
New member
And by "truth", you mean, yourself.

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Truth is absolute and does not find its root in man.

Your blindness is also judged by those statements you agree with and thank others for. I spend more time (and that is just a glance) at who has agreed with what you've posted than reading what you post.

What you cannot understand is that for the saints the truth has a sweet smelling savour and we devour it. Lies, half truths and pseudo doctrine stinks and we can't get far enough away from it. It has the stench of death and decay.


New member
Truth is absolute and does not find its root in man.

Your blindness is also judged by those statements you agree with and thank others for. I spend more time (and that is just a glance) at who has agreed with what you've posted than reading what you post.

What you cannot understand is that for the saints the truth has a sweet smelling savour and we devour it. Lies, half truths and pseudo doctrine stinks and we can't get far enough away from it. It has the stench of death and decay.
You silly lying clown. All you do is pretend to be something your not. I pay attention to who thanks your posts as well. You'll find that when you actually post truth within the context of the subject matter at hand that I do thank it.

You might discourage some with lies and fear, but not those who know better.

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New member
You silly lying clown. All you do is pretend to be something your not. I pay attention to who thanks your posts as well. You'll find that when you actually post truth within the context of the subject matter at hand that I do thank it.

You might discourage some with lies and fear, but not those who know better.

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On the day you take your last breath and your heart beats for the last time you will know for an absolute certainty that what I have warned you of it absolutely late.


New member
On the day you take your last breath and your heart beats for the last time you will know for an absolute certainty that what I have warned you of it absolutely late.
As if you have warned any of any thing. We've had this conversation. Wait; I wait too.

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New member
As if you have warned any of any thing. We've had this conversation. Wait; I wait too.

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Warning: Your religion is false. Your salvation is nonexistent. You lie. You hate the truth. You are not repentant. You have not been converted.


New member
Warning: Your religion is false. Your salvation is nonexistent. You lie. You hate the truth. You are not repentant. You have not been converted.

My religion is that which GOD alone has led me to know in HIS lovingkindness. It holds to no sect, divisions, or discrimination, by the direction of GOD, the inclinations and moving brought about through and by the Holy Spirit, and reafirmed, strengthened, and further established by the Word, thanks to our beloved Lord Jesus and to Lord GOD.

My salvation is secure so long as I turn not from the free gifts given me, or the implications, responsibilities, and direction there of.

I do not lie and the truth is my comfort.

I have repented and do so wish to repent of all things abject to my Beloved, in due time, with patience, faith, and perseverance in the Word of GOD.

I have no thing to fear, my security is kept by the One who is the Object of my faith.

You know not what you speak.

Your envy shines through almost more than your spite, contempt, malice, and hate.
May the GOD of your god mercifully guide each and every one of us, for HIS pleasure and our sake.

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New member
"My salvation is secure so long as I turn not from the free gifts given me, or the implications, responsibilities, and direction there of."

Salvation by works.


New member
"My salvation is secure so long as I turn not from the free gifts given me, or the implications, responsibilities, and direction there of."

Salvation by works.
Everything is work.

To do nothing in light of what should be believed and what is known is the active working against the Way put forth by the Will of GOD alone, and to wholly ignore the selfless conscience in favor of idols, and to not repent.

It is good that you grasp things so quickly. It is bad that you use them only to wrongly incriminate all but self... This is called pride.... Please do search out what our Lord teaches on the subject. Please do step outside and behind yourself and do judge your own motives, that I assure you, are not the will of our Lord.

May death be long and dreadfully painful beyond comprehension for me if I lie to you now here in this post at this time.

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New member
Everything is work.

To do nothing in light of what should be believed and what is known is the active working against the Way put forth by the Will of GOD alone, and to wholly ignore the selfless conscience in favor of idols, and to not repent.

It is good that you grasp things so quickly. It is bad that you use them only to wrongly incriminate all but self... This is called pride.... Please do search out what our Lord teaches on the subject. Please do step outside and behind yourself and do judge your own motives, that I assure you, are not the will of our Lord.

May death be long and dreadfully painful beyond comprehension for me if I lie to you now here in this post at this time.

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Everything you say is a lie and you agree with other liars.


New member
His kingdom is spiritual. He rules in the hearts of men. He sets up his throne where no other king does; he rules the will and affections, his power binds the conscience; he subdues men's lusts. ‘He will subdue our iniquities.' (TW)

7 But as for me, I watch in hope for YAH VEH,
I wait for Elohim my Savior;
my Elohim will hear me.
Israel Will Rise
8 Do not gloat over me, my enemy!
Though I have fallen, I will rise.
Though I sit in darkness,
YAH VEH will be my light.
9 Because I have sinned against him,
I will bear the rage of YAH VEH,
until he pleads my case
and upholds my cause.
He will bring me out into the light;
I will see his justness. Micah 7:7-9

If your will is free then Messiah is not your King. There is no getting away from the fact that Messiah is the King of kings. The question is who is king over you? Who is King in you? Who is King on your behalf? There can be only one Sovereign and if you maintain that your will is free then your will and therefore Satan is your king and ruler.

Repent, trust and be holy.

Try and get this back on track:

Psalm 103:19

YAH VEH hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all​


New member
Those that deny the rights of The King to rule over all that He has created are denying His Sovereignty. In doing so they cut themselves off from the blessings of providence. Is it any wonder that the scriptures describe them as fools? Rhetorical?


New member
Those that deny the rights of The King to rule over all that He has created are denying His Sovereignty. In doing so they cut themselves off from the blessings of providence. Is it any wonder that the scriptures describe them as fools? Rhetorical?

God is not absolutely sovereign in the way it is defined by you with him becoming the author of sin. You are so blind and deluded that you have no answer for this 400 year old quandary. Absolute sovereignty makes God himself the author of sin which is heresy and blasphemy and stupidity and abject lunacy. God foreknew that sin would happen and he allowed sin to happen but he never, ever ordained sin to happen like the lunatic Calvinists postulate.


New member
God is not absolutely sovereign in the way it is defined by you with him becoming the author of sin. You are so blind and deluded that you have no answer for this 400 year old quandary. Absolute sovereignty makes God himself the author of sin which is heresy and blasphemy and stupidity and abject lunacy. God foreknew that sin would happen and he allowed sin to happen but he never, ever ordained sin to happen like the lunatic Calvinists postulate.

If sin was not foreknown why did he predetermine the salvation of sinners. Rhetorical...


New member
Those that deny the rights of The King to rule over all that He has created are denying His Sovereignty. In doing so they cut themselves off from the blessings of providence. Is it any wonder that the scriptures describe them as fools? Rhetorical?
And who is denying the sovereign Providence of GOD?

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