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more Darwinist self-defeat

Right Divider

Body part
how about an answer to the question of what happened to all the 15 or so species and genera discussed in the article? extinct pre or post flood and how can you tell?
Man (and woman) were created on day six. Humans have always been humans.
All but eight humans died during the flood.
Many animals were on the ark. They also survived the flood.

Note that the created kinds do branch out into many varieties. No miracles there.


Active member
Man (and woman) were created on day six. Humans have always been humans.
All but eight humans died during the flood.
Many animals were on the ark. They also survived the flood.

Note that the created kinds do branch out into many varieties. No miracles there.
No answer to my specific question?


Active member
No, I refuse to get down into the weeds when you cannot even understand the big
But you must have some explanation as to where all those fossil hominins were in relation to the ark and the flood. If they were in existence at the time of the flood, were they separate kinds and should have been all on the ark and then became extinct afterwards? Or are they all genus Homo and therefore the human kind. How would you tell the difference?
Maybe if we knew where in the general stratigraphic/geologic column the flood appeared that would tell us something. Can we pin point that like we seem to be able to pinpoint the K-T boundary?

Right Divider

Body part
But you must have some explanation as to where all those fossil hominins were in relation to the ark and the flood. If they were in existence at the time of the flood, were they separate kinds and should have been all on the ark and then became extinct afterwards?
Sounds reasonable.
Or are they all genus Homo and therefore the human kind. How would you tell the difference?
Fossils don't actually provide ANY evidence of ancestry.
Maybe if we knew where in the general stratigraphic/geologic column the flood appeared that would tell us something.
The flood was the CAUSE of the "strati-graphic/geologic column".
Can we pin point that like we seem to be able to pinpoint the K-T boundary?
There is no such "boundary". It's pure mythology.


Active member
Sounds reasonable.

Fossils don't actually provide ANY evidence of ancestry.

The flood was the CAUSE of the "strati-graphic/geologic column".

There is no such "boundary". It's pure mythology.
So can we tell where the top of the flood is in the column. How about the bottom?
My question about whether or not various hominins were on the ark had nothing to do with ancestry.
K-T boundary, I thought that was pretty well agreed to by geologists---the big meteor strike etc causing all that extra iridium. Do you have other information? If so, what?

Right Divider

Body part
So can we tell where the top of the flood is in the column. How about the bottom?
The flood is what caused most of the sedimentary layers to settle the way that we see them today.
Are you completely unaware of the Hydro-Plate Theory?

My question about whether or not various hominins were on the ark had nothing to do with ancestry.
Man "evolved" from man. Humans have always been humans.
Eight humans were on the ark: four males and four females.
K-T boundary, I thought that was pretty well agreed to by geologists---the big meteor strike etc causing all that extra iridium. Do you have other information? If so, what?
Don't believe everything that you hear from "geologists". Consensus is not science.


Active member
The flood is what caused most of the sedimentary layers to settle the way that we see them today.
Are you completely unaware of the Hydro-Plate Theory?


Man "evolved" from man. Humans have always been humans.
Eight humans were on the ark: four males and four females.

Don't believe everything that you hear from "geologists". Consensus is not science.
so can we tell which layer is the first laid down by the flood?
still no answer to the question of which hominins are pre and post flood
and no specifics as to why the k-t boundary is a myth


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Do you think the Ewoks and the Tooth Fairies were wiped out by a comet?
do you not know what the term refers to?
I know that you're not referring to anything by it.
google it
What (if anything) do you mean by that? Describe for us exactly what it would be for you to "google it"; of what, say you, would "googl[ing] it" consist, exactly? Are you telling me to just mindlessly type characters into a computer, like you're doing when you create your posts?


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still no answer to the question of which hominins are pre and post flood
Not that you've actually asked a question (since all you did was stick a question mark onto the end of some cognitively meaningless Darwinistspeak); but imagine, had you actually asked a question: what would be your impression of the person whom you asked it if they reacted to it by saying
google it


Active member
Not that you've actually asked a question (since all you did was stick a question mark onto the end of some cognitively meaningless Darwinistspeak); but imagine, had you actually asked a question: what would be your impression of the person whom you asked it if they reacted to it by saying

hominin is a simple taxonomic term. look it up


Active member

I know that you're not referring to anything by it.

What (if anything) do you mean by that? Describe for us exactly what it would be for you to "google it"; of what, say you, would "googl[ing] it" consist, exactly? Are you telling me to just mindlessly type characters into a computer, like you're doing when you create your posts?
more suggestions that you did not read the article. if you read it you would at least be aware of the term hominin and
might have been curious enough to find out what it means
do you really think ewoks and the tooth fairy are real?

Right Divider

Body part
so can we tell which layer is the first laid down by the flood?
Many layers got laid down at the same time.

Please lookup: Hydrologic sorting.
still no answer to the question of which hominins are pre and post flood
All kinds were created in six days.
How those created kinds branched out after that is anyone's guess.
and no specifics as to why the k-t boundary is a myth
The earth is not billions of years old, so any guesses about what happened millions and billions of years ago is pure fantasy.


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hominin is a simple taxonomic term.
It's Darwinistspeak. It's nothing more than a meaningless noise you're conditioned to make while doing your Darwin-cheerleading shtick.
look it up

That's you admitting you are incapable of responding rationally to questions asked and statements made about your cognitively meaningless use of your Darwinistspeak noise, "hominin", which you chose to emit.


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might have been curious enough to find out what it means
It doesn't mean anything, which fact is what even you have been admitting by mindlessly saying "google it" and "look it up" in reaction to my pointing out that fact.
do you really think ewoks and the tooth fairy are real?
To what (if anything) are you referring by either of your phrases, "ewoks" and "tooth fairy"?

As you are not referring to anything by your Darwinistspeak noise, "hominins", I was not referring to anything by my phrases "the Ewoks" and "the Tooth Fairies"; like your use of the noise, "hominins", I was using the noises, "the Ewoks" and "the Tooth Fairies", in a cognitively meaningless way.


Active member
It doesn't mean anything, which fact is what even you have been admitting by mindlessly saying "google it" and "look it up" in reaction to my pointing out that fact.

To what (if anything) are you referring by either of your phrases, "ewoks" and "tooth fairy"?

As you are not referring to anything by your Darwinistspeak noise, "hominins", I was not referring to anything by my phrases "the Ewoks" and "the Tooth Fairies"; like your use of the noise, "hominins", I was using the noises, "the Ewoks" and "the Tooth Fairies", in a cognitively meaningless way.6
It's Darwinistspeak. It's nothing more than a meaningless noise you're conditioned to make while doing your Darwin-cheerleading shtick.


That's you admitting you are incapable of responding rationally to questions asked and statements made about your cognitively meaningless use of your Darwinistspeak noise, "hominin", which you chose to emit.
taxonomy is “darwinspeak” . hmm, basic lack of knowledge of science shown there


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taxonomy is “darwinspeak” .
Why do you call taxonomy "darwinspeak"?

I, for one, don't call taxonomy "darwinspeak". Your word, "darwinspeak", is not a part of my vocabulary, you eagle-eyed reader. But I call what Darwinists erroneously term "taxonomy", "Darwinistspeak", because it is Darwinistspeak.
hmm, basic lack of knowledge of science shown there
Says the retard who can't even figure out how to use the Quote function on the TOL interface. What's the matter with you? Your behavior is freakish.