and now the SCOTUS has ruled that separate boys and girls rooms have to be abolished?
All I'm saying is be patient."If you force something on someone, anyone, they'll grow to hate that."
From that ironic quote, I don't believe you understand.
Homosexuals/Transgenders have been forced underground for decades. That's exactly why the push against mainstream resistance (for mainstream inclusion.) is so necessary. If not now ....then when? It can't/won't be accepted in the future if we ignore it in the present...that "wait till later" tactic's a cop-out.
only a true sexual pervert would think something like this.
Yet none of those who support putting a girl in the boys' locker room are able to answer such a simple question.
Should boys and girls have separate locker rooms? Why?
That's the general division of sexes.
We're arguing the exception...someone who identifies being the opposite gender.
Why should the "general division of sexes" warrant separate locker rooms?
Why shouldn't it? What factors define this division? Are these general factors set in stone?
I see your "why shouldn't" and raise you a "why should."
This issue raises intresting questions :idunno:
You're the one fishing...give us some specific bait.
Why shouldn't it?
You agreed (I think) that boys and girls should have separate locker rooms. I am just asking why you agree with that.
because separate but equal isn't equal
according to you
Do you actually understand the reference you're attempting mock?
you sir, are a retard
good day to you
i understood then and now that you are, indeed, a retard
good day to you