Meanwhile, In Merry Old England ...


Everything you just said is a stupid ignorant lie, as usual.

One thing that idiots like you need to get through their braindead heads is that people who are out committing crimes are not protestors. Burning and rioting are not free speech as much as you want them to be. They are criminals.

Second of all, clearing people out of an area where a president is getting ready to go to has happened every single day for 200 years.

So shut your stupid pudding hole and go back to your playpen in your mom's room.






FOOTNOTE: Meanwhile I'm returning from a month's suspension after being reported for posting the same picture of "pants on fire" photo 3 times in response to being "stalked" by "ok dosier!"


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
[h=2]What Black America Means to Europe[/h]
Europe’s identification with Black America, particularly during times of crisis, resistance, and trauma, has a long and complex history. It is fuelled in no small part by traditions of internationalism and anti-racism on the European Left, where the likes of Paul Robeson, Richard Wright, and Audre Lorde would find an ideological—and, at times, literal—home.


But this tradition of political identification with Black America also leaves significant space for the European continent’s inferiority complex, as it seeks to shroud its relative military and economic weakness in relation to America with a moral confidence that conveniently ignores both its colonial past and its own racist present.[/box]

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Man jailed in UK for posting memes of George Floyd in Whatsapp & Facebook group chats​

Ex-police officer James Watt appeared in Birmingham's magistrate's court for sharing 10 memes about George Floyd in a WhatsApp group chat.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Native born of Rwandan immigrant parents. I can't see any indication that any of his targets were non-white. Gee, if only we had participants here on this site from that country who were interested in discussing anything other than Trump
