Marine Court-Martialled for Bible Verse


New member
In the land of the free and home of the brave, a female marine is being court-martialled for not removing a bible verse, as being against the common good. What was the particular Bible Verse her supervisor found so offensive? I'm still trying to find out for sure, but I believe it was:

“No weapon formed against me shall prosper.”

Read story here:

Starnes didn't do a great job reading his own link, or he might have also mentioned that she failed to report as ordered on a couple of different occasions.

"A special court-martial consisting of officer and enlisted
members convicted the appellant, contrary to her pleas, of
failing to go to her appointed place of duty, disrespect towards
a superior commissioned officer, and four specifications of
disobeying the lawful order of a noncommissioned officer (NCO),
in violation of Articles 86, 89, and 91, Uniform Code of
Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. §§ 886, 889, and 891."

And posting Bible quotes in one's work space isn't exercising one's religion, as religious customs and practices don't require that Bible verses be posted in adherents' work spaces.
Starnes didn't do a great job reading his own link, or he might have also mentioned that she failed to report as ordered on a couple of different occasions.

"A special court-martial consisting of officer and enlisted
members convicted the appellant, contrary to her pleas, of
failing to go to her appointed place of duty, disrespect towards
a superior commissioned officer, and four specifications of
disobeying the lawful order of a noncommissioned officer (NCO),
in violation of Articles 86, 89, and 91, Uniform Code of
Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. §§ 886, 889, and 891."

And posting Bible quotes in one's work space isn't exercising one's religion, as religious customs and practices don't require that Bible verses be posted in adherents' work spaces.
You're making an argument not based on facts. Where did you get that from, some left-wing military hate-filled website? Or maybe you're predjudiced against her because she's Black and a Christian. You left-wingers sure show you true colors when any situation like this comes up.

This is no different than posting of one's pictures of one's children. A person's personal space is one's personal space. Back in previous administrations and war time environments, military personnel were permitted and supplied with missals and bibles. My father brought back three different missals supplied by the Army for his personal use during WWII. If the young lady was Islamic with quotations of the Koran, nothing would have been said.

The same type of people run the military as run the business world. If they want to get rid of you, they will scour the book looking for violations to charge you with. I'm finding the same mentality where I work, where they have put me in a job I have no experience at, and are judging me against people who have been doing this work for years. I've been to Ethics, HR, the head of HR, my supervisor, my supervisor's manager, and even asked to be demoted so I could do something in my field. It's all circle the wagons. Lawyers I've contacted won't touch my case unless I pay them up front. That's kind of hard to do living paycheck to paycheck ... one away from bankruptcy.

Don't respond to me anymore. I'm adding you to my Ignore list. Life is too short to put up with your nonsense.


New member
You're making an argument not based on facts. Where did you get that from, some left-wing military hate-filled website? Or maybe you're predjudiced against her because she's Black and a Christian. You left-wingers sure show you true colors when any situation like this comes up.

I quoted the court documents that Mr Starnes linked in his piece. It's a bit lengthy, as these things often are, but it's hardly a a left-wing military-hate site:

This is no different than posting of one's pictures of one's children. A person's personal space is one's personal space. Back in previous administrations and war time environments, military personnel were permitted and supplied with missals and bibles. My father brought back three different missals supplied by the Army for his personal use during WWII. If the young lady was Islamic with quotations of the Koran, nothing would have been said.

The difference between putting up pictures of one's family and putting up Bible verses is explained in the appeals court findings, but to summarize, the work-space in question was one where other Marines routinely came in for services, Marines whose religion may not have been the same as that of the appellant (the Marine in question).

The same type of people run the military as run the business world. If they want to get rid of you, they will scour the book looking for violations to charge you with. I'm finding the same mentality where I work, where they have put me in a job I have no experience at, and are judging me against people who have been doing this work for years. I've been to Ethics, HR, the head of HR, my supervisor, my supervisor's manager, and even asked to be demoted so I could do something in my field. It's all circle the wagons. Lawyers I've contacted won't touch my case unless I pay them up front. That's kind of hard to do living paycheck to paycheck ... one away from bankruptcy.

That is truly unfortunate, and I don't envy your position. I don't see a precise parallel to the Marine with the Bible verses, but still, that's a rough situation.

Don't respond to me anymore. I'm adding you to my Ignore list. Life is too short to put up with your nonsense.

I think you might be mistaking me with someone else.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
She should have posted "يسوع المسيح هو الرب," then she would have been fine.


New member
I'm wrong? It would not make more sense to read the actual decision than the spin put on it? Well, its good to know you would rather read WND than try to understand the rationale of the decision. No wonder WND is still in business.

I was put on Ignore for suggesting as much. Just because it's in dry legalese doesn't mean it's left-wing. Oh wait, maybe it does. :chuckle:


New member
You would probably be better off reading the decision, the link was posted earlier, rather than just bits and pieces from rightwing web sites. But doing that would be more rational.

The link was also posted within the body of the Todd Starnes piece. It's not like I had to go out of my way and search to find out how I was supposed to think.


Well-known member
"Sterling, who represented herself at trial, was convicted February 1, 2014 in a court-martial at Camp Lejune, North Carolina after she refused to obey orders from a staff sergeant to remove the Bible verses from her desk.

She was found guilty of failing to go to her appointed place of duty, disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer, and four specifications of disobeying the lawful order of a noncommissioned officer."

When she joined the marines, she swore an oath to follow orders. And in that oath, no exceptions were made for personal religious proclivities. Also, her desk and everything on it, in it, and around it belongs to the U.S. Marine Corps, and not to her. So her superior did have the right and responsibility to see that it remains free of personal propaganda, religious or otherwise.

She was wrong on every front, and she suffered the consequences.

So once again, we see Fox Phony News posting dishonest headlines just to stir up the indignation of the right-wing ignoramuses that comprise their audience.


New member
Hall of Fame
Exactly. She disobeyed a direct order--what did she think was going to happen? Last I checked the Marines don't give you atta boys for insubordination.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
And posting Bible quotes in one's work space isn't exercising one's religion, as religious customs and practices don't require that Bible verses be posted in adherents' work spaces.
How do you know? Do you go to her church?