The leftists have identified the reason why they can't do math . . . their math teachers were racists.
Don't worry! Leftists are going to fix the math teachers like they fixed the Texas power grid. Just force them to re-educate themselves not to be racists. Administrators need to make sure that right-think is being followed to the letter.
Instead of those racist tests math teachers gave to determine if anyone learned anything, students will tell the teacher whether they learned anything. Student will rank teachers every class period from Fist to Five. Yep, you heard that right! "Zero" is a racist term forced on students with non-white purity by their filthy-rich white-supremacist math teachers.
Read for yourself.
Don't worry! Leftists are going to fix the math teachers like they fixed the Texas power grid. Just force them to re-educate themselves not to be racists. Administrators need to make sure that right-think is being followed to the letter.
Instead of those racist tests math teachers gave to determine if anyone learned anything, students will tell the teacher whether they learned anything. Student will rank teachers every class period from Fist to Five. Yep, you heard that right! "Zero" is a racist term forced on students with non-white purity by their filthy-rich white-supremacist math teachers.
Read for yourself.
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