ECT Madist explain please how the 7 I AM's OF Jesus in John does not apply to the BOC


Well-known member
They're not; not in general. But John 1:1, for instance, is truth that never changes. So it's applicable to all people.

And STP already told you that, so I'm not apologizing, because I wasn't wrong.

But if you want to know if I can admit when I'm wrong I did so the other day in one of these threads when talking to one of your friends.

Hi , Lighthouse , and DODGE does not understand VERTICAL TRUTH from HORIZONATAL TRUTH and you gave him a lesson on John1:1 and that Vertical truth when over his head !!

dan p


New member
Hi , Lighthouse , and DODGE does not understand VERTICAL TRUTH from HORIZONATAL TRUTH and you gave him a lesson on John1:1 and that Vertical truth when over his head !!

dan p

I figured out truth in March 1978.

The truth is in John 14:6. You may want to study that verse.


Well-known member
I solved the puzzle, and the only clue needed is Jesus !

Hi and you know what VERTICAL truth is and know what HORIZONATAL TRUTH means , so explain it !!

I have asked a serious question , as you are BLOVIATING !!

Dan p


New member
Hi and you know what VERTICAL truth is and know what HORIZONATAL TRUTH means , so explain it !!

I have asked a serious question , as you are BLOVIATING !!

Dan p

This OP is not about pick your topic it is about "Madist explain please how the 7 I AM's OF Jesus in John does not apply to the BOC".

Start a thread and ask your question and I just might drop in.

You have a knack for taking the easily understandable and confusing yourself.


Well-known member
This OP is not about pick your topic it is about "Madist explain please how the 7 I AM's OF Jesus in John does not apply to the BOC".

Start a thread and ask your question and I just might drop in.

You have a knack for taking the easily understandable and confusing yourself.

Hi and I never avoid a question , no matter it is asked , unless I do not see it so Lighthouse and I are correct by DEFAULT as yoy have refused to answer !!

dan p


New member
Hi and I never avoid a question , no matter it is asked , unless I do not see it so Lighthouse and I are correct by DEFAULT as yoy have refused to answer !!

dan p

Start a thread and ask whatever you want !


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Your question is not quite right the one I would have asked is why is the Apostle Paul elevated in His teachings ABOVE Jesus ? I am NOT propagandizing I am trying to understand how any body that reads scripture can place more importance on an Apostles teachings than on Jesus' teachings. Has the servant now become greater than the master to some ? I think so.

I'm making a mistake even giving you the time of day. Nevertheless...

The correct question is "Why Paul?"

Your question is stupidity. The bible records that Paul received "his gospel" from the risen Christ, by direct divine revelation (which you didn't even know until I just told you (unless someone here beat me to the punch). If that is true, it answers your question but implies a series of questions that you cannot answer...

Why was Paul taught a gospel by direct divine revelation?

Is Paul's gospel different than the gospel taught by Jesus and the Twelve?
If not, why teach Paul the gospel by direct divine revelation? Why not simply send him to the Twelve Apostles whom Jesus had just spent the last three years training and all of whom had just recieved the Holy Spirit? In fact, if Paul's gospel is not different, where the need to have a thirteenth Apostle at all, whatever happened to the Great Commission?

If it is different, which direct divine revelation compels one to accept, what is different about it, why did it change and why aren't you following it?

You cannot answer these questions because there isn't a good answer from within your theological paradigm. Any answer you submit will undermine your doctrine. In short, either Paul is a fraud or you are wrong or both (if both then Christianity itself is false). Those are the only rational choices you've got.

Resting in Him,


New member
I'm making a mistake even giving you the time of day. Nevertheless...

The correct question is "Why Paul?"

Your question is stupidity. The bible records that Paul received "his gospel" from the risen Christ, by direct divine revelation (which you didn't even know until I just told you (unless someone here beat me to the punch). If that is true, it answers your question but implies a series of questions that you cannot answer...

Why was Paul taught a gospel by direct divine revelation?

Is Paul's gospel different than the gospel taught by Jesus and the Twelve?
If not, why teach Paul the gospel by direct divine revelation? Why not simply send him to the Twelve Apostles whom Jesus had just spent the last three years training and all of whom had just recieved the Holy Spirit? In fact, if Paul's gospel is not different, where the need to have a thirteenth Apostle at all, whatever happened to the Great Commission?

If it is different, which direct divine revelation compels one to accept, what is different about it, why did it change and why aren't you following it?

You cannot answer these questions because there isn't a good answer from within your theological paradigm. Any answer you submit will undermine your doctrine. In short, either Paul is a fraud or you are wrong or both (if both then Christianity itself is false). Those are the only rational choices you've got.

Resting in Him,

Paul is not a fraud you are.

Paul taught nothing that Jesus had not already taught. The meaning was withheld by God for a time as scripture says, but Paul taught nothing that Jesus had not already taught, and after the resurrection ALL the Apostles taught GRACE. Not that you can or will see that truth because it aptly destroys the lies and deceptions of MAD.


Well-known member
Paul is not a fraud you are.

Paul taught nothing that Jesus had not already taught. The meaning was withheld by God for a time as scripture says, but Paul taught nothing that Jesus had not already taught, and after the resurrection ALL the Apostles taught GRACE. Not that you can or will see that truth because it aptly destroys the lies and deceptions of MAD.

Hi and CLETE has it right on , on WHY ANOTHER APOSTLE since they already had 12 //

You BAPTISTS are not Jews and neither keep the Law , ot the Sabbath , nor SACRIFICE sheep or cattle and are just like the RCC trying to steal and appropriate Pentecost , so why not have Priests also as you have there BAPTISM , and TONGUES !!

dan p


New member
Hi and CLETE has it right on , on WHY ANOTHER APOSTLE since they already had 12 //

You BAPTISTS are not Jews and neither keep the Law , ot the Sabbath , nor SACRIFICE sheep or cattle and are just like the RCC trying to steal and appropriate Pentecost , so why not have Priests also as you have there BAPTISM , and TONGUES !!

dan p

FYI, I have never known a baptist that speaks tongues. I am not saying there are no baptist that claim to speak in tongues , but I have never seen any that do.

If you are in Christ you have a priest or YOU are not in the BOC.

Read slowly the verse below and try to understand what the writer is saying.

Heb 3:1
Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

And before you holler Hebrews was not written to the BOC notice the "holy brethren" and "partakers of the heavenly calling" and " of our profession" and " Christ Jesus".

If Jesus is not your High Priest and Apostle then you have no part in the BOC.


Well-known member
FYI, I have never known a Jesus".

If Jesus is not your High Priest and Apostle then you have no part in the BOC.

Hi and since I am in Christ , since the Greek word ARE / ESTE than means we are always in the B O C !!

You BAPTIST have STOLEN water BAPTISIM from John the Baptist and OUGHT to be ASHAMED and are as bad as the RCC !!

Remember that I use to be So Baptist and never learned a thing from them and wen we got another Pastor , it was him who led me into DISPENSATIONALISM , and I was set free and all that Baptist do is keep people bound with WATER BAPTISM and not all Baptist church will accept members from other Baptist churchs NOR accept there Water Baptism unless they are RE-BAPTIZED by there special WATER !!



New member
Hi and since I am in Christ , since the Greek word ARE / ESTE than means we are always in the B O C !!

You BAPTIST have STOLEN water BAPTISIM from John the Baptist and OUGHT to be ASHAMED and are as bad as the RCC !!

Remember that I use to be So Baptist and never learned a thing from them and wen we got another Pastor , it was him who led me into DISPENSATIONALISM , and I was set free and all that Baptist do is keep people bound with WATER BAPTISM and not all Baptist church will accept members from other Baptist churchs NOR accept there Water Baptism unless they are RE-BAPTIZED by there special WATER !!


Do you make a habit of chopping off part of folks post ?

I posted this:

FYI, I have never known a baptist that speaks tongues. I am not saying there are no baptist that claim to speak in tongues , but I have never seen any that do.

You posted this off of my post:

FYI, I have never known a Jesus"

Is there a point to your stupidity ?

So you never learned from one pastor and was corrupted by another that taught you lies for truth YOUR POINT?

Another lie from you. I have been to probably 6 baptist churches over the years and have NEVER been asked to be re-baptized. When one moves to another church they move their letter there they are NOT re-baptized in the So. Bapt denom......LIE MUCH ?

Baptist did not steal anything they simply obey Jesus UN-like Madist.


Well-known member
Do you make a habit of chopping off part of folks post ?

I posted this:

FYI, I have never known a baptist that speaks tongues. I am not saying there are no baptist that claim to speak in tongues , but I have never seen any that do.

You posted this off of my post:

FYI, I have never known a Jesus"

Is there a point to your stupidity ?

So you never learned from one pastor and was corrupted by another that taught you lies for truth YOUR POINT?

Another lie from you. I have been to probably 6 baptist churches over the years and have NEVER been asked to be re-baptized. When one moves to another church they move their letter there they are NOT re-baptized in the So. Bapt denom......LIE MUCH ?

Baptist did not steal anything they simply obey Jesus UN-like Madist.

Hi and , maybe you have yet to be CORRUTED as you are alreay been ACCURSED by Christ in Gal 1:8 and Gal 5:4 and are FALLEN from GRACE !!

Keep up the good teaching and ZERO reward for you at the BEMA SEAT in 1 Cor 311-15

And I do not have to call you a LIAR as every one can see who is LAYING !!!!

dan p


New member
Hi and , maybe you have yet to be CORRUTED as you are alreay been ACCURSED by Christ in Gal 1:8 and Gal 5:4 and are FALLEN from GRACE !!

Keep up the good teaching and ZERO reward for you at the BEMA SEAT in 1 Cor 311-15

And I do not have to call you a LIAR as every one can see who is LAYING !!!!

dan p

You do know you are on the planet earth right ?


Well-known member
You do know you are on the planet earth right ?

Hi and when I WAS a So Baptist I did not believe in OSAS as they did and never explained to me WHY !!

In fact , one Pastor , when ask a question about the Holy Spirit , said there were not to much in the bible concerning the Holy Spirit so why are you using Paul's letters to prove a point as is never in CONTEXT ??

O Well !!

It just means you DO NOT know anything about DISPENATIONALISM !!

You are just trying to PUT a false front !!

dan p