i think we can all agree that killing off most of the lawyers in this country would be a terrific first step toward making america great again
I think you're mistaken.
i think we can all agree that killing off most of the lawyers in this country would be a terrific first step toward making america great again
I think you're mistaken.
i think we can all agree that killing off most of the lawyers in this country would be a terrific first step toward making america great again
That's what they filed it as, you imbecile.
You all did it not out of some quarrel with state vs religion, but because you simply wanted to harass them. You stretch thin the very purpose and meaning of 'Separation of Church and State' to act on your vain contempt for the religious, which wouldn't have flown even a couple decades ago. In fact, Thomas Jefferson would think you were an extreme fool.
You don't have any right to be sitting here taking about ANYBODY sucking up squat, Mr. Guy On a Theology Site To Do What He Denies Atheists Do.
You should go take a hike :wave2:
Suck it up, buttercup!
“This November, the difference could not be more stark, who do you think is going to get closer to those ideals?” he asked, referring to the Constitution and the founding fathers. “Are you going to vote for the guy who wants to build a wall, or for someone who’s building bridges?”
Miranda introduced Clinton as “the forty-fifth president of the United States” as she took the stage to address the crowd.
Why? Because it was a private fundraiser. Miranda hosted a special performance of the show exclusively for donors to Clinton’s presidential campaign. Tickets ranged from $2,700 to a whopping $100,000.
“I have now seen it three times, first at the Public and twice here, and I cry every time,” Clinton said.
Miranda tweeted a photo of himself with both Bill and Hillary Clinton urging America to “include women in the sequel” of the American story.
But that’s not all.
Miranda also helped Clinton host a “Broadway for Hillary” event that raised even more money for her campaign as tickets ranged from $45 to $100,000.
Trump and Pence deserve all the respect and cooperation the Republicans and conservative citizens have given to Obama .
tell that to the cry baby liberal cast who lost their money trying to get Hillary elected
well, it would certainly make for a lot of business for the funerary industry :banana:
The Left calls for safe spaces of it's own social bullies- another one of their more ridiculous shams.
Now that Trump is heading for office and a turnaround is coming, I've tried to shed some of these shenanigans from my mind. This is something I should have brought up from the get go: these feminists, LGBT, and other specialty groups among liberals are virtually untouchable and unchallenged on campuses- it's everyone else who needed a safe place from them :AMR:
Yep; a turn around on his many ludicrous campaign promises is coming........
Recently, Donald Trump used his Big Beautiful Twitter account to complain that his soon-to-be VP got a bit of attention at a recent showing of Hamilton:
Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!
The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!
The Right likes to deride the concept of "safe spaces" as catering to an entitled, whiny generation of lazy Millennials. But isn't the expectation that Pence won't be confronted by dissenting voices as he goes about his life the demand for the ultimate safe-space? Who is more entitled and more fundamentally safe than Mike Pence? A vice president is surrounded by armed guards at all times. And he makes policy that impacts hundreds of millions of people. And he can't put up with an actor making some comments in the friendliest, most respectful tone.
Suck it up, buttercup!
Its amazing. You're just as ignorant after the election as you were before. Please do not procreate.
Absolutely. No contest. They're obsessed with social issues that barely impact them. "OH MY GOD!!! GAY COUPLES CAN GET MARRIED (almost) AS EASILY AS ANYONE ELSE!!! WE'RE BEING OPPRESSED!!! Next they're going to stop Christian preachers from preaching the Gospel!!!"
The are, by far, the whiniest, most entitled people on the Internet. And Trump is probably the worst of it. Here's a guy who literally sues all his critics.
Trump is being a drama queen.
Besides gay marriage what example would you have?
Because while there may be some hypocrisy or double-standards in this I think overall it's liberals who are more concerned about "safe spaces".
I'm also not sure the gay marriage issue is about thin skin. It's a moral conviction that they want to see established by their country and they don't want to take part in it. I think Christians who think certain actions make them morally culpable are probably misguided but I wouldn't call it thin skin.
Their views on feminism
, and their views on race
and Black Lives Matter.
Since you are an admitted liberal I guess you don't see how whiny feminists, SJW's, and manginas are. But I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this.Absolutely. No contest. They're obsessed with social issues that barely impact them. "OH MY GOD!!! GAY COUPLES CAN GET MARRIED (almost) AS EASILY AS ANYONE ELSE!!! WE'RE BEING OPPRESSED!!! Next they're going to stop Christian preachers from preaching the Gospel!!!"
The are, by far, the whiniest, most entitled people on the Internet. And Trump is probably the worst of it. Here's a guy who literally sues all his critics.
Ok, let me stop you there right there. I am a dark skinned Latino. My parents were legal immigrants from Mexico. So if you are a white liberal you are in no position to lecture me on the issues and concerns of the Latino immigrant community. I've have been called wetback, beaner, mojado, n*gger, mayate, dirty Mexican many times growing up. I know what issues the Latino immigrants have to deal with, from lack of education and upward mobility plus many other issues. Unchecked illegal immigration hurts the native born and legal immigrant Latinos.I don't think you appreciate the stakes. Or maybe you just don't care about them.
Please see above. The problem are that many millenials have been duped by the lying media about Trump's intentions. The liberal media has an ax to grind. It disapoints me that so many young Latino's are so liberal and are clueless pawns of the Democrats. But I was the same in my 20's as well, a hard core pro-gay, pro-abortion, liberal. I didn't vote for Trump by the way. But he is not going to deport the 20-30 million illegal immigrants. Oh he'll deport those already in the criminal justice system but that is just low hanging fruit. But "illegal Jose" who lives down the street, works as a gardener, and pays his taxes is not likely to get caught and deported unless Trump goes all FDR on us. The queston is what do we do about illegal immigration? Does a nation not have a right to control its borders?Millennials are the most diverse generations currently in their adulthood. Most of them know people who are at some level of threat from the newly elected administration. And not just imaginary threats based on fantasies of government overreach. Real threats based on things that the President-elect and his VP have actually said they will do, and may have a real shot at.
Trump is just being Trump, a big mouth drama queen. He's been that way since I can remember him from the early 1980's.By the way, Mike Pence seems to have thought what the Hamilton cast did was no big deal. So, it's really just Trump being thin-skinned, and his trolleroti stepping up to carry the charge.
Trump is just being Trump, a big mouth drama queen. He's been that way since I can remember him from the early 1980's.