Make America Great Again


[Heavy Dump Trucks Are Protecting Clinton and Trump From a Terrorist Attack by George Dvorsky] "Just when we thought today’s historic election couldn’t get any weirder, it appears that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are being protected by an army of dump trucks. Law enforcement say the trucks—which are loaded with sand—are forming a barrier to minimize an attack with explosive devices..." Full text: Heavy Dump Trucks Are Protecting Clinton and Trump From a Terrorist Attack Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT :CRASH: more
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New member
I think the move that Trump uses to Make America "Great" will be wars of expansion. Most likely against Mexico. The goal will be to make the USA extend not only coast to coast but Arctic to the isthmus. That would make our southern boarder much easier to defend and put us in easy striking range of Venezuela's oil fields. Since the goal is Arctic to isthmus, he will have to do something about Canada, maybe an "offer" to join the USA. One of those "offers" with serious consequences if refused.
Wars of expansion against weaker neighbors are the traditional way fascists generate nationalistic feeling at home and boost the economy with military spending.
Russia will support US territorial expansion because Trump will make a deal with Putin. We will look the other way while Russia retakes the territory of the former Soviet Union. Putin may get us to withdraw from NATO as well.

patrick jane

I think the move that Trump uses to Make America "Great" will be wars of expansion. Most likely against Mexico. The goal will be to make the USA extend not only coast to coast but Arctic to the isthmus. That would make our southern boarder much easier to defend and put us in easy striking range of Venezuela's oil fields. Since the goal is Arctic to isthmus, he will have to do something about Canada, maybe an "offer" to join the USA. One of those "offers" with serious consequences if refused.
Wars of expansion against weaker neighbors are the traditional way fascists generate nationalistic feeling at home and boost the economy with military spending.
Russia will support US territorial expansion because Trump will make a deal with Putin. We will look the other way while Russia retakes the territory of the former Soviet Union. Putin may get us to withdraw from NATO as well.
You are insane :kookoo:

The Horn

Donald Chump will only make America HATE again ! He's already been working on this ever since he began his appalling rise to power .


At face value that headline looks impressive.
Except that his very presence :greedy: defiles the land (Ex 20:14).
Hos. 4:1–3


Sodom aka America Will Not Repent
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are we great again yet?

Not quite yet. We've yet to lynch black folk in the streets again; imprison homosexuals on a regular basis nor keep mom barefoot and pregnant.

Good news though, we now have an 8 year plan!