This government thinks it can go over there and do things like meddle in very complex religious and political issues and there not be any consequences. They like to instigate and encourage violence over there and think it cannot follow them back here. But they sit in their Obamabunkers safe while everyone else gets to pay the price for this foolishness. And what is the government’s answer going to be for this? Right. More violence over there. We kill them, they kill us, we kill more of them to retaliate, they kill us in revenge for that, then we kill more of them to show them killing is wrong, and this cycle goes on and on without end.
The other answer the government will have is taking away what little freedom we have left in order to defend freedom. Here’s a thought. How about pulling out of the Middle East and letting that region decide their own destiny for a change? Oh, right, that’s giving in to terrorism. Yeah, well, the people that say that are not the ones dying because of that stubborn dogma the government clings to. The people that die because of these “foreign policy” decisions are the people that had nothing to do with making them. That’s why the government continues doing this. Because if it was their butts on the line, they’d have pulled out of the Middle East decades ago.