his legacy as one of a crime boss.

Even if the Senate republicans had the courage and patriotism to convict him,it would divide the nation. Better to drain his personal swamp and continue to thwart his bad ideas as much as possible.

Too late. We’re already divided. We should impeach, and if history shows the senate GOP to be feckless cowards at best and traitors at worst so be it.


Oh, I hope you clueless idiots do - it will be the death of the Democrat party :chuckle:

~~~~~~~~Trump’s Republican Party~~~~~~~~
Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes because you be in the disgusted land of ooze.
If you don’t save your party from this pathological liar you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.
Trump is single-handily destroying the republican Party which will be renamed by executive order to---
Republicon Party

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think it might get there. I hope so. Here's another perspective:

Breaking news out of the capital. The House Judiciary Committee filed papers in court that it was conducting an inquiry into whether to open impeachment hearings. In other words, an impeachment inquiry.

Why is this important? Because an impeachment inquiry is a different kettle of fish than regular oversight. Donald Trump and his minions can stall and obfuscate and refuse to respond to subpoenas and tie the process up in the courts. With an official inquiry, that goes out the window. Unless judges want to upend completely our system of governance, Judiciary subpoenas will now be enforced by the courts because they’re part of an impeachment inquiry. This move by chairman Jerry Nadler relates specifically to grand jury records. Those will now be provided to the committee.

In one fell swoop, Democrats have kneecapped the Trump regime. It was always bound to come down to this, because this regime cares nothing for constitutional norms. Now we’ll see if conservative judges do. My guess is that most of them won’t want to go down in infamy.

Strap in, kids. We’re getting there.
I think it's warranted, I'm simply jaded by the pragmatics of politics. And then there's the side-bar effect of keeping him busy there and less active...anywhere, really. Between addressing impeachment and golf outings the House could effectively shut down his administration for the remainder.

Looks like I'm still an optimist at heart. :D


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The 51st State of the USA will be~~

For all practical purposes Israel is America’s 51st State. The US gives Israel 10’s of $billions of dollars each year and yet American Citizen’s did not vote for this.

What’s up?

I think it is time for a national vote on this.

Either we bring in Israel as our 51st State and they pay their fair share or we stop the $billions in handouts.

How do you vote-?

This report provides an overview of U.S. foreign assistance to Israel. It includes a review of past aid programs, data on annual assistance, and analysis of current issues. For general information on Israel, see CRS Report RL33476, Israel: Background and U.S. Relations, by Jim Zanotti. Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $127.4 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance.

BTW We, as in American citizens owe Israel nothing, nada, zip so I as---

In Jerusalem Israeli’s spit on Christians and the US press never reports it.

What’s up------?
The US should restart annexing. Israel's as good a 51st state as any. Our Constitution is better than everybody else's, including UN or international laws. The whole world can be governed under it, there's no inherent limit to its utility. So Israel 51st state, sure. Or Mexico or England or Iraq or whomever, but I'm on board restarting annexing new states. Let's do it.

Gary K

New member
Mueller's apparent alzheimers was actually a break for the Democrats. I think it was a masterful acting job on his part as he couldn't even "remember" Fusion GPS or the lies found in the justifications for the FISA snooping on Trump, or who it was that first hired him. He's setting himself up to get away with all the felonies he has committed with his incompetent act. The mockingbird media is playing along with him as well as the Democrats and RINOs so he may skate on the strength of his acting ability.

I see his "testimony" as kabuki theater to give the press and politicians something to give them cover for what they are going to pull next. The Kavanaugh public hearings were the cover for FASAB 56 in which the Democrats and Republicans got together and got it through Congress and then Trump signed it into law. If you don't know what FASAB 56 is it's the government taking all their spending secret without having to tell we the people what they are spending or where. You know, the overturning of our Constitution's requirements for transparency in government spending. Just one more nail in the Constitution's, and liberty's, coffin.


like marbles on glass
Mueller's apparent alzheimers was actually a break for the Democrats. I think it was a masterful acting job on his part as he couldn't even "remember" Fusion GPS or the lies found in the justifications for the FISA snooping on Trump, or who it was that first hired him. He's setting himself up to get away with all the felonies he has committed with his incompetent act. The mockingbird media is playing along with him as well as the Democrats and RINOs so he may skate on the strength of his acting ability.

I see his "testimony" as kabuki theater to give the press and politicians something to give them cover for what they are going to pull next. The Kavanaugh public hearings were the cover for FASAB 56 in which the Democrats and Republicans got together and got it through Congress and then Trump signed it into law. If you don't know what FASAB 56 is it's the government taking all their spending secret without having to tell we the people what they are spending or where. You know, the overturning of our Constitution's requirements for transparency in government spending. Just one more nail in the Constitution's, and liberty's, coffin.

You saw what you wanted to see.

The Barbarian

Too late. We’re already divided. We should impeach, and if history shows the senate GOP to be feckless cowards at best and traitors at worst so be it.

It's not treasonous to be corrupt or cowardly. Those who were involved with the Russian efforts to rig our elections are traitors, but only those.