A majority of self-described American voters surveyed in a new INSIDER poll agreed with Republican Rep. Justin Amash that President Donald Trump "committed impeachable offenses."
Among respondents who said they were registered to vote, 54% agreed.
The problem comes when you break that down by party and understanding which party controls the prosecuting body for impeachment.
We'll see if he's the last. It's hard for me to imagine someone as amoral as Trump not crossing a line, but it's not hard for me to imagine him being smart enough (or hiring smart enough people) to be sure that crossing is undocumented and impossible to prove.Amash is the first Republican lawmaker to call for Trump's impeachment based on Robert Mueller's findings in the special counsel's Russia investigation.
It wasn't just lying though, but under oath. That's how they justified it. You need a criminal act with evidence. We'll see how it all shakes out. I still suspect the ballot box will be the determiner, but after the S.Ct. fiasco, you can understand why.The offense was lying, BTW. Allegedly under oath although the judge in the case didn't think so.
Imagine how many articles of impeachment there would be if democrats thought Trump lying was impeachable...