Long term CNN contributor is a Hitler supporter

Gary K

New member
The guy actually tweeted that the world today needs a Hitler. He also has a history of tweets going back several years supporting Hitler and antisemitism.

This is pretty strong evidence of how racist the left is in actuality. The more power the left accrues the more their racism is exposed.


Gary K

New member
The BBC has been corrupt for decades. In the 1930s they condemned a journalist named Malcom Muggeridge for his reports out of the Ukraine that Stalin was murdering Ukrainians by the millions. They helped run Muggeridge out of the business for his "false" reporting. Only problem was Muggeridge was the reporter telling the truth. Walter Duranty was the darling of the media and he was sending out stories that were nothing but copies of Kremlin press releases. He was rewarded with the Pulitzer prize for journalism for doing that, and his prize has never been revoked.

The BBC has been on the wrong side of many a story. They have been on the side of racism, the Nazis, collectivism in all it's forms, and terrorism time and time again. Their stories on the Irish were so blatantly wrong it wasn't funny.