A quote:Bill Maher on Obama's propensity for disinformation
Maher on Disinfo. Board: You Could Apply DHS' Definition of Disinformation to Obama
On Friday's broadcast of HBO's "Real Time," host Bill Maher criticized the Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board and argued | Clipswww.breitbart.com
Are teeth being gnashed?And the left sinks into a deep emotional depression.
Biden's Communist Ministry of Truth has had to be edited and possibly deleted. That may be because the truth czar was a serial liar from way back.View attachment 3392
Breaking: Biden ‘Ministry of Truth’ put on hold, Nina Jankowicz has resigned
Homeland Security ‘paused’ newly created Disinformation Governance Board after its leader came under online attack. Homeland Security ‘paused’ newly createdthinkcivics.com
Wicked rulers do all sorts of abominable acts to secure and maintain illegitimate power. Controlling the media is something tyrants around the world have done for generations and are doing today. To tyrants, facts are not the focus, crafted narratives are.There's more than one way to skin a cat!
YouTube is now censoring journalism for the Biden administration
YouTube is now censoring journalism for the Biden administration
YouTube deleted The Post’s widely circulated interview with fur-clad rioter Aaron Mostofsky, right, over claims he was spreading “misinformation.”nypost.com
They're back!
Report: Leaked DHS documents show the "Disinformation Governance Board" was just the tip of Biden's efforts to censor. Elon may have just delayed him.
Ladies and gentlemen, how could we have let this happen in America?notthebee.com