Meet Caitlyn Jenner


New member
Darn, I was hoping you were not a hypocrite...

Nothing hypocritical about that... one deals with the hiring process and the other is after.

We have a no visible tattoo and only 1 ear ring per ear policy where I currently work... and they have let people go for violating that policy.


New member
Nothing hypocritical about that... one deals with the hiring process and the other is after.

We have a no visible tattoo and only 1 ear ring per ear policy where I currently work... and they have let people go for violating that policy.
If that same qualified person had a tattoo and you knew about it going in, would you not offer them the job on the presence of tattoo alone?


This is shocking and terrible the attention it is getting in the media.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame

You go Caitlyn! This is the only life we all have to live, once it's over it's over, so we to take advantage of the little time we have here. Bigots will always try to stand in people's way and spew their hate, but that must be overcome to have a shot at being content with one's life.
I have a term for this--misappropriation of womanhood. Bruce Jenner was not and never will be a woman. Women give something special to our society. The raise and nurture children in ways that men cannot do. They have the gift of being able give birth--give life to a child. These things Bruce will never be able to do. All the plastic surgery, make up and photo-shopping in the world will never make him a woman.

Liberals are the ones that make a fuss when Whites misappropriate Native American culture or Black culture, and yet they praise Bruce and male for misappropriating womanhood, something that never will rightfully be his. Instead of plastic surgery and making spectacle of himself, this man needs counseling. With this kind of surgery there is usually buyers remorse. These procedures are not going to make him emotionally any healthier, or give him contentment. Very often post op transgenders regret their decision. It isn't uncommon for them to attempt suicide.
This photo from the OP has been photoshopped. He hides his male arms and other male attributes. In reality he resembles mentally disordered man who has been manipulated by disingenuous liberals and self-absorbed gay activists.
Bruce confessed that after his surgery to alter his facial appearance he had a panic attack, looking in the mirror and asking himself, “what did I just do to myself?” This does not look promising.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I agsomeink people can decide their biology, wish is crazy So. I think he would have to live in phoney pictures now. Look at the first page, a picture of him, then ask can anyone change that much without a brain transplant?


New member
I have a term for this--misappropriation of womanhood. Bruce Jenner was not and never will be a woman. Women give something special to our society. The raise and nurture children in ways that men cannot do. They have the gift of being able give birth--give life to a child. These things Bruce will never be able to do. All the plastic surgery, make up and photo-shopping in the world will never make him a woman.

Liberals are the ones that make a fuss when Whites misappropriate Native American culture or Black culture, and yet they praise Bruce and male for misappropriating womanhood, something that never will rightfully be his. Instead of plastic surgery and making spectacle of himself, this man needs counseling. With this kind of surgery there is usually buyers remorse. These procedures are not going to make him emotionally any healthier, or give him contentment. Very often post op transgenders regret their decision. It isn't uncommon for them to attempt suicide.
This photo from the OP has been photoshopped. He hides his male arms and other male attributes. In reality he resembles mentally disordered man who has been manipulated by disingenuous liberals and self-absorbed gay activists.
Bruce confessed that after his surgery to alter his facial appearance he had a panic attack, looking in the mirror and asking himself, “what did I just do to myself?” This does not look promising.
What she does is her business. I don't believe creating a political "us vs them" mentality is a constructive way to approach this.


Active member
I have a term for this--misappropriation of womanhood. Bruce Jenner was not and never will be a woman. Women give something special to our society. The raise and nurture children in ways that men cannot do. They have the gift of being able give birth--give life to a child. These things Bruce will never be able to do. All the plastic surgery, make up and photo-shopping in the world will never make him a woman.

Liberals are the ones that make a fuss when Whites misappropriate Native American culture or Black culture, and yet they praise Bruce and male for misappropriating womanhood, something that never will rightfully be his. Instead of plastic surgery and making spectacle of himself, this man needs counseling. With this kind of surgery there is usually buyers remorse. These procedures are not going to make him emotionally any healthier, or give him contentment. Very often post op transgenders regret their decision. It isn't uncommon for them to attempt suicide.
This photo from the OP has been photoshopped. He hides his male arms and other male attributes. In reality he resembles mentally disordered man who has been manipulated by disingenuous liberals and self-absorbed gay activists.
Bruce confessed that after his surgery to alter his facial appearance he had a panic attack, looking in the mirror and asking himself, “what did I just do to myself?” This does not look promising.

What a bunch of BS stereotypes :down:

There is no personal ownership of "culture" or "womanhood"

It can not be misappropriated

I'm sorry you hate freedom so much and want everyone to fit into your old-fashioned rigid little boxes

By the way, I already posted real data that demonstrated that 95% of people who choose to transition to their psychological gender have improved life outcomes. Real data trumps your deluded imaginations.


I have a term for this--misappropriation of womanhood. Bruce Jenner was not and never will be a woman. Women give something special to our society. The raise and nurture children in ways that men cannot do. They have the gift of being able give birth--give life to a child. These things Bruce will never be able to do. All the plastic surgery, make up and photo-shopping in the world will never make him a woman.

Liberals are the ones that make a fuss when Whites misappropriate Native American culture or Black culture, and yet they praise Bruce and male for misappropriating womanhood, something that never will rightfully be his. Instead of plastic surgery and making spectacle of himself, this man needs counseling. With this kind of surgery there is usually buyers remorse. These procedures are not going to make him emotionally any healthier, or give him contentment. Very often post op transgenders regret their decision. It isn't uncommon for them to attempt suicide.
This photo from the OP has been photoshopped. He hides his male arms and other male attributes. In reality he resembles mentally disordered man who has been manipulated by disingenuous liberals and self-absorbed gay activists.
Bruce confessed that after his surgery to alter his facial appearance he had a panic attack, looking in the mirror and asking himself, “what did I just do to myself?” This does not look promising.

I look at this as jenner wanting 24/7 halloween. Instead of dressing up for one night, he puts on a mask everyday. Halloween can be fun but I think some christians are right about parts of it being demonic. The devil got a hold on jenner and he is stuck in neverland wishing his original organic old self never existed. It might be better to be a Halloween joke than to commit a suicide. Transvestite might be an alternative to suicide .

So what is the difference between a transvestite and transgender? Are they the same?


I look at this as jenner wanting 24/7 halloween. Instead of dressing up for one night, he puts on a mask everyday. Halloween can be fun but I think some christians are right about parts of it being demonic. The devil got a hold on jenner and he is stuck in neverland wishing his original organic old self never existed. It might be better to be a Halloween joke than to commit a suicide. Transvestite might be an alternative to suicide .

So what is the difference between a transvestite and transgender? Are they the same?

I believe that one is surgically changed, while the other just "feels" like the opposite sex but retains their original hardware


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
What a bunch of BS stereotypes :down:

There is no personal ownership of "culture" or "womanhood"

It can not be misappropriated

I'm sorry you hate freedom so much and want everyone to fit into your old-fashioned rigid little boxes

By the way, I already posted real data that demonstrated that 95% of people who choose to transition to their psychological gender have improved life outcomes. Real data trumps your deluded imaginations.


Here is what a psychiatrist has to say about it.

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’

In short Transgender surgery is empowering mental illness instead of helping the person.


New member

Here is what a psychiatrist has to say about it.

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’

In short Transgender surgery is empowering mental illness instead of helping the person.
I would caution you a bit and remind you this is one experts opinion. This certainly has an impact on the discussion, but it isn't the end all-be all source you might want it to be.

Did someone mention they had raw data on the topic? I think I missed it.
Why do people insist on calling Caitlyn Jenner "she"? Bruce/Caitlyn may have had some cosmetic surgery, but will B/C ever really be a "she"? B/C still has male parts and will have to take hormone injections for life because there is no such thing as a permanent sex change operation. It gives the illusion of a tranformation but it's not "real". Is the brain identity function that associates one with one sex or the other, can this be overcome or supported with chemistry? If so, it should be possible to "transform" a gay person into a straight person. Wouldn't this be the "Christian" thing to do.

While I'm on the subject, why do women call male transvestites "she" because of their change in clothing or long hair? What makes a man a "man" and a woman a "woman" is deeper than the clothes they wear. Bottom line: isn't this all about sex? It's misleading to call this as someone who wants to be comfortable in their own skin.


Well-known member
How is it a "huge character flaw"?

I have small tattoo around my ankle in remembrance of the holocaust when a number of my relatives were murdered. You can't see how that is a huge character flaw that I have? Come on.