patrick jane

I don't think that it started that way. Seems like it started as a business tactic for him and then he lost control of it.

Hence the embarrassing claims that his inauguration was the most attended ever, stories about thousands of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey, and other obvious lies. He no longer can tell reality from his own imagination.

And it's caused the United States serious damage in the world.


There's a lot of very sick people out there. I debated a guy on here on TOL who took it a step further than Donald Trump and said that incest should be legal.

Pretty sick huh?

Here Donald and his wannabe squeeze are being interviewed by their fellow leftwingers on "The Spew", where he talks about his daughter. Of course his fellow sexual anarchists thought that was funny.

Ha ha ha...
Has Trump ever went beyond p-grabbing? I know he is a sexual harasser, but I have my doubts he does this to women in hopes to have sex with such women. I think he is old, obnoxious, and just wants his wife mostly.

patrick jane


[h=1]President Donald Trump's Accomplishment List:[/h]

Trump supporters are proud of the job President Trump has done so far. He has achieved many of the campaign promises he made despite the lack of help he’s received from the Republican Party and the obstructionists in Congress. With just 1 year in office Trump’s accomplishment list is growing and growing yet you wouldn’t know that if get your news from the “Main Stream Media”.

How long do you see Pro Trump news stay in the headlines?

It’s almost like seeing a shooting star, you have to be in the right place at the right time and then it’s over just as fast as it began. MAGAPILL was created to preserve President Trump’s Legacy by archiving and listing his accomplishments. Much of the positive Trump News gets under reported or in many cases, not reported at all. There is one thing that the establishment Republicans, Democrats and the establishment Media all have in common… They want President Trump to fail.

The establishment Republicans, who are basically Democrats at this point, are refusing to implement the MAGA agenda. The Democrats don’t have an agenda that they can say out loud without getting completely rejected so they are just in obstruct mode. The establishment Media has become a political arm. All of the journalists have left the building and we are left with political operatives telling you how to think about their slanted stories.

They are all trying their hardest to paint a picture of failure and disaster and we can’t let them succeed in doing that. If we don’t capture and archive what’s really going on, we’re leaving it up to the MSM to define Trump’s Presidency and his Legacy.

If you feel as passionate as we do about making sure that President Trump gets the credit he deserves then please consider helping us out.


Bookmark this Amazon Link and use it anytime you are going to Amazon to make purchases.
BTC: 1fTtk6P84ZjfNgJoBoQ7rfrRi5zVpLaNN
Most importantly, Share this site with your friends and spread our President’s accomplishments!


The Barbarian

There's a lot of very sick people out there. I debated a guy on here on TOL who took it a step further than Donald Trump and said that incest should be legal.

That guy turned the tables on you, and asked you to give one way that there was a compelling public interest to ban incest between consenting adults. Instead you falsely accused him of advocating incest, and ran for cover.

Pretty sick huh?

We're all pretty used to you by now, Connie.

The Barbarian

Has Trump ever went beyond p-grabbing?

According to one then-13YO girl, he and his pedophile buddy Jefferey Epstein raped her. And there's plenty of women who have revealed that he attempted to have sex with them against their will.

I think he is old, obnoxious, and just wants his wife mostly.

He was on an open microphone admitting that he was trying to cheat on his latest wife (with whom he was cheating on his previous wife, with whom he was cheating on a different wife.

The Barbarian

The topic is "make America great again." Exposing the clown in the WH is a critical part of that process.

If was an "only true believers in Trump" thread, then criticism of his sexual perversions and other character flaws would be out of place.

patrick jane


President Donald Trump's Accomplishment List:

Trump supporters are proud of the job President Trump has done so far. He has achieved many of the campaign promises he made despite the lack of help he’s received from the Republican Party and the obstructionists in Congress. With just 1 year in office Trump’s accomplishment list is growing and growing yet you wouldn’t know that if get your news from the “Main Stream Media”.

How long do you see Pro Trump news stay in the headlines?

It’s almost like seeing a shooting star, you have to be in the right place at the right time and then it’s over just as fast as it began. MAGAPILL was created to preserve President Trump’s Legacy by archiving and listing his accomplishments. Much of the positive Trump News gets under reported or in many cases, not reported at all. There is one thing that the establishment Republicans, Democrats and the establishment Media all have in common… They want President Trump to fail.

The establishment Republicans, who are basically Democrats at this point, are refusing to implement the MAGA agenda. The Democrats don’t have an agenda that they can say out loud without getting completely rejected so they are just in obstruct mode. The establishment Media has become a political arm. All of the journalists have left the building and we are left with political operatives telling you how to think about their slanted stories.

They are all trying their hardest to paint a picture of failure and disaster and we can’t let them succeed in doing that. If we don’t capture and archive what’s really going on, we’re leaving it up to the MSM to define Trump’s Presidency and his Legacy.

If you feel as passionate as we do about making sure that President Trump gets the credit he deserves then please consider helping us out.


Bookmark this Amazon Link and use it anytime you are going to Amazon to make purchases.
BTC: 1fTtk6P84ZjfNgJoBoQ7rfrRi5zVpLaNN
Most importantly, Share this site with your friends and spread our President’s accomplishments!
Trump Rules The World :first:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The topic is "make America great again." Exposing the clown in the WH is a critical part of that process.

If was an "only true believers in Trump" thread, then criticism of his sexual perversions and other character flaws would be out of place.
No sir, this is NOT a thread to bash America or the President of the United States of America.
You were warned.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No sir, this is NOT a thread to bash America or the President of the United States of America.
You were warned.

He's not 'bashing America' unless you conflate a lack of support for unqualified narcissists and gropers holding supreme executive power with such, which you shouldn't.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
He's not 'bashing America' unless you conflate a lack of support for unqualified narcissists and gropers holding supreme executive power with such, which you shouldn't.
Get on board or get out of this thread, AB.
You can spread your vile hatred in several other threads that were started for that.

I made myself clear as to the intent of this thread.
It is my thread, and YOU do not get to tell me what YOU think it's intent is.

There are several other threads that the America and Trump haters can spew their vile all they want.
No one is denying you haters to do that.
Just not in this thread.
You haters do not have to ruin every thread.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Get on board or get out of this thread, AB.
You can spread your vile hatred in several other threads that were started for that.

I made myself clear as to the intent of this thread.
It is my thread, and YOU do not get to tell me what YOU think it's intent is.

There are several other threads that the America and Trump haters can spew their vile all they want.
No one is denying you haters to do that.
Just not in this thread.
You haters do not have to ruin every thread.

"Get on board"? Get on board with what? The "Trump train"? Cos that's what this thread seems pretty much tantamount to. Your idea of 'making America great again' seems to revolve around just that.

It is not 'hating America' to want that embarrassing, sexually assaulting, inept, egotistical crank out of the WH and someone at least remotely qualified to be at the helm of your country Tam. It is anything but. You get that? Now if you just wanna post a continual stream of cringe inducing 'I Love Trump' videos and a place to say how much you love the tic-tac eating groper under the guise of MAGA with no dissenting voices allowed then crack on with it and you can report away until the only people on your blog (cos that's what it would effectively be) are all removed or banned.

Don't be dishonest enough to confuse the recognition of one of the loosest canons in presidential history to be one with hating your country though, because it most certainly isn't.
Last edited:

patrick jane

How quick they forget - for the last 8 years, conservative "birthers," under the leadership of "Sir Donald," were trying to convince the American public that the it was unconstitutional for Barrack Obama to elected President!

Now that Trump is President, they presume to lecture the rest of us about "Fake News" with a straight face - oblivious to the fact that they had spent all those years promoting a lie!
I didn't and I don't know if anybody here did, but again, who cares?