Mods, why was The Barbarian banned?


Hall of Fame
a few folks seem really upset about the rest but again comes
more good points from you, common sense - :idea:

I have been here for a long time ... and even when I get frustrated, TOL is still the most enjoyable forum I have ever participated in.

I don't like everyone. There are a few I strongly dislike. However, there are so many kind and decent people on TOL, I am able to overlook the few bad apples.

I was truly stunned by the amount of support I received from many of the members on TOL after my daughter's death. I haven't seen that quality of members in other forums, and it makes a difference.

TOL is my *cyber home* ... so despite the small annoyances and imperfections, for me, it's worth working through.

Jose Fly

New member
In your immediately previous post.

Pay closer attention Stripe. That was in response to the specific question, "Why don't you think TOL gives a positive impression of Christianity?"

If you think I'm actually whining about that, you really haven't been paying attention.


I don't want to heckle. I just want fair treatment for everyone. Stripe is very disruptive. I think a ban for him would be merited in a fair forum if Barbarian is also banned.

If it's not supposed to be fair, then that needs to be said very openly and clearly.

Fair treatment of everyone????:rotfl: my gosh, you have no idea what you joined! I've been banned so many times people thought my name was "Banned". One time I think I got banned because I forgot to floss.....:Nineveh:


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Well, I've been around religious-themed internet forums for well over a decade, and I've noticed some very definite trends.

In forums that are run fairly where the same rules are applied to everyone equally, right-wing Christianity doesn't fare well at all and eventually its advocates leave. The only places where right-wing Christianity does well are forums like this one that are specifically biased in its favor.

So I guess I kind of understand the dilemma managers here face. If they run it fairly, it won't be long before it becomes dominated by non-Christians. Run it unfairly and it reflects poorly on Christianity.
I don't know if this is actually true or not. But if it is, then I am in favor of an imposed bias to keep that from happening. Because although I'm not 'that kind' of Christian, I come here to interact with lots of different points of view, including theirs. I want them here. I want them to share their ideas and opinions. I don't want to change them or chase them away. Even if I don't understand or agree with them.

I sometimes turn my nose up at the bias around here and how it's enforced. But I have to remember that there are folks here who would be just as happy to see me gone, too. So in a way, bias is all relative. I like the differences, and if it takes some bias to keep us all here and civil, so be it.

Jose Fly

New member
I don't know if this is actually true or not. But if it is, then I am in favor of an imposed bias to keep that from happening. Because although I'm not 'that kind' of Christian, I come here to interact with lots of different points of view, including theirs. I want them here. I want them to share their ideas and opinions. I don't want to change them or chase them away. Even if I don't understand or agree with them.

I sometimes turn my nose up at the bias around here and how it's enforced. But I have to remember that there are folks here who would be just as happy to see me gone, too. So in a way, bias is all relative. I like the differences, and if it takes some bias to keep us all here and civil, so be it.

I can understand that. But I find it extremely informative that right-wing Christianity can only survive in protected environments, and as soon as the playing field is leveled, it gets demolished.


New member
Hall of Fame
Again, I'm not complaining.

Where do you see me whining? Like I keep saying, I appreciate the dilemma management faces, and I think they should run their own forum however they see fit.

Of course those decisions have consequences too.

I can understand that. But I find it extremely informative that right-wing Christianity can only survive in protected environments, and as soon as the playing field is leveled, it gets demolished.

:mock: Jose Fly

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You know what this place could use?
That's exactly what I was thinking. Or at least a good card game. Remember the other place, the alternative when times were hard lemonade wasn't? You had games there...and maybe rabbits.

It's hard to remember.

Wait, what? o_O
You had to be here. And even then it was touch and go. :plain:

Jesus did not whip people, sir, FYI.
What do you make of judgement day, meshak?

Now on Christ and name impression was that he scourged the willfully wicked, who traded on the Holy and misled people or lived hypocritical lives from a position of trust and leadership within the temple. The only time I can recall him doing something else was with the Canaanite woman and there, unless you really aren't paying attention, he seems more interested in demonstrating the humility of her faith than anything else. Oh, and he called a favorite Satan to get his serious attention and to drive home a point that would be needed by Peter later in his ministry about defining our will by God's and not the other way around...not exactly on par with calling people morons or retards, etc. But to each his own and let what proceeds from the mouth define.

I have been here for a long time ... and even when I get frustrated, TOL is still the most enjoyable forum I have ever participated in.
About where I come down.

I don't like everyone. There are a few I strongly dislike. However, there are so many kind and decent people on TOL, I am able to overlook the few bad apples.
There's something worthwhile in most people around here, though some make it harder to find than others. :think: Can't say my ire rises to the level of more than gruff disappointment with anyone I can think of here. Some are a mix, with enough of the negative that I mostly don't bother talking to them except on a slow day.

I was truly stunned by the amount of support I received from many of the members on TOL after my daughter's death. I haven't seen that quality of members in other forums, and it makes a difference.

TOL is my *cyber home* ... so despite the small annoyances and imperfections, for me, it's worth working through.
And it's a better place for you being here. Which is one letter away from being true with a few others. :plain: