ECT MADists don't follow Paul

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Authority?? Slime has no authority. . only stink.

A child of the devil, full of sulfur, and leaving behind dung on this site, quipping the above?

Good one, biblical buffoon. No taking me on, one on one, on the subject we are "discussing," eh, drone? Yes...Not in my league.

Cross Reference

New member
A child of the devil, full of sulfur, and leaving behind dung on this site, quipping the above?

Good one, biblical buffoon. No taking me on, one on one, on the subject we are "discussing," eh, drone? Yes...Not in my league.

You are right. I am out of your league. You have to look up to see daylight.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why do you keep running and hiding from Luke 19:44?

(Luke 19:44) .....They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

As I predicted he would spam-he goes away, then returns, after others have left, and spams his deceitful "Why do you keep running and hiding from..", which he throws up on every thread, as if that "clinches the deal."

You deceitful punk-you make people sick, on this board, with your satanic ploys.

Why do you keep running and hiding from answering my last 55 questions, Wimpy, and, specifically, posts #77, 100, on this "thread?"

Well, soddy Craigie? Afraid of me, punk? You know I've caught you in another string of lies, and won't touch the content of my 2 posts, as it will further cement your rep on TOL, as the habitual, satanic liar, we know as Wimpy Craigie Tettie.


Well-known member
Paul tells us that he met in private with the leaders in Jerusalem, and then presented the gospel he had been preaching to see if he was running the race in vain.

What else could it possibly mean?

Of the multitude of times that I have read that verse over the years, I have never come away from it with the sense that you have of it.

Paul, knowing that his message to the gentiles was different from what was being taught to the circumcision by the Jewish believers in Jerusalem, went first to the 'pillars' to explain in private what he was teaching the gentiles, rather than going to the Jewish church at large which would have resulted in his voice being drowned out by the opposition, which would have resulted in his efforts being in vain.
This type of approach happens often in our own day and I have used the approach myself in presenting a proposition to a church assembly or a government assembly, to avoid being shot down prematurely.
I had much rather present my ideas to a couple of rational minded men, in private first, than to trust that my voice would not be muffled by an emotional crowd.
I believe that Paul's goal was to inform the Jerusalem Jewish believers of his message to the gentiles as in Acts 15, not in any way to get approval or sanction, but to bring peace between Jewish believers and gentile believers at that time.
Paul didn't need 'permission'. He already had it directly from the ascended Lord.
Paul was not confused. He knew very well his commission.
It was the Jerusalem church that didn't understand Paul's commission, not Paul.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
People who own their own companies and file bankruptcy can't get unemployment.

Just like your theology, your knowledge of finance is lousy, and full of contradictions.

Well, sweetie, at least I have a job, you infidel, not sponging off anyone, as you do, being your future ex wife, and people who allegedly follow Paul, as you say you do, would not do so, or be sodomites, like you've admitted to me that you are.

And the punk admits he is unemployed.

Vs. your satanic Preterist "theology," Wimp? My reputation, on TOL, vs. yours, sweetie? Good one.

Tell you what, Craigie. A "one on one" debate, you, and your satanic "theology", vs. mine, on this "The Greek...Israel" in the Ephesians passage, you post, and continually post, as part of your "argument."


I thought so-the punk will not address post's #77, 100.

Wimp. Fraud.

Right Divider

Body part
Because Paul had just gotten it from Christ Jesus.
Tetelian logic: 3 YEARS is "just gotten".

Yes, that's the point.
Your "point" is that Paul waited 17 YEARS to make sure he was preaching the "same thing".

It has been a long time since Paul was given direct revelation from Christ Jesus, Paul wanted to make sure that what he was preaching was not in vain.
The Lord Jesus Christ did NOT just appear to Paul just ONCE.
2Co 12:7 KJV And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
It is clear that you are more than stupid. You are a committed and habitual liar.


Well-known member
Tetelian logic: 3 YEARS is "just gotten".

Your "point" is that Paul waited 17 YEARS to make sure he was preaching the "same thing".

The Lord Jesus Christ did NOT just appear to Paul just ONCE.
2Co 12:7 KJV And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
It is clear that you are more than stupid. You are a committed and habitual liar.

Right! The Lord obviously appeared to Paul more than once as He revealed mystery to him over time.

Act 26:16 But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee;

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Tetelian logic: 3 YEARS is "just gotten".

Your "point" is that Paul waited 17 YEARS to make sure he was preaching the "same thing".

The Lord Jesus Christ did NOT just appear to Paul just ONCE.
2Co 12:7 KJV And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
It is clear that you are more than stupid. You are a committed and habitual liar.

"It is clear that you are more than stupid. You are a committed and habitual liar."-RD

Correct, RD, not just a fool, but stupid, and a habitual liar, who is caught by me, and others, lying, contradicting himself, so many times, that he forgets the last string of lies, and spin, and dodges, that he had just posted.

When challenged, he goes into his "Why are you running and hiding?... MADists cannot answer...Don't you believe the bible/"Jesus"/Paul/Peter/Josephus?...Darby...Bullinger..." deceptive debating tactic, changes the subject, and then repeats, flies away, repeats when most TOL members are sleeping/gone, and then repeats the same spam again.


Well-known member
At first the people didn't think Moses was the deliverer. We scratch our heads and think "man they saw all the plagues in Egypt,went through the red sea,watched the sea close on the Egyptian army and then wanted a gold cow".

We say if I lived back then I would have recognized Jesus. Its confusing to us how they could see the 12 raise the dead,heal the sick ect. and not recognize them.,,,but Paul the very one who is separated out and called the apostle to the gentiles goes over their heads and they confuse him with the ones sent to others,,,


Paul, knowing that his message to the gentiles was different from what was being taught to the circumcision by the Jewish believers in Jerusalem, went first to the 'pillars' to explain in private what he was teaching the gentiles, rather than going to the Jewish church at large which would have resulted in his voice being drowned out by the opposition, which would have resulted in his efforts being in vain.

What difference? What opposition?

Paul himself tells us the following in Galatians 1

(Gal 1:23) They only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.”

In the above, we see Paul preached the same faith he once persecuted.

You guys claim Paul persecuted "kingdom believers" and was now preaching to "body believers". That's not what Gal 1:23 says.

Also, Paul tells us that he used to take money from the Gentile churches and give it to the church in Jerusalem because the Gentiles shared the same spiritual blessings as the Jews.

(Rom 15:27) For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.

Where is the difference? Where is the opposition you are referring to?

This type of approach happens often in our own day and I have used the approach myself in presenting a proposition to a church assembly or a government assembly, to avoid being shot down prematurely.
I had much rather present my ideas to a couple of rational minded men, in private first, than to trust that my voice would not be muffled by an emotional crowd.

Paul wasn't presenting to them a proposition, he presented to them how he was preaching the gospel to the Gentiles.
I believe that Paul's goal was to inform the Jerusalem Jewish believers of his message to the gentiles as in Acts 15, not in any way to get approval or sanction, but to bring peace between Jewish believers and gentile believers at that time.

What makes you think there was no peace?

Paul was giving the believers in Jerusalem money from the Gentile churches.

Paul didn't need 'permission'. He already had it directly from the ascended Lord.

He wasn't asking for permission. He wanted to see if what he was preaching was in vain or not.
Paul was not confused. He knew very well his commission.

Then why was Paul given a revelation to go to the church in Jerusalem?

It was the Jerusalem church that didn't understand Paul's commission, not Paul.

Read Acts 15

The church in Jerusalem sent two of its own men (Judas and Silas) to preach in the Gentile churches.

How could Judas and Silas do that if they didn't know the gospel Paul preached?

Cross Reference

New member
At first the people didn't think Moses was the deliverer. We scratch our heads and think "man they saw all the plagues in Egypt,went through the red sea,watched the sea close on the Egyptian army and then wanted a gold cow".

We say if I lived back then I would have recognized Jesus. Its confusing to us how they could see the 12 raise the dead,heal the sick ect. and not recognize them.,,,but Paul the very one who is separated out and called the apostle to the gentiles goes over their heads and they confuse him with the ones sent to others,,,

Just goes to show that the new birth and discipleship still require us to understand our responsibility in the matter of our understanding, understanding God's purposes that we fathom out by the only way possible, i.e., abandon our lives to Him. . . to know Him. . . . there being no magic wand waved over us when saying the sinners prayer.


Tettie, how long have you been a preterist?

When are you going to address Luke 19?

It's funny how all you Dispies claim to know how to rightly divide, but then when you are proven wrong by a question, you just keep ignoring the question over and over again.


Tetelian logic: 3 YEARS is "just gotten".

Compared to 17 years, yes.

Your "point" is that Paul waited 17 YEARS to make sure he was preaching the "same thing".

Paul waited 17 years before he asked the leaders in Jerusalem if he was preaching in vain.

If you disagree that was what Paul did, then explain why Paul would preach his gospel to them in private to see if he was preaching in vain?