Losers.. I mean Poor folks should pull themselves up by bootstraps


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It appears that Truster wants to swap verses from the Bible:

1 Timothy 5:8
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

You obviously have difficulty just dealing with the OP, as I have, and instead decide to act like the complete twit that you are, by going after me by name and posting nonsense on my rep page.

It's white guilt ridden liberals such as yourself that keep poor people poor with your gubermint handouts and victim mentality attitude.

I'm sure you are a trembling wimp in person that would shudder at the thought your words would be thrown back in you face attached to a piece of meat. Nothing better to do than play at the troll game?

I see your kind daily on the streets of Seattle. You give some heroin addict a buck and pat yourself on the back thinking that you actually helped him.

We'll get this country turned around again and these people who you enslave will be free once again.


New member
That type of accusation is not born out by the facts.

Conservatives act while liberals only talk about being liberal.

Conservatives in general are far more giving to charitable type organizations and such than liberals.

Liberals talk a great talk, but it is the conservatives that do the walking.

Conservatives give of their income freewillingly, but liberals want to tax everyone.

Liberals are a drain on society, conservatives help.

(btw: it is Borne out by t he facts.. not Born)

anyway, I agree. But I have seen so called conservtives totally IGNORE peple in need, so called Christians, that is, ignoring Christians in need.



New member
It appears that Truster wants to swap verses from the Bible:

1 Timothy 5:8
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

some who do not appear to be working ARE working. It is just that some work in this ungodly world is considered Work whereas other work is not, or is not considered deserving of the highest remuneration



New member
According to the Bible, the people that loses everything because of debt is to be sold as a slave to the person that will pay off that debt.

Many Christians believe that is one of the foundational principles behind the Gospel, as it is written that Christ is our Redeemer.

some would feel very grateful to be a "slave" compared to .. you know, sleeping under bridges b/c you can't get a job. You can't MAKE some company give u a job..



Well-known member
some would feel very grateful to be a "slave" compared to .. you know, sleeping under bridges b/c you can't get a job. You can't MAKE some company give u a job..


If folks had a nice stable position as a slave they wouldn't have to worry about finding a job.


one of the dumbest things I have read on TOL

hey, for the sake of argument let's just say I can only speak for myself

my life has been ... words fail, but how about LOUSY

ever since the libs took over. When Clinton was in office, it was LOUSY

when O got in there... LOUSY

when Reagan was in: NORMAL, even very good at times...

so take your stupid, lying liberal nonsense and put it... somewhere




liberal nonsense

and put it... somewhere

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
- John Stuart Mill

Stuart Mill must have had "republicanchick" in mind!


New member



liberal nonsense

and put it... somewhere

Stuart Mill must have had "republicanchick" in mind!

oh, so only "intelligent peple" (define that term) should be allowed to live?

should be allowed to have an opinion.. how elitist.

and by the way, I have a high IQ and mny college credits to my name, and had a 3.7 gpa in college

so... nice try


(just clowning... maybe)



New member
It's not a liberal or conservative problem, those parties just like to hijack the issue and act like they can save people from poverty. They both just make out like they can be heroes so they can get some votes.

The problems lies with employers. Let's take Wal-mart for instance (I want to be clear I support Walmart's efforts, so read all my post so you don't think I'm just going on a rant about them). At least in many stores, they only pay people a bit more than minimum wage. They don't pay anything near a living wage and when they give people a raise, it's never in line with inflation. They have a system where you get a raise that fits between x and y amount, and that never changes.

So, let's say you get into one of their cost departments and you're actually making 50 cents more than MW. When your year is up, you might get 15 or 20 cents added onto that not based on how much more money you need to keep up with the cost of living, but whether or not they deem you a good worker, :chuckle: .

During that year, the price of insurance can go up, the price of electricity can and many other things from groceries to gasoline. Suddenly, your pay is much much less than it was last year, despite the dollar amount. So, you're impoverished now, even though the amount of pay you receive might have been a decent amount 5 years ago or so.

This practice is necessary for Walmart to be able to still build locations and sell items at the prices they do (as well as make sure the platoon of store managers they have make 6 figure salaries) . Now, if Walmart could raise the price of their goods and distribute that increased revenue to non-salary employee pay, they could actually pay people more but that would require their customer base to be ok with paying more for the items they want. Their execs could also live a more modest lifestyle, as well. Neither will ever be ok with that and sadly the people would rather turn to the government to balance the issue instead of lobbying many of these companies to change on their own accord.

It's not always the rich people or the government that is responsible for poverty. More often than not, it's own unwillingness to part with money that creates situations where your country's largest employer can't pay workers much. If that situation, of course the guys in charge will take the lion's share. Either the company needs to charge more for their products and distribute that among workers, or the top executives need to take pay reductions and distribute that among their workforce. If either of those things happened, QoL would go up for many people and we wouldn't need charity from the rich or a government of Robin Hoods.

Stores like Walmart do great things, coming into communities and hiring way more people than a group of scattered mom and pop stores ever could, but they need to pay the fair value of labor to their workers and not trap folks into a rut of small pay and cheap goods. If people want uh, better boot straps or whatever, they should pursuade employers to change, not look to political morons to save them.


New member
It's At least in many [Wal-Mart] stores, they only pay people a bit more than minimum wage. They don't pay anything near a living wage .

this is a HUGE LIE

I KNOW someone personally who works at Wal-Mart. He OWNS his own (brick) home, a VERY nice home. He owns his vehicle outright. He has a HUGE well kept yard. He is doing very well for himself

so quit lying, you libs who think no one is paying attn..



Hall of Fame

this is a HUGE LIE

I KNOW someone personally who works at Wal-Mart. He OWNS his own (brick) home, a VERY nice home. He owns his vehicle outright. He has a HUGE well kept yard. He is doing very well for himself

so quit lying, you libs who think no one is paying attn..

They are probably in management. My daughter worked there and received the runaround for a couple of years. They like to keep their employees in part time positions and the wages are much lower than an entree level job in a factory.

She left (for a new job) and no longer needs a second job to pay her bills and living expenses.


Hall of Fame
nope. Wrong again: he stacks fruit in the produce section and stacks shelves.

He just uses his money wisely, no drugging or drinking or whatever

Either you have never paid for utilities/rent/mortgage/homeowner's insurance/transportation costs/medical insurance/clothing/essentials/childcare, groceries, etc. OR you are being deliberately dishonest.


New member
Either you have never paid for utilities/rent/mortgage/homeowner's insurance/transportation costs/medical insurance/clothing/essentials/childcare, groceries, etc. OR you are being deliberately dishonest.

yeh, guess no one will ever know which it is?

I find you dishonest to suggest that I am dishonest--just b/c I say something that makes you uncomfortable, something that might weaken the lib position RE minimum wage.


big point:

I (unlike you) know the person

People CAN live on "low wages" He was making the minimum wage when he started, then it got increased, but of coursed, you libs would say his wage is still not "a living wage" b/c you hate corporations despite the fact that this country needs them to supply jobs... to the people who don't have the $$ to start corporations or small businesses of their own..

sounds like envy in disguise ("Oh my! I can't be filthy rich like those mean old, evil corporations... so no one should be!")




Hall of Fame
yeh, guess no one will ever know which it is?

I base my suspicions on your blatant dishonesty regarding your usage of multiple ID's.

I find you dishonest to suggest that I am dishonest--just b/c I say something that makes you uncomfortable, something that might weaken the lib position RE minimum wage.

Neither of which you have done ...


big point:

I (unlike you) know the person

And you claim to have seen his check stubs, utility bills, mortgage payments, food bill and access to his checking account?

People CAN live on "low wages" He was making the minimum wage when he started, then it got increased, but of coursed, you libs would say his wage is still not "a living wage" b/c you hate corporations despite the fact that this country needs them to supply jobs... to the people who don't have the $$ to start corporations or small businesses of their own..

More blatant dishonesty. I am not a "lib" but a moderate. However, IF you truly believe what you are stating, how much are you claiming someone needs to live on for a one month period?

sounds like envy in disguise ("Oh my! I can't be filthy rich like those mean old, evil corporations... so no one should be!")


As compared to your lack of ability to think for yourself OR be honest in regards to living expenses.

BTW, what is your mortgage payment a month? Health insurance? Utilities? Groceries?

Minimum wage in Nebraska is $8.00 an hour. Walmart TRIES to work their employees only 20 - 30 hours per week. I know this for a FACT because my daughter worked there prior to getting fed up with their greediness and went to a much higher paying company.

So I will be waiting for a breakdown of how your monthly expenses are paid through your minimum wage job at Walmart.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
oh, so only "intelligent peple" (define that term) should be allowed to live?

should be allowed to have an opinion.. how elitist.
It's "elitist" to live a moral life in some places.

and by the way, I have a high IQ and mny college credits to my name, and had a 3.7 gpa in college
English major were you? :plain:

The poor need two things, immediate help and long term assistance in (for those who can) sustaining themselves through good work with a decent wage.

this is a HUGE LIE
It isn't. Walmart has a large portion of its employees subsisting by being underwritten by poverty/government programs.

Do a Google. Your 3.7 should make you capable of that, surely.

Walmart's average sale Associate makes $8.81 per hour, according to IBISWorld, an independent market research group. This translates to annual pay of $15,576, based upon Walmart's full-time status of 34 hours per week.​

Word based mystic

New member

graduated and educated cutting of purse strings.

future generations know how to work the systems.

it is time to be incentive based, training, education and motivation.
brings people to increase the self esteem and pride for their own self-reliance.

welfare that puts people in a mode of reliance on the government is a kind of ((slavery)).
reinforcing that that individual or group can not become self-reliant. And is inferior.

a certain political party has been doing this for political and vote buying gains since the 1970's