Losers.. I mean Poor folks should pull themselves up by bootstraps


New member
Hey, what if a person doesn't have any bootstraps?

I mean, what if a person has NOTHING

should society not help him or her at all?

I think some conservatives think the answer to that is Hell no...

What do you conservatives out there think?

you know... no person gets to the point of having nothing all by himself..

the system is structured so that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer..

I understand the feelings of the legitimate (key word here) protesters in Ferguson.. There IS injustice happening in the just about all districts, people getting traffic tickets just b/c... not so much b/c they are Black but b/c they are POOR...

anyway, once you are poor, it is hard to get ahead without... well, something... someone to help, b/c when you are poor, you are seen as trash... and so... people do not help trash to succeed... the system doesn't, rather..



Several large studies of mobility in developed countries in recent years have found the US among the lowest in mobility.

One study (“Do Poor Children Become Poor Adults?") found that of nine developed countries, the United States and United Kingdom had the lowest intergenerational vertical social mobility with about half of the advantages of having a parent with a high income passed on to the next generation.

The four countries with the lowest "intergenerational income elasticity", i.e. the highest social mobility, were Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Canada with less than 20% of advantages of having a high income parent passed on to their children.

... Some studies have found that not only is the degree of social mobility in the US not large but it has either remained unchanged or decreased since the 1970s. Other research shows that economic mobility in the U.S. increased from 1950 to 1980 but has declined sharply since 1980.

The "American Dream" doesn't exist in reality leaving America as one of the least upwardly mobile of the developed nations.

The start of the steady decline in social mobility corresponds to the Reagan Administration and the introduction of massive tax cuts for the wealthy.

The economic growth that these cuts were supposed to stimulate never materialized, and as the top 1% continued to siphon off more and more of the nation's wealth that shifted the tax burden, increased the national debt and the rest of America had less to share.

The real threat to America won't come from Islamic terrorists or some outside threat - it will come from internal social unrest fuelled by the spectre of unrestricted greed at the top.
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Well-known member
what the devil are bootstraps anyhow??

A bootstrap is a loop attached to a boot that you use to help pull the boot on.



Well-known member
Hey, what if a person doesn't have any bootstraps?

I mean, what if a person has NOTHING

should society not help him or her at all?

I think some conservatives think the answer to that is Hell no...

What do you conservatives out there think?

you know... no person gets to the point of having nothing all by himself..

the system is structured so that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer..

I understand the feelings of the legitimate (key word here) protesters in Ferguson.. There IS injustice happening in the just about all districts, people getting traffic tickets just b/c... not so much b/c they are Black but b/c they are POOR...

anyway, once you are poor, it is hard to get ahead without... well, something... someone to help, b/c when you are poor, you are seen as trash... and so... people do not help trash to succeed... the system doesn't, rather..


That type of accusation is not born out by the facts.

Conservatives act while liberals only talk about being liberal.

Conservatives in general are far more giving to charitable type organizations and such than liberals.

Liberals talk a great talk, but it is the conservatives that do the walking.

Conservatives give of their income freewillingly, but liberals want to tax everyone.

Liberals are a drain on society, conservatives help.


Well-known member
That type of accusation is not born out by the facts.

Conservatives act while liberals only talk about being liberal.

Conservatives in general are far more giving to charitable type organizations and such than liberals.

No, you're mistaken. You're just perpetuating a myth.

Who's more charitable -- conservatives or liberals?

Skipping to the last page of the story first, the answer is neither: As two MIT political scientists determined in a 2013 paper, the inclination to give appears to have virtually no relationship to one's partisan or ideological views. There are distinctions, however, in the kind of giving between the two poles.

The primary difference is that conservatives give more money to religious organizations & churches, while liberals give more money to secular organizations.

"The degree of religious contribution is important, because a 2007 study by Indiana University found that only 10% to 25% of church donations end up being spent on social welfare purposes, of which assistance to the poor is only a subset. In other words, if you think of "giving" as "giving to the poor," a lot of the money donated by conservatives may be missing the target."

Patterns of Household Charitable Giving

Liberals talk a great talk, but it is the conservatives that do the walking.

Conservatives give of their income freewillingly, but liberals want to tax everyone.

Liberals are a drain on society, conservatives help.

You can keep on keep on patting yourself on the back, and I really don't expect folks here to give up the rose-tinted myth, but

"The bottom line, according to the MIT study, was that "liberals are no more or less generous than conservatives once we adjust for differences in church attendance and income."

Who Really Gives? Partisanship and Charitable Giving in the United States


New member
The start of the steady decline in social mobility corresponds to the Reagan Administration and the introduction of massive tax cuts for the wealthy.


one of the dumbest things I have read on TOL

hey, for the sake of argument let's just say I can only speak for myself

my life has been ... words fail, but how about LOUSY

ever since the libs took over. When Clinton was in office, it was LOUSY

when O got in there... LOUSY

when Reagan was in: NORMAL, even very good at times...

so take your stupid, lying liberal nonsense and put it... somewhere



New member
That type of accusation is not born out by the facts.

Conservatives act while liberals only talk about being liberal.

Conservatives in general are far more giving to charitable type organizations and such than liberals.

Liberals talk a great talk, but it is the conservatives that do the walking.

Conservatives give of their income freewillingly, but liberals want to tax everyone.

Liberals are a drain on society, conservatives help.

I tend to agree, but in a way, I do not agree... not totally. I have been down and out..

once went to a Church to ask for help. There was a sign up about helping "immigrants" but when I, US citizen asked for help: NADA



New member
it looks like you are encouraging her

and he did... I had forgotten about that little flap on the back of the boot...

but now that u have said He has helped me... he won't any more...

oh vell... (as an erstwhile friend once put it... All my friends are erstwhile, by the way... )



one of the dumbest things I have read on TOL

hey, for the sake of argument let's just say I can only speak for myself

my life has been ... words fail, but how about LOUSY

ever since the libs took over. When Clinton was in office, it was LOUSY

when O got in there... LOUSY

when Reagan was in: NORMAL, even very good at times...

so take your stupid, lying liberal nonsense and put it... somewhere

I'm just thankful that "Republicanchick" is opposed to everything I believe in!


Hey, what if a person doesn't have any bootstraps?

I mean, what if a person has NOTHING

should society not help him or her at all?

I think some conservatives think the answer to that is Hell no...

What do you conservatives out there think?

you know... no person gets to the point of having nothing all by himself..

the system is structured so that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer..

I understand the feelings of the legitimate (key word here) protesters in Ferguson.. There IS injustice happening in the just about all districts, people getting traffic tickets just b/c... not so much b/c they are Black but b/c they are POOR...

anyway, once you are poor, it is hard to get ahead without... well, something... someone to help, b/c when you are poor, you are seen as trash... and so... people do not help trash to succeed... the system doesn't, rather..


Entrepreneurship is the answer. Take for instance these poor black youths in Ferguson MO:

They're just taking out a temporary liquor loan from this market so that they can start their own liquor stores.


"Give poor black youths a bottle of booze and they'll drink it and be thirsty again.

Allow poor black youths to endlessly loot liquor stores so that white liberals will feel better about themselves, and they'll never go thirsty."

-Ancient Chinese Proverb


New member
''Hear this word, ye kine of Bashan, that are in the mountain of Samaria, which oppress the poor, which crush the needy, which say to their masters, Bring, and let us drink''. Amos 4:1


New member
''The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined''. Psalms 10:2


''Hear this word, ye kine of Bashan, that are in the mountain of Samaria, which oppress the poor, which crush the needy, which say to their masters, Bring, and let us drink''. Amos 4:1

''The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined''. Psalms 10:2

It appears that Truster wants to swap verses from the Bible:

1 Timothy 5:8
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”


New member
It appears that Truster wants to swap verses from the Bible:

1 Timothy 5:8
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

You obviously have difficulty just dealing with the OP, as I have, and instead decide to act like the complete twit that you are, by going after me by name and posting nonsense on my rep page.
I'm sure you are a trembling wimp in person that would shudder at the thought your words would be thrown back in you face attached to a piece of meat. Nothing better to do than play at the troll game?


New member
Hey, what if a person doesn't have any bootstraps?

I mean, what if a person has NOTHING

should society not help him or her at all?

I think some conservatives think the answer to that is Hell no...

What do you conservatives out there think?

you know... no person gets to the point of having nothing all by himself..

the system is structured so that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer..

I understand the feelings of the legitimate (key word here) protesters in Ferguson.. There IS injustice happening in the just about all districts, people getting traffic tickets just b/c... not so much b/c they are Black but b/c they are POOR...

anyway, once you are poor, it is hard to get ahead without... well, something... someone to help, b/c when you are poor, you are seen as trash... and so... people do not help trash to succeed... the system doesn't, rather..


According to the Bible, a person that loses everything because of debt is to be sold as a slave to the person that will pay off that debt.

Many Christians believe that is one of the foundational principles behind the Gospel, as it is written that Christ is our Redeemer.
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