Lunch with my colleagues

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't know....why do any of us find anything funny?

It's like if a guy tells me there are no such things as red cars, I show him a red car parked on the side of the road, and he keeps insisting that red cars don't exist despite the red car right in front of him.

Most people would throw their hands up in the air, figure the guy to be an idiot or insane, and walk away. For whatever reason, I'll keep showing him the red car for the entertainment value of seeing just how far he'll go in defending such an obviously absurd position.

I guess it's kind of a human behavior thing. I enjoy seeing how people respond to different situations, especially how people respond to being wrong.

of course, if you weren't retarded you might consider that he's color-blind


Well-known member
1. Suprised Fly has a job with colleagues.

2. Surprised Fly can spell colleagues.

3. Suprised Fly has a job.