Marco Rubio (babe alert) has a great tax reduction plan


New member
Wow, not only cuter than... whatever... but has a great sounding tax proposal

I can't remember the details b/c I was busy watching... the cuteness... but

he was on Cavuto the other day... and it was just great sounding... wish I could remember the details... Maybe I will later...

or you could go to and you might find it..

I do recall something about having 2 tax rates.. one for the rich and one for the not rich... and I believe he said he would eliminate... was it the corporate tax? yeh, I think so... not the capital gains... Oh, wait... maybe it was the capital gains tax he wanted to eliminate... I agree. We need to make the businesses in this country

  • come back from overseas
  • want to expand
  • so as to create JOBS
  • make this nation great again



Mocking You

New member
Wow, not only cuter than... whatever... but has a great sounding tax proposal

I can't remember the details b/c I was busy watching... the cuteness... but

he was on Cavuto the other day... and it was just great sounding... wish I could remember the details... Maybe I will later...

or you could go to and you might find it..

I do recall something about having 2 tax rates.. one for the rich and one for the not rich... and I believe he said he would eliminate... was it the corporate tax? yeh, I think so... not the capital gains... Oh, wait... maybe it was the capital gains tax he wanted to eliminate... I agree. We need to make the businesses in this country

  • come back from overseas
  • want to expand
  • so as to create JOBS
  • make this nation great again


I was going to respond to this post with the most brilliant insights, using statistics, emotional appeal, subliminal arguments, but I forgot what I was going to say.

Carry on.


New member
I was going to respond to this post with the most brilliant insights, using statistics, emotional appeal, subliminal arguments, but I forgot what I was going to say.

Carry on.

Just tell us to go do our own research on what you can't remember to say like republicanchick.


New member
I was going to respond to this post with the most brilliant insights, using statistics, emotional appeal, subliminal arguments, but I forgot what I was going to say.

Carry on.

I know the feeling

when I see a cute guy on TV, what he is saying sometimes goes by the way side... as you can tell by OP


Hey, I can't help it... I am a ..

argg... human



New member
But, but..... Rubio is just sooooo dreamy!!!! It doesn't matter what he stands for! He's a babe and that's all that matters!

no, not really. If he were a D he would NOT be "dreamy"

no siree....

now that I think about it, there are NO good looking Dems that I can think of off the top of my head... Whoa... that is REALLY strange, isn't it??

hmmm... or maybe not since... being D automatically makes one unattractive...

Still, u would think there would be ONE D I find attractive?

let me think about this... there's got to be at least ONE... don'tcha be thinkin?



Mocking You

New member
now that I think about it, there are NO good looking Dems that I can think of off the top of my head... Whoa... that is REALLY strange, isn't it??

Still, u would think there would be ONE D I find attractive?

let me think about this... there's got to be at least ONE... don'tcha be thinkin?



New member

I know you are a dude (I think anyway)

but still...

If you think that guy is remotely attractive..

might want to have a séance and conjure up the old Freudmeister for some help...

I am still racking my brain trying to think of a remotely attractive lib...

still drawing a blank...



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
yesterday never look so good
we need to run yesterday
that is what they are going to run

bush vs clinton

bring it on
this time we may get it right


New member
yesterday never look so good
we need to run yesterday
that is what they are going to run

bush vs clinton

bring it on
this time we may get it right

I don't think either one has a chance... but then... I didn't take into consideration.. a few considerations .. in the 08 debacle and the 12 one..

I guess all Americans don't think like yours truly

what a pity



Marco Rubio (babe alert) has a great tax reduction plan
Wow, not only cuter than... whatever... but has a great sounding tax proposal

I can't remember the details b/c I was busy watching... the cuteness... but

It terrifies me that people like you are allowed to vote.


Hall of Fame
Marco Rubio (babe alert) has a great tax reduction plan
Wow, not only cuter than... whatever... but has a great sounding tax proposal
I can't remember the details b/c I was busy watching... the cuteness... but

Is the quote that ACW responded to with ...

It terrifies me that people like you are allowed to vote.


the three of us are going to vote the same way
I find you despicable

Misrepresent others much, Chrys? It's fairly obvious that the comment had to do with the implication that TSF supports and will be voting for Rubio because he is a "babe".


Well-known member
Wow, not only cuter than... whatever... but has a great sounding tax proposal

I can't remember the details b/c I was busy watching... the cuteness... but

he was on Cavuto the other day... and it was just great sounding... wish I could remember the details... Maybe I will later...

or you could go to and you might find it..

I do recall something about having 2 tax rates.. one for the rich and one for the not rich... and I believe he said he would eliminate... was it the corporate tax? yeh, I think so... not the capital gains... Oh, wait... maybe it was the capital gains tax he wanted to eliminate... I agree. We need to make the businesses in this country

  • come back from overseas
  • want to expand
  • so as to create JOBS
  • make this nation great again


Subsidize the Poor, Soak the Rich

The two fundamental flaws of the Rubio-Lee and all other Republican tax reform plans are: (1) They all maintain that the monstrosity known as the federal government needs to be funded. (2) They all assume that this government is entitled to a portion of every American’s income.

Republicans may differ among themselves and with Democrats on how many tax brackets there should be, what the tax rates should be, what activities should be taxed, what tax deductions and credits should be allowed, the amount and nature of any allowable tax deductions and credits, and to what extent businesses should be taxed, but all parties agree that the government knows best what to do with our money.

Other than that great plan...:p