Making Peace With Tambora


Well-known member
The Bible penalty for falsely accusing someone of idolatry is death.

It certainly is for those of you who have put yourself under the law, and refused the gift of God that has been offered. :idunno:

Of course, so is looking at those girls with lust, and you keep trying to claim there is nothing wrong with that.


Well-known member
You are totally blind if you believe she lives by the golden rule. She deliberately lies about people. She harasses and stalks people. Those are clear violations of the golden rule.

Besides, it is not good behavior or lack of bad behavior that makes you a christian; it is being found in Christ. That is only done with trust. If you tell yourself that you are in Christ because you live by the golden rule, you have explicitly shown you do not trust in Christ. I know you don't believe that but that's because you were never a christian.

Yep, you're correct. Elo preaches what he not only doesn't practice, but is unable to practice. He's quite the boaster, though, isn't he?

Philippians 3:9
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:​


New member
It certainly is for those of you who have put yourself under the law, and refused the gift of God that has been offered. :idunno:

Of course, so is looking at those girls with lust, and you keep trying to claim there is nothing wrong with that.

Exactly. But to him, it does not compute.


Well-known member
She can't see you as being angry for a righteous cause. That would mean she's done something you see as wrong.

I've done what? Dared to voice my opinion about personal responsibility? She can't accuse me of any wrong doing, nor can you....she can only spew out her spite and hate for all to see (while claiming I'm the hateful one). :chuckle:


New member
Of course, so is looking at those girls with lust, and you keep trying to claim there is nothing wrong with that.

Just like you did in recent posts with Rusha and Bybee, you paint an imaginary image in your mind and project that into the conversation in the most inaccurate and sensational manner.

My husband has explained everything perfectly in his thread about lust on the ECT forum, already. You can go there and respond to his posts that you are trying to dodge.

patrick jane

Of course, so is looking at those girls with lust, and you keep trying to claim there is nothing wrong with that.

what girls ? Elo doesn't lust after women, I do. Because I'm single and I only lust after single women it's OK. oh boy, do I lust. LOL - :chuckle:


New member
Hate? Because you claim to see it in others, but show it with your own words.

I do not hate you. I hate that which is evil. You are seriously misguided and you cause pain and sorrow by your judgmentalism. You are not God! I doubt that you are deliberately evil.


Well-known member
Just like you did in recent posts with Rusha and Bybee, you paint an imaginary image in your mind and project that into the conversation in the most inaccurate and sensational manner.

My husband has explained everything perfectly in his thread about lust on the ECT forum, already. You can go there and respond to his posts that you are trying to dodge.

I've seen his claims on that thread.

Only YOU would say those ridiculous claims of his "perfectly explained" anything....and only a ninny of a wife would believe his explanation when he tried to pass them off to her.

He doesn't even know what adultery means, much less admit it's wrong to be aroused by women who are not his wife. He claims adultery can mean wanting her money. So you'd best stay out of any kind of adult conversation and go back to babysitting. (But make sure you keep you eye out that they aren't is your responsibility to do that, you know.)


Well-known member
I do not hate you. I hate that which is evil. You are seriously misguided and you cause pain and sorrow by your judgmentalism. You are not God! I doubt that you are deliberately evil.

I'm not misguided....I know the difference between right and wrong. Stripping is wrong. Of course it causes pain and sorrow to those who don't want to face the truth. Those who think the immoral should get a pass just because they have something bad happen to them is WRONG. Those who get a pass only continue on their merry way....right to the pit.

I never claimed I was God, but I am told to judge all things, and that's what I'm doing. Whether you like that or not doesn't matter one iota. I will continue to speak the truth.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I guess some people are allowed to see the humor of it all, but not others. :think:

Wow, if you think that tedious little troll is funny then you'll be amused by just about anything. A wallpaper commercial must be a laugh riot in your house...

And "insincere"? You mean like when Tam and Rusha piously pronounce they will pray from Doser's troubled soul? :chuckle:

Add "uninformed" then. Anna's already pointed this out but all they're doing is parodying SOD's own fake and tediously repetitive bollocks. You claim to have been up to speed on this but you so obviously weren't otherwise you'd have been aware that SOD was pulling this boring crap for years, not a few weeks or months even but years, right when he was given multiple boots for stalking TH and trolling so much. Why the hell do you think he has so many usernames GD?


New member
I guess some people are allowed to see the humor of it all, but not others. :think:

And "insincere"? You mean like when Tam and Rusha piously pronounce they will pray from Doser's troubled soul? :chuckle:

Did you think this was sincere?

Obviously not since you called him out on it...
Playing the hypocrite does not become you.
Please stop that. That is not a real prayer. It's wrong to pretend you're praying when you're really just showing your behind. Stop it.
Well, I'm calling you a hypocrite and your silly thread a bunch of horse feathers. :down:

But you find humor or sincerity in this thread? What changed?


New member
Don't worry about why others are saved. You probably hope that some people you know are not saved. IOW, you enjoy the thought of hell fire for others.

No she doesn't. You just cannot fathom that someone would declare that not all are saved. Actually, to think that way is quite dangerous.


New member
what girls ? Elo doesn't lust after women, I do. Because I'm single and I only lust after single women it's OK. oh boy, do I lust. LOL - :chuckle:

That's not something to take lightly. What is going to stop your lusting once you are married? You can't just turn the spigot off just like that.