
God's Truth

New member
Paul was NOT saying not of by obeying. Those are NOT THE WORKS Paul is speaking of. Just read Romans 4:9, 10. 11, and 12!!!! It is about not of the ceremonial/purification works such as CIRCUMCISION!

God's Truth

New member
Right ok...and maybe that is exactly why He instituted the Sabbath from the beginning...before sin
And kept it Himself to model the image we were made do AS He did from the beginning

You are putting a worthless day before Jesus!


New member
You are putting a worthless day before Jesus!

How so? Why do you feel a standing appointment with God is worthless?

Keeping the Sabbath set apart from other days is just as important to God as not stealing, murdering, or being involved in sexual morality.

It's all part of the same contract.

God's Truth

New member
nope. partakers of Christ by the gospel Ephesians 3:6 KJV

That scripture says FELLOW HEIRS.

Jesus came to earth and preached a message of how to get saved, and Paul is a minister to that same covenant.

2 Corinthians 3:6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

God's Truth

New member
How so? Why do you feel a standing appointment with God is worthless?

Keeping the Sabbath set apart from other days is just as important to God as not stealing, murdering, or being involved in sexual morality.

It's all part of the same contract.

Go think about it some more.

I showed you over and over that the special days including the Sabbath IS A SHADOW. NOT STEALING IS NOT A SHADOW.

Stealing is a sin and not stealing is obeying!


Literal lunatic
It doesn't say "new covenant". Get a Bible. We know with whom that will be and it's future and not with us! Hebrews 8:8-12 KJV

Get a bible.

Testament [N]
occurs twelve times in the New Testament ( Hebrews 9:15 , etc.) as the rendering of the Gr. diatheke, which is twenty times rendered "covenant" in the Authorized Version, and always so in the Revised Version.

Or you could stay with the Latin Vulgate....

The Vulgate translates incorrectly by testamentum, whence the names "Old" and "New Testament," by which we now designate the two sections into which the Bible is divided.

Divided? Now that thar is veddy interestink.:cigar:

God's Truth

New member
To whom he's talking, that's true, but not for me and you! Salvation by grace through faith, not of yourselves, not of works, the gift of God is the faith Paul preached (Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV, Titus 3:5-7 KJV).


That dead faith which you claim is dead for is not living faith for us!


New member
You have to be saved before you can serve. So, trust the Lord believing that His work is all sufficient for your salvation without any help from you to gain or maintain it and then serve the Lord by preaching the cross!

Why preach the cross? Sounds like work!

Or hey how about we preach the cross and not obey the One Who rose?

Tell 'em about the cross annulling the commandments is why we rape kill and pillage?

Does that sound crusader enough to save Israel does it?

God's Truth

New member
Get a bible.

Testament [N]
occurs twelve times in the New Testament ( Hebrews 9:15 , etc.) as the rendering of the Gr. diatheke, which is twenty times rendered "covenant" in the Authorized Version, and always so in the Revised Version.

Or you could stay with the Latin Vulgate....

The Vulgate translates incorrectly by testamentum, whence the names "Old" and "New Testament," by which we now designate the two sections into which the Bible is divided.

Divided? Now that thar is veddy interestink.:cigar:


Thanks for that, thanks for pointing out that NEW TESTAMENT MEANS New Covenant!

I even gave scriptures where Paul SAYS he is a minister of a New Covenant.

What is wrong with these people? I have spent so much of my time trying to get them to understand what is plainly written and they will have none of it.


New member
Go think about it some more.

I showed you over and over that the special days including the Sabbath IS A SHADOW. NOT STEALING IS NOT A SHADOW.

Stealing is a sin and not stealing is obeying!

Sabbath is one of the 10

was singled out for prayers to be kept in the future

and He calls Himself "Lord of the Sabbath" not "Lord of the not stealing"

God's Truth

New member
You have to be saved before you can serve. So, trust the Lord believing that His work is all sufficient for your salvation without any help from you to gain or maintain it and then serve the Lord by preaching the cross!

The cross is about his blood being that of the Lamb!

God's Truth

New member
Oh my you now you really don't know how that lordship thingy works either...

You have been shown many times now that a Sabbath day is worthless.

It is a shadow.

It is a teaching tool.

You are a bitter root and defile many with your worship and judging others by a day.

You do not even obey the Sabbath the way one used to have to.


New member

Thanks for that, thanks for pointing out that NEW TESTAMENT MEANS New Covenant!

I even gave scriptures where Paul SAYS he is a minister of a New Covenant.

What is wrong with these people? I have spent so much of my time trying to get them to understand what is plainly written and they will have none of it.

Hey did you know that the first full day of the New Covenant Age was a Sabbath?

DId you know He kept it and so did His followers...see because the Testator said nothing about it changing before He signed it with His blood and sealed it with His death...

And now you adding to it...or removing from it can't tell which...

So much rejection for a day off...why?

Isaiah seems to make it important speaks of it a couple times even how we keep it in paradise...even Paul says it remains for the people of God...but here you are with a signature that says "Do not just read the word DO IT"

So why don't you?

God's Truth

New member
Hey did you know that the first full day of the New Covenant Age was a Sabbath?

DId you know He kept it and so did His followers...see because the Testator said nothing about it changing before He signed it with His blood and sealed it with His death...

And now you adding to it...or removing from it can't tell which...

So much rejection for a day off...why?

Isaiah seems to make it important speaks of it a couple times even how we keep it in paradise...even Paul says it remains for the people of God...but here you are with a signature that says "Do not just read the word DO IT"

So why don't you?


That means all the special days were about HIM.

After fulfilling the LAW AND the prophecies of the prophets---he sat down at the right hand of the Father.

THE WORD of God SAYS special days, including the Sabbath---is a SHADOW, a teaching tool.


New member
You have been shown many times now that a Sabbath day is worthless.
wow that is harsh...a commandment is are a long way from "His Law is my delight"...

It is a shadow.

It is a teaching tool.
yup still are...still pointing out truth and teaching...

You are a bitter root and defile many with your worship and judging others by a day.

You do not even obey the Sabbath the way one used to have to.

No you are attempting slander and ad Homs and well since I am part of the body of Christ I am to judge others who claim the correct with scripture and pray the become MORE LIKE not less like Him...HIS WAY...

No Sunday Ham in His love...

Is that what it is? You gonna miss dat Ham up practice going without it here...

On earth as it is in heaven...