It had moments.Your post was deeply amusing.
Maybe more.I'll skip to the points which I feel actually merit an answer (not to demean the post in any way; it's just that several "points" clearly were not intended to be answered).
I don't have to. Average isn't stupid. Most people aren't stupid. They're just not particularly well educated and not remarkably bright. The world mostly doesn't require them to be and there's not a great deal of evidence on hand to recommend it were they inclined and it a commodity. Or, that's before we get into whether or not being brighter is inherently better or altogether desirable, which is as it turns out an arguable point, depending on what and how you value.No kidding? Hey, why don't you tell me (and the rest of TOL) about how you would go about voir dire proceedings? Who would you exclude? What kinds of people?
The next guy probably feels the same way about Catholicism or Christianity, etc. Any man's faith, from the outside in, can look a bit ridiculous.To my mind, the mere existence of scientology and mormonism speaks volumes. :idunno:
First you have to establish it needs a defense. Socrates had spawned a few admirers who, agreeing with his anti-democratic sentiments, had taken Athens by the throat, dispossessed citizens and executed more than a few. And no rushing mob came to drag him out of bed. He was accused, given equal time to present a defense and convicted by a vote of 280 to 220. And if he hadn't been a wise acre he might have beaten the rap. You should read Waterfield's book on it, Why Socrates Died: Dispelling the Myths.Socrates was put to death by what was, for all intents and purposes, a democratic vote. That is a fact. There is no defending this.
He's a good man, understands the Bible. He's a published author of a number of books, so his sermons are entertaining and inventive. I've had conversations with him. He's an intelligent and considered human being. He's not trying to win a Nobel.Catholic primary schools, high schools and universities are still a thing. The Pope is a world class intellectual. Catholic priests and bishops are highly educated....Speaking of which. What are the qualifications of the pastor at your "church"?![]()
You think your Peter was an intellectual giant of his age? So you might want to walk that litmus back a bit.
I don't know many people who would couch it with an "if". The rest sounded good but I'm not sure it signified more than an unproven speculation wrapped in the robes of some vague mathematics.Even if true, he was an exception that proves the rule. Most people are not Thomas Jefferson.
Try to keep anything without the support of adherents and see what happens. Catholicism was founded on the work of largely unlettered men, the sort to make your lip curl. And it was on their backs that the religion grew, by their sacrifices that the cross advanced.Catholicism has never been a "democratic" religion. Catholicism is and always has been hierarchical.
I think your value system is a bit skewed, my young friend. The world is awash with intellectuals. Good men who love God and seek Him first are far harder to find.