Mass shooting in Orlando, Florida USA 20 dead


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It's not too hard to do a brainstorming on this:
Blanket ban on Muslims (except diplomats and country representatives) entering the country for 2 or 3 generations.
Blanket ban on Muslims obtaining firearms.
Amend the law/constitution to define Islam as not a religion, i.e. not benefitting from protections accorded to other religions.
Keep close tracks on on all Muslims having entered the country this generation. (This would perhaps have deterred the possibly lying father of the Florida terrorist from bringing up his son as a good Muslim to beat up his wife and hate America.)
No Muslim charities.

Etc., etc. I am sure you could think of more. Muslims need to be taught that when they come into our countries to live, they leave all aspects of their culture behind them that are incompatible with our own values. There will be no Sharia law practised in our countries, no polygamy, no honour killings or forced female circumcision for starters and no woman should be permitted to wear a full face cover.
It's not difficult to come up with suggestions when you are not inhibited by idealism.

I'm surprised to see these suggestions getting as much support as they are.
I'm one of 'em.

The Horn

Genghis Khan and his Mongol armies slaughtered who knows how many people in the late 12th & 12th centuries . The Catholic church slaughtered people considered apostates, blasphemers and anyone who disagreed with them on dogma. It killed an enormous number of innocent women suspected of being witches , slaughtered the Albigensians in southern France for being heretics, caused the Spanish inquisition , Jews, Muslims, Protestants and countless other people .
The Nazis killed six million Jews , as well as millions of Poles, German communists , dissident German Christians, Russians, gay people, physically or mentally disabled people, etc.
Stalin killed millions of Ukrainians with a deliberately started famine, and millions of other Russians suspected of not being loyal communists , ethnic and religious minorities within Russia such as Muslims, Jews, etc.
Throughout history, atrocities have been committed all over the world . Arabs are no worse in this respect than other ethnic groups .


New member
Hall of Fame
Genghis Khan and his Mongol armies slaughtered who knows how many people in the late 12th & 12th centuries . The Catholic church slaughtered people considered apostates, blasphemers and anyone who disagreed with them on dogma. It killed an enormous number of innocent women suspected of being witches , slaughtered the Albigensians in southern France for being heretics, caused the Spanish inquisition , Jews, Muslims, Protestants and countless other people .
The Nazis killed six million Jews , as well as millions of Poles, German communists , dissident German Christians, Russians, gay people, physically or mentally disabled people, etc.
Stalin killed millions of Ukrainians with a deliberately started famine, and millions of other Russians suspected of not being loyal communists , ethnic and religious minorities within Russia such as Muslims, Jews, etc.
Throughout history, atrocities have been committed all over the world . Arabs are no worse in this respect than other ethnic groups .

Is this supposed to be in response to something?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
And that's why I'm voting for Trump in 2016.

We need to take back America for white conservatives.

Trad is not voting for Trump. Trad is trying to be subtil and turn people off of Trump. Trad wants Bernie Sanders as President so bad it makes his head hurt. Mrs Clinton is a good second choice to him.

Basically, here's the idea: have the government pay everyone enough money so that they start off at an above-poverty income level.

I can't express just how much I love this idea, and just how much this would pretty much solve all kinds of social problems and political debates.

Pay everyone $24,000 of untaxable, no strings attached income and automatically adjust that amount every year based on inflation.
Abolish social security.
Abolish federal and state entitlements (except, perhaps, as an addition to the universal minimum income).
Abolish welfare.
Abolish foodstamps.
Abolish minimum wage laws.
You get the idea.

Combine this with a single payer health-care system, tuition free universities and extremely tight border controls? I can't even express in words just how supremely epic that would be.


like marbles on glass
Name one. Interesting that you are now on the side gun rights.

I've always been on the side of gun rights. I own a couple, handgun and shotgun.

You spend most of your time lying about me, I don't expect you to know or say anything truthful about me.

I do think that some gun control legislation is good, but that doesn't mean I don't think people shouldn't be able to own them.

As for naming one... don't you see that I was turning your logic back on you? All of a sudden you want to contest it. It's your logic.

But okay. The other day I mentioned Dylan Klebold, Columbine shooter. From wiki:
Klebold was born in Lakewood, Colorado, to Thomas and Susan Klebold.[5] His parents were pacifists and attended a Lutheran church with their children, and Dylan and his older brother, Byron, attended confirmation classes in accordance with Lutheran tradition.

After that you can add the KKK. Yes, they were (are still today?) Protestants who hated Catholics as much as they hated blacks.

After that, Bosnian Serbs.

And throughout history? Many more.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I've always been on the side of gun rights.

No you aren't and don't change the subject. If guns cause mass murder and the solution is ban guns, then shouldn't that logic be applied to the muslims that commit mass murder?

The other day I mentioned Dylan Klebold, Columbine shooter. From wiki:
Klebold was born in Lakewood, Colorado, to Thomas and Susan Klebold.[5] His parents were pacifists and attended a Lutheran church with their children, and Dylan and his older brother, Byron, attended confirmation classes in accordance with Lutheran tradition.

After that you can add the KKK. Yes, they were (are still today?) Protestants who hated Catholics as much as they hated blacks.

After that, Bosnian Serbs.

And throughout history? Many more.

Not one member of the Body on your list. You have been on TOL long enough to know better. Trad (KKK socialists) is not a Christian.


like marbles on glass
No you aren't and don't change the subject.

YOU introduced the subject, remember?

Name one. Interesting that you are now on the side gun rights.

You don't know jack about me, so why don't you stick to the subject, and stop with your incessant, impotent personal attacks?

Not one member of the Body on your list. You have been on TOL long enough to know better. Trad (KKK socialists) is not a Christian.

Because YOU can't decide who's in the body and who's not (that's all you guys argue about on the religion forum). YOU don't get to say that someone who identifies as Christian isn't Christian. THOSE are Christian mass murderers, Christian terrorists, aligned with Christianity whether you like it - or not.
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
As for the mass murderers being their own words.

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Not one member of the Body on your list. You have been on TOL long enough to know better. Trad (KKK socialists) is not a Christian.

1. I could be in error, but I believe that KKK members tend to be anti-socialist. You can't really be a socialist and still decry the fact that black people know and exploit the welfare system, can you?

2. I'm not a member of the KKK, nor should anything I've said be understood as an endorsement of the KKK. It is true, of course, that I think that if the KKK had greater political power today, that we wouldn't be facing such a great wave of minority and liberal unrest in this country, but this should scarcely be understood as an endorsement. Those guys are dogmatic racists. I'm not a dogmatic racist. I just don't like black and brown minorities and would prefer to live without them.

Desert Reign

Genghis Khan and his Mongol armies slaughtered who knows how many people in the late 12th & 12th centuries . The Catholic church slaughtered people considered apostates, blasphemers and anyone who disagreed with them on dogma. It killed an enormous number of innocent women suspected of being witches , slaughtered the Albigensians in southern France for being heretics, caused the Spanish inquisition , Jews, Muslims, Protestants and countless other people .
The Nazis killed six million Jews , as well as millions of Poles, German communists , dissident German Christians, Russians, gay people, physically or mentally disabled people, etc.
Stalin killed millions of Ukrainians with a deliberately started famine, and millions of other Russians suspected of not being loyal communists , ethnic and religious minorities within Russia such as Muslims, Jews, etc.
Throughout history, atrocities have been committed all over the world . Arabs are no worse in this respect than other ethnic groups .

Thank you! I needed some entertainment and your post fitted the bill nicely.
So you think that Genghis Khan, the Catholic Church, the political movement in Germany known as National Socialism and the individual Stalin were all examples of ethnic groups like Arabs. And that these Arabs are no worse or better than the aforementioned supposedly ethnic groups.
And then you seem to be slow to comprehend that this discussion was not about Arabs, but about Muslims and the ideology known as Islam.
Tell me when your next stand-up gig is and I will be the first to buy a ticket.