Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


Well-known member
the part that makes me mad is that we were all told that the stoners just sat around in duhh land doing nothing,,,and now we have to explain why they(without our help) organized a movement,struggled to get it thru politics and and out organized u.s. non'dope smokers????,,,, ,,,,,

"reason for edit,,,,to many commas",,,,,,
Last edited:


Members of Congress Have Asked Pres. Obama to Remove Marijuana from Schedule 1 Classification

Unless anyone will argue that marijuana actually is more dangerous than cocaine or meth...this is a good move

This document was signed by 18 members of congress. But, I'm sure they are all just dopers and dope pushers who would fail a drug test if congress required one.

No Arin, they're probably smart like you are and don't touch the stuff.

"The Honorable Barack Obama"?

They must have been high on dope to have written that.


the part that makes me mad is that we were all told that the stoners just sat around in duhh land doing nothing,,,and now we have to explain why they(without our help) organized a movement,struggled to get it thru politics and and out organized u.s. non'dope smokers????,,,, ,,,,,

"reason for edit,,,,to many commas",,,,,,

here here's were to start with just the basics,,,, ,,,,

Are you a marijuana user whitestone?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Are you a marijuana user whitestone?

It's ok if he is Arin, cuz marijuana

Originally Posted by WizardofOz
"...just isn't that harmful".

As compared to other drugs, it's not.

Are cigarettes harmful, aCW? We'll just chalk that up as another question you'll never answer.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It's ok if he is Arin, cuz marijuana

Originally Posted by WizardofOz
"...just isn't that harmful".

As compared to other drugs, it's not.

Should we review the harm that marijuana has brought to those that use it Arin?

Are cigarettes harmful, aCW? We'll just chalk that up as another question you'll never answer.

Yes tobacco products are harmful (chalk it up to another question that I've answered but Arin will ask again and again and again).

Keep in mind marijuana, unlike tobacco products is a mind altering/behavior changing narcotic.

Please don't compare TOL's head moderator and owner smoking a cigar with smoking dope.

Like the things that go through that Libertarian brain of yours:

It just aint right.


New member
Should we review the harm that marijuana has brought to those that use it Arin?

As long as you're wiling to review the harm that tobacco and alcohol have brought to those that use them, sure.

Yes tobacco products are harmful (chalk it up to another question that I've answered but Arin will ask again and again and again).

Keep in mind marijuana, unlike tobacco products is a mind altering/behavior changing narcotic.

So it alcohol. Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol.

Please don't compare TOL's head moderator and owner smoking a cigar with smoking dope.

Um...I didn't. It depends more on the amount of use/abuse than it does anything else. I would argue against cigarettes before I would cigars as cigarette smokers inhale much more over the course of a lifetime than your casual cigar smoker.

I'll smoke one once in a while myself at weddings or other special occasions. That isn't the same as pack a day cigarette smoker.

If you had an honest bone in your body we could discuss the comparison between marijuana and tobacco/alcohol but you're just not an honest person and are only here to score debate points.

You usually just end up scoring on yourself, unfortunately for you.

Like the things that go through that Libertarian brain of yours:

It just aint right.

You just can't stop yourself from being dishonest, can you?


I'll smoke one once in a while myself at weddings or other special occasions. That isn't the same as pack a day cigarette smoker.

Make note that Arin is an occasional tobacco user, but not a dope smoker.

That's wise Arin, because tobacco (as I've mentioned many times before), ISN'T a mind altering/behavior changing narcotic:

i.e. you can get into your car and drive safely home.


New member
Make note that Arin is an occasional tobacco user, but not a dope smoker.
Who are you talking to?

You really think that you have an audience, don't you? You are quite delusional.

That's wise Arin, because tobacco (as I've mentioned many times before), ISN'T a mind altering/behavior changing narcotic:

i.e. you can get into your car and drive safely home.

And now we're back to alcohol.


New member
When I started driving there were no alcohol limits, no seat belts, no air bags, no crumple zones, collapsible steering columns.. I could, and did, get plastered on beer, stagger to the car, light a cigarette, drive home safely, stagger to the bathroom, throw up and crawl to bed.
It was probably the cigarette that saved me, and other road users. :think:


TOL Subscriber
That's wise Arin, because tobacco (as I've mentioned many times before), ISN'T a mind altering/behavior changing narcotic:

Tobacco is not a narcotic, that's true.

Chronic tobacco smoking does change ones behavior, if you don't think so you've never known a Chronic smoker.

If your behavior is changed due to Chronic smoking, has the brain been altered?

Addiction Definition
n. noun

Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance.

The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something.


New member
Marijuana legalization: less government

Marijuana legalization: less government

this subject needs to be put to rest pot in and of itself is nowhere near harmeful as alcohol or tobacco. I can speak from experience where many cant I have smoked pot in my youth drank alcohol and seen my parents and many friends parents die from tobacco. So lets look at the facts pot has never had a person overdose from it and as far as I can find on the net there has never been a recorded death from just pot. now there may have been pot in the system of some of those car accidents but there was also alcohol present. I drove in both states of intoxication alcohol and pot many times which wasnt smart but in our youth we dont seem to have developed that common sense trait yet. So with that said lets look at some facts pot isnt a gateway drug as they say just as guns dont kill people people kill people! the dealer that sells the pot is the gateway so lets put that to rest. the government stops 10% of the pot that comes across the boarder in the the USA. So that leaves 90% of the rest getting thru to consumers and those consumers are not just highschool kids, criminals and addicts as for addicts I have never known anyone addicted to pot I guess it could happen but I havent seen it. If it were legalized it would take the pot out of the dealers hands thus the introduction to harder drugs gone if one were able to grow say 2-5 plants a year the market for pot would drop out. if it were sold in stores like alcohol you could tax it probably put a dent in our national debt and put alot of people to work. if you didnt allow indiviuals to grow their own the profits would go up greatly! You can grow pot in different stregnths so you could regulate it like beer wine or alcholo. also hemp which is a low rung form of pot that is against the law to grow could be grown. it grows in all 50 states it can be used for paper, clothing, alternative fuel and many other things so that would be a new cash crop and produce many new jobs! so the bottom line is by the facts unless your willing to make alcholo illegal and do away with it the powers to be are just a bunch of hyprocites! because alcohol and tobacco have killed more people then pot ever will! shoot alcohol and tobacco have killed more innocent people that have never touched both then pot ever will! I haven t even mentionsed the medical uses of pot God only knows the good pot could do who knows it may be a fix for alot of medical problems out there but cant be researched because its against the law! :bang: think about it who is using all that pot if not the regular joe just like your daddy did when he came home from work and had a drink before or after dinner? sure kids and addicts will abuse drugs but your average joe just wants to come home from work and catch a buzz to take the edge off the days BS! oh yeah one other thing I would much rather work beside someone that has been out smoking pot all night then someone out drinking all night! :bang: