ECT MADs Are Weird...


New member
Despite your above two errors, you have just made the "various aspects of the gospel of (concerning) Christ" argument...

Another aspect is seen in 1 Cor. 10:4.

Do you believe God's people in the wilderness were familiar with Paul's writings, and yet they drank of the Rock that was Christ?

This happened long before Paul.

Paul's argument was that salvation was not obtained by the keeping of the law. There was no efficacy in continuing animal sacrifices after Jesus' sacrifice.

That remains true today just as it did in Paul's day.


MAD is a very ridiculous Christian standing. Why anyone would actually want to affiliate their self with such is beyond me, everything about it is either negative or inconsistent.


TOL Subscriber
The writings of Paul provide some nice to know stuff but Paul's arguments were with the Jews' perception of the efficacy of the Mosaic law.

Paul's writings are not essential to salvation.
silence, viper

Romans 2:16 KJV

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
MAD is a very ridiculous Christian standing. Why anyone would actually want to affiliate their self with such is beyond me, everything about it is either negative or inconsistent.

That's why you remain less intelligent than most posters on TOL. I'm
sorry to say this but, no doubt, your shoe size is extremely larger
than your IQ. No offence, somebody had to inform you.


That's why you remain less intelligent than most posters on TOL. I'm
sorry to say this but, no doubt, your shoe size is extremely larger
than your IQ. No offence, somebody had to inform you.


patrick jane

His "one size fits all" approach has him concluding his request is sound.

Truth is; pick up the wrong book, say, the Koran, and you can look all you want; you're in the wrong "location."

Just shows Inter's is too narrow a focus.

I'm so glad I focused most of my reading in Paul's epistles before I ever heard of MAD, it was a natural fit because I had seen and understood them before seeing the debates here and the attacks on MAD. The attackers are simply in the wrong place, like you said.


New member
DANOH said,

would "that the eyes of your understanding" might catch even a glimpse of what we have been privileged to via The Mystery...

What aspect would you like to Discuss or Know about.

Would you like to go into the PAST a Million Billion years

or into the distant Future of the Kingdom of God and our place in it ?:think:

Let me know cause I am curious to know how your mind and imagination work.:rapture:

My mind is ideally suited for the Mid-Acts Perspective.

The Mid-Acts Bible Student is a modeler, of sorts.

Ever wanting to know what a thing is comprised of.

Even before he knows of, heres of, looks into, or embraces Mid-Acts, his is a mind not easily swayed by the traditions of men even while sitting under same for a time.

There is always that one little detail he is not only curious about, but determined to get an answer to.

This naturally results in a mind that is much more questioning about things; much more adept at the kinds of questions that need to be asked to begin with simply "by reason of use" of his ever questioning mind to begin with.

Encountering the Mid-Acts Perspective is kind of an odd experience for such a mind.

It feels odd at first, the pieces finally fitting and our inquisitive mind knowing it - it feels odd, and yet, so right at home.

Like a long lost friend.

Like a woman is to a man.

Its more the men then the women. Which makes the women who are like that inquistive too so special.

There's a fight in them - the result of a mind just as uncompromising as that of those men who eventually embrace Mid-Acts.

Acts 18:26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.

What a lovely couple. Imagine the high level of intelligence their equally inquisitive minds had been able to result in.

That is Mid-Acts.

That is the Mid-Acts community.

Sit down with their children some time.

See if you're not reminded of that amazing child's "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" Luke 2:49.

Like I said, MAD's are weird...


Well-known member
The real spiritual problem with MAD is that it is not or does not find its fulfillment in Christ. Christ is the new creation that was coming in the new covenant. Perhaps the problem of most eschatology is that it is looking for things rather than Christ.


Well-known member
The real communicational problem with MAD is that the title does not tell you a thing. 2P2P tells you immediate what a problem is. The title MAD does not. I don't even know why they think it exists, what they think they have answered.