Make America Safe Again


Well-known member
i believe we have more immigrants each year than you have citizens :chuckle:

And, your point is what? New Zealand, for example, has the world's largest Polynesian city, Auckland. We have sizable communities of folk from other nations. This is not a game where we play "mine is bigger than yours.", this is about real humans with real lives, all of who are as important was you or I.


New member
I'm sure Trump and his "motley crew" are disappointed that there have been no "terrorist" incidents in the last few weeks!

A recent Homeland Security study has concluded that the real danger is not from immigrants but occurs when young Americans are radicalized within their own country.


The same is the case in how Street Gangs; various White Supremacy and Militia groups; Cosa Nostra; various Religious Sects, and so on, recruit via radicalization - all within the U.S., by U.S. citizens nowhere even remotely connected to the Middle East.

In fact, an already existing radicalization of sorts is the very tactic that Trump not only tapped into, but exploited throughout his campaign.

Most within any disenfranchised group are basically open to someone coming along able to tap into their sense of being disenfranchised either to lead them towards one, basically radical movement or another, towards the greater good, or against themselves to their great detriment.

Hitler tapped into that towards a monstrous evil.

Dr. Martin Luther King tapped into that towards a greater good.

The Pedophile taps into that towards one of the worst of evils.

Gandhi tapped into that for the greater good.

And so on, and so forth.

Obvious, but to those ever stuck in either or, black or white extremes, of one kind or another.


New member
And, your point is what? New Zealand, for example, has the world's largest Polynesian city, Auckland. We have sizable communities of folk from other nations. This is not a game where we play "mine is bigger than yours.", this is about real humans with real lives, all of who are as important was you or I.

Regrettably, for many on here such is ever a competition of sorts between themselves and others.

And worse; not a very friendly one.

Most of whom assert they are "Christian."

Never mind the Scripture against such need to ever out do others and what that can only lead to.

Galatians 5:15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.


I'm sure Trump and his "motley crew" are disappointed that there have been no "terrorist" incidents in the last few weeks!

Trump doesn't want Americas murdered :listen: being that he actually is an America. :dizzy: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

so that would be, what - about ten times as many legal immigrants to the US as the total population of new zealand?



so that would be, what - about ten times as many legal immigrants to the US as the total population of new zealand?
11 million "illegals" aren't entering and remaining in America without the business community acting as "co-conspirators" by providing "illegal employment."

While conservatives "talk a good game" about enforcing the letter of the law when it comes to about illegals, they remain strangely silent when it comes to prosecuting their "partners in crime" - those who employed and profited from their servitude as the senior partners of this "criminal enterprise."

If America's business community seriously feared government prosecution, this problem wouldn't exist!


New member
11 million "illegals" aren't entering and remaining in America without the business community acting as "co-conspirators" by providing "illegal employment."

While conservatives "talk a good game" about enforcing the letter of the law when it comes to about illegals, they remain strangely silent when it comes to prosecuting their "partners in crime" - those who employed and profited from their servitude as the senior partners of this "criminal enterprise."

If America's business community seriously feared government prosecution, this problem wouldn't exist!

You think that is something, wait til saint Trump's massive, full scale deregulation of such begins to "trickle" down its equally massive, full scale abuses' results...even worse than the absolutely disastrous results of both Reagan's and Bush's deregulations...combined.