More election fraud

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
All that this post of yours does is show how little truth you will accept. More and more evidence is coming out and it will be overwhelming just like what doser posted. Judicial Watch is a highly credible organization and when they post something you can bet on it.

PS. Anyone who thinks the majority of Americans can be convinced by riots to vote against their understanding is completely off their rocker. It was the riots that convinced the silent majority to vote. I know a bunch of never before voters who voted Trump this year because of the riots. This happened all around this country. We all knew they were sponsored and paid for by Soros. And knew they had to vote to keep their liberty.

Well, I'm gonna bet elsewhere thanks as in sane news, Biden's win is a given. Your latter is just the same tired conspiracy rubbish so pass...

Gary K

New member
More voter fraud here. Detroit city worker at polling station signs affidavit saying polling workers were coaching people to sign straight Democrat tickets as well as backdating ballots on orders from their supervisor. This is someone who has worked for the city of Detroit for decades.

A decades-long Detroit city employee has filed a bombshell affidavit in a case alleging a series of voter fraud behaviors to benefit Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

Jesse Jacob, who could face legal penalty if her accusations are not true, leveled several claims against her employer.

“I processed absentee ballot packages to be sent to voters while I worked at the election headquarters in September 2020 along with 70-80 other poll workers,” she said.

“I was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than they were actually sent. The supervisor was making announcements for all workers to engage in this practice.”

Jacob said she worked at a polling location leading up to the election where voters could cast absentee ballots in person.
I directly observed, on a daily basis, City of Detroit election workers and employees coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party. I witnessed these workers and employees encouraging voters to do a straight Democrat ballot. I witnessed these election workers and employees going over to the voting booths with voters in order to watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote.​

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s website stated it is a requirement to have a photo ID, such as a Michigan’s driver’s license or identification card, to vote. Those not possessing an ID must “sign a brief affidavit stating that they’re not in possession of a photo ID.”
During the last two weeks while working at this satellite location, I was specifically instructed by my supervisor not to ask for a driver’s license or any photo I.D. when a person was trying to vote.

I observed a large number of people who came to the satellite location to vote in-person, but they had already applied for an absentee ballot. These people were allowed to vote in-person and were not required to return the mailed absentee ballot or sign an affidavit that the voter lost the mailed absentee ballot.​

Jacob said she then worked at the TCF Center in Downtown Detroit to tabulate absentee ballots:
Absentee ballots that were received in the mail would have the voter’s signature on the envelope. While I was at the TCF Center, I was instructed not to look at any of the signatures on the absentee ballots, and I was instructed not to compare the signature on the absentee ballot with the signature on file.​

When asked to respond to Jacob’s allegations, Benson’s director of communications and external affairs, Jake Rollow, told Breitbart News, “Michigan’s election results are an accurate reflection of the will of Michigan voters. Any meritless suggestion to the contrary denigrates the tens of thousands of election clerks and workers who served — with integrity and under intense scrutiny — to provide Michigan citizens with a secure, transparent and accessible election process.”

He did not answer whether Benson would open an investigation into the claims.

Jacob’s allegations are part of a lawsuit filed by Wayne County residents Cheryl A. Constatino and Edward P. McCall, Jr. against the City of Detroit and Detroit Election Commission, Detroit City Clerk Janice M. Winfrey, and the Wayne County Board of Canvassers.

Michigan talk radio host Steve Gruber noted the fraud was committed “at the behest of Detroit and Wayne County officials and included changing legal names and dates on ballots, ballot harvesting, voter intimidation and more. It also claims the effort to defraud voters began in early September.”

Gary K

New member
Well, I'm gonna bet elsewhere thanks as in sane news, Biden's win is a given. Your latter is just the same tired conspiracy rubbish so pass...

Sorry. That's not sane news. I don't see how a sane person can deny that corruption exists in the Democrat party. They're politicians and most politicians are corrupt even though you apparently think Democrat politicians are saints with all your denial of all evidence of corruption. That's just plain old denial of reality. That you call evidence a conspiracy theory is mind boggling. When Trump is inaugurated again in January your head will be close to exploding.

That you call me a "conspiracy theorist" when I point to corruption in both parties and you point to Democrats, news orgs, etc... that I've shown here to have lied one time after another to you and you just close your eyes when the lies are forced by evidence to be acknowledged. That's refusing to acknowledge what the parties themselves have admitted to. And you think I'm the conspiracy theorist. Sorry. That's you projecting your own behavior on me. You're the one who denies reality. You're going to come up against some really big shocks that are going to shake your personal foundations.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sorry. That's not sane news. I don't see how a sane person can deny that corruption exists in the Democrat party. They're politicians and most politicians are corrupt even though you apparently think Democrat politicians are saints with all your denial of all evidence of corruption. That's just plain old denial of reality. That you call evidence a conspiracy theory is mind boggling. When Trump is inaugurated again in January your head will be close to exploding.

That you call me a "conspiracy theorist" when I point to corruption in both parties and you point to Democrats, news orgs, etc... that I've shown here to have lied one time after another to you and you just close your eyes when the lies are forced by evidence to be acknowledged. That's refusing to acknowledge what the parties themselves have admitted to. And you think I'm the conspiracy theorist. Sorry. That's you projecting your own behavior on me. You're the one who denies reality. You're going to come up against some really big shocks that are going to shake your personal foundations.

Trump isn't going to be inaugurated in January, it would go easier on you if you were just to accept that he lost. It's only the desperate who cling onto the forlorn hope that anything will come out of these fraud allegations. It was no surprise that the mail ballots were going to heavily favour Biden, it was projected before many of them were even counted and that was never a secret. Trump's own administration would have been aware of this so claiming surprise and fraud that an initial lead was likely to be overturned come the next day and following was just laughable.

Of course there's corruption in politics, on both sides but you're hardly impartial as to where it emanates from. You've brought into yet another conspiracy theory that has you duped into believing there's any evidence for this so called fraud. Nobody is taking it seriously, the same as nobody expected Trump to concede either. That was hardly a shock to anybody and recounts aren't going to help him either. If there is any turnaround in voting figures then it's only going to be as high as a few hundred that won't be anywhere near enough and his allegations are baseless as it is. Of course Trump doesn't want to be a one term president, one who's been impeached and lost the popular vote (twice) but them's the facts. He's gonna have to deal with that and so are you.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
This is not the first election where their is possible fraud either. in 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes stole the election from Samuel J. Tilden. This is a case we know about.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This is not the first election where their is possible fraud either. in 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes stole the election from Samuel J. Tilden. This is a case we know about.

Ah, the one where a Republican stole it from a Democrat? A different time back then although shady shenanigans for sure. Hardly comparable to the latest one though.


Well-known member
This election is so fraudulent, and blatantly fraudulent, that even Democrats ought to be highly ashamed.

That anyone would want to "win" this way says they have zero integrity. And if they are allowed to get away with this there will never be another honest election in this nation. It will be nothing but a totalitarian banana republic. And those responsible for this will have to answer for all the pain and suffering that they have brought about with their dishonesty come judgment day. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes for all the money and political power there is on planet earth.

let me get this right...... The tweets were deleated by Twitter because they were unproven, have I got that right?

Tell you what, why not produce a real person with an identity with some integrity who has made an allegation, written a statement and sworn it in to evidence who is prepared to be a witness in front of a recognised court.

And all this pain and suffering that you are making mention of, what exactly do you think should happen if all these unproven claims come to nothing? What are you hoping will happen?


Well-known member
So, you still watch FOX? I stopped believing them at the start of the coronavirus scam. Their election coverage was so intentionally misleading it was blatantly obvious how biased they were against Trump. They have gone full-blown mockingbird. Their ratings are going to go the way of CNN's. Down the toilet.

So which media company should we all listen to?


Well-known member
This election is so fraudulent, and blatantly fraudulent, that even Democrats ought to be highly ashamed.

That anyone would want to "win" this way says they have zero integrity. And if they are allowed to get away with this there will never be another honest election in this nation. It will be nothing but a totalitarian banana republic. And those responsible for this will have to answer for all the pain and suffering that they have brought about with their dishonesty come judgment day. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes for all the money and political power there is on planet earth.

Just checked, and so far none of Trump's lawsuits have succeeded at all.
His law firms are getting frustrated with him, it is reported.

But 6 lawsuits await him when he leaves office, I have read.

Make sure you don't provoke people out there in to violent actions, won't you.


Well-known member
This election is so fraudulent, and blatantly fraudulent, that even Democrats ought to be highly ashamed.

That anyone would want to "win" this way says they have zero integrity. And if they are allowed to get away with this there will never be another honest election in this nation. It will be nothing but a totalitarian banana republic. And those responsible for this will have to answer for all the pain and suffering that they have brought about with their dishonesty come judgment day. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes for all the money and political power there is on planet earth.

Just checked, and so far none of Trump's lawsuits have succeeded at all.
His law firms are getting frustrated with him, it is reported.

But 6 lawsuits await him when he leaves office, I have read.

Make sure you don't provoke people out there in to violent actions, won't you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
let me get this right...... The tweets were deleated by Twitter because they were unproven, have I got that right?

Tell you what, why not produce a real person with an identity with some integrity who has made an allegation, written a statement and sworn it in to evidence who is prepared to be a witness in front of a recognised court.

And all this pain and suffering that you are making mention of, what exactly do you think should happen if all these unproven claims come to nothing? What are you hoping will happen?

Deep down, he knows these fraud allegations are baseless and are going to come to nothing. This was just a last ditch attempt by Trump to delay transition proceedings as he was never going to concede defeat with any sort of grace. There's going to be a recount in Georgia but a Republican official has already stated that there's no evidence of widespread fraud whatsoever and a recount will only change the figures by hundreds and not necessarily in Trump's favour even then.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
More voter fraud here. Detroit city worker at polling station signs affidavit saying polling workers were coaching people to sign straight Democrat tickets as well as backdating ballots on orders from their supervisor. This is someone who has worked for the city of Detroit for decades.

Firstly, breitbart?



These fraud allegations are an absolute joke.


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Because there's no credible evidence to support them. Trump hasn't offered any.

In other words, your Nazi leftard bias, and hatred of Trump, entail that the allegations of fraud are false?

I wonder if you'd not say that if you weren't the Nazi leftard that you are, with your Nazi leftard bias.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I wonder if you'd not say that if you weren't the Nazi leftard that you are, with your Nazi leftard bias.

You really are dumber than a bottle of Donald Trump's spray tan.


Tell ya what, why don't you link to some credible evidence that nobody else has found?


This space intentionally left blank
You really are dumber than a bottle of Donald Trump's spray tan.


Tell ya what, why don't you link to some credible evidence that nobody else has found?

Your Nazi leftard bias inhibits you from calling "credible evidence" anything that is opposed to your Nazi leftard bias.

BTW, remember that you're one of the several mental pygmies on TOL who have never been able to deal with any of the questions I've asked numerous times regarding the nature of evidence.

Time and again, you've demonstrated that your calling something "evidence" or "credible evidence" and another thing "not evidence" or "not credible evidence" is nothing but an emotional outburst, driven by, and in accordance with, your irrational Nazi leftard/Darwin cheerleader biases.

Tell ya what, why don't you try to say what makes something evidence, and then, if what you say doesn't amount to less than a fart (like every other one of your pathetic TOL posts does), maybe someone will take you seriously when you call something "credible evidence" or "not credible evidence".


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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your Nazi leftard bias inhibits you from calling "credible evidence" anything that is opposed to your Nazi leftard bias.

BTW, remember that you're one of the several mental pygmies on TOL who have never been able to deal with any of the questions I've asked numerous times regarding the nature of evidence.

Time and again, you've demonstrated that your calling something "evidence" or "credible evidence" and another thing "not evidence" or "not credible evidence" is nothing but an emotional outburst, driven by, and in accordance with, your irrational Nazi leftard/Darwin cheerleader biases.

Tell ya what, why don't you try to say what makes something evidence, and then, if what you say doesn't amount to less than a fart (like every other one of your pathetic TOL posts does), maybe someone will take you seriously when you call something "credible evidence" or "not credible evidence".

Oh, and the above isn't a petulant outburst at all?

What, are you going to cry when Trump is summarily booted out of office? That's what's going to happen unless somehow this supposed evidence comes to light that the Trump administration has yet to provide and that several Republican officials have dismissed as nonsense as well. Reason: There isn't any.

Now, as the mayor of Philadelphia rather succinctly put it: "Time to put your big boy pants on" and accept the facts. Same goes for plenty of other Trumpsters as well. He's lost, big style.

Deal with it.