<> Most Everything You believe...<>


Well-known member
God did not send you. You have come of your own volition because you crave attention.

Oh yeah I crave the attention of evil spirits.

Now that is funny.

"Craving attention" is not the same as craving the attention of evil spirits.

I find it interesting, though, that you jumped to that notion of "evil" so quickly. :think:

I guess it is because it is written
in your bible that Jesus said no one was good except God.
And being that it is written in your bible you would believe it.

Try to follow the conversation.

I repeat...God did not "send you". You came of your own volition.


The use of the <> is fine, as long as you acknowledge you’re not EE when speaking of Jesus from your perspective.

Jesus died for all?

Yes or No?


Well-known member
As The Lord is God and Jesus is the Christ.

I am not this Squeaker person.

If you refer to me as them again the Lord will reward you
what you deserve.

The use of the <> is fine, as long as you acknowledge you’re not EE when speaking of Jesus from your perspective.

Jesus died for all?

Yes or No?

God forbid any of us ever get what we deserve.

Yes or No

These are some sick sick psychos posting here.

May the readers beware.


Well-known member
Glory-haze-jane is losing their mind, stalkerish and paranoid?

True or False

You just can't help yourself, can you?

I've never witnessed such a sad case of Spiritual Pride destroying a person in all my life. Nor have I witnessed one who continues to disgrace himself with each passing day.

Put simply....pretending to be a believer isn't enough to keep anyone. Not even you.