Mike Rowe humiliates a stupid Leftist very similar to those on TOL


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Hall of Fame
The thing that's amazing about this video is that these guys are dead ringers for folks you and me have run into over the course of our lives. The hate is palpable. The arrogance is overwhelming. When I was in college, these people were ubiquitous. The moral superiority complex these people exude is the core of their existence.
Of course.
It is nothing more than them trying to remove 'superior' from one group and placing it on themselves.
Just more tug-a-war as to which is superior over the other.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Again, nothing but guilt by association.
And nothing about the actual content of the video.
Same old, same old, from the left.

The "content" of the video was of some smug git from a loop the loop "news source" going to one section of a group of people, acting like a smug git and getting flak. Is it any wonder he wasn't exactly getting a positive reception when he's a "journalist" on behalf of a nutball who thinks Sandy Hook was a 'publicity stunt'? Look at his reaction when he was put on the spot over that...

If you wanna buy into your confirmation bias about the "left" then you go lap up infowars till the cows jump over Mars. Just pathetic.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The thing that's amazing about this video is that these guys are dead ringers for folks you and me have run into over the course of our lives. The hate is palpable. The arrogance is overwhelming. When I was in college, these people were ubiquitous. The moral superiority complex these people exude is the core of their existence.

Yeah, well, when you work for cranks who make out that massacres are fiction and that the victims and the families of such are actors then what would you expect? A confetti parade? How much arrogance does it take to ride roughshod over people like that?


Hall of Fame
Yeah, well, when you work for cranks who make out that massacres are fiction and that the victims and the families of such are actors then what would you expect? A confetti parade? How much arrogance does it take to ride roughshod over people like that?

Alex Jones is a twisted and sadistic individual.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

Read the whole thing and notice the 'arguments' the imbecile employed against Rowe are identical to much of the the woke 'logic' employed by TOL's infantile Injustice League of Brownshirts.
He did a great job until the end. To be fairer to the man who began the conversation, an opening statement or thesis isn't meant to be the last word or an offering of proof, which should come after and during the course of a larger exposition. I don't know if the fellow who penned the straw that broke Rowe's back (in terms of patient forbearance) meant that as a first note or the symphony. If the latter, he had his comeuppance. In any event, an excellent answer by Rowe, right up until he decided to make a few mistakes of his own.

What mistakes? Some of the same that raised his ire a moment earlier. "Millions of reasonable people," Rowe declares without substantive authority or citation, "Republicans and Democrats alike," he adds, to present an evenhanded application of the asserted but unsupported "fact" and to put what follows in a bipartisan and convincing light without actually establishing a single element of his thesis, those parties believe that colleges aren't doing a good job of preparing students for the world they'll meet outside of academic circles. A veritable smorgasbord (emphasis on gas) of posturing assumption as proof and declaration in lieu of argument follows. Speaking for millions of people he invented, he regurgitates a familiar, largely right-wing assault on higher learning, after having excoriated the other guy for insinuating the right is anti-intellectual. :plain:

None of this is offered as an attack on what he's trying to accomplish with his initiative, but if you're going to ridicule someone for a measure of hypocrisy and failure to make serious, substantive advance then you open yourself to the same charge and examination. And, as in the case of Rowe, the same failure.

It's apt that you attempted to cobble onto his problems an illustration of your own with the cartoon analogy, Must. You can't think beyond your bias filter and your simplification tends toward the two-dimensional, and lacks serious imagination.
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patrick jane
