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The kingdom of heaven is like unto a Landowner who sowed his fields with good seed and left his servants to tend his land, while he was away overseas.
While he was gone, a Usurper took this good seed, genetically modified it, mixed it with poison, and then tried to peddle this new seed for massive profit. Many servants were wilfully deceived by the supposed convenience of this new seed, and the money which could be made by it. The free, good seed was trampled underfoot in the rush for profit. The servants became slaves to the Usurper, who alone could supply modified seed along with poison for profit. The servants forgot about the Landowner and what they were doing to his land.
But the disciples were a little thick, and asked that the parable might be explained.
The Landowner is Jesus, and the good seed is the Gospel.
The Usurper is Satan, who took the Gospel and modified it, added his poison, and then sold the Gospel for profit on TV.