ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Socialism =/= communism.
Those numbers have probably been the similar for generations.
Stalin? :freak:
Socialism =/= communism.
Those numbers have probably been the similar for generations.
Stalin? :freak:
If it is fake news, the thread is over. Polls are difficult to check, but the report of the polls are fairly easy to verify.Which ones? How exactly was Stalin been venerated?
Sort of: Communism is socialism enforced thus you'd want to ammend: Socialism isn't always communist in aim but both aren't capitalism.Socialism =/= communism.
LOL! Maybe it comes from left-wing propaganda, sure looks like it from reading here!Anyone who thinks the Democrats and the independent Bernie Sanders are "communists " has been brainwashed by right-wing extremist propaganda .
Well a socialist is a kind of communist in my book.In fact, there is nothing even remotely communist about the policies of the democratic party or Sanders .
What is not possible? Your dream of the modern state, lets hope so.If they were actual communists , they would advocate : 1. Abolishing all private corporations and small businesses and nationalize all of them 2. Advocate abolishing our stock market . :my comments in bold:OH, they do indeed so advocate!
3. putting agriculture , manufacturing , stores and supermarkets etc under government control . They want that too!
4. Have our government control production of all goods, services etc with no private enterprise allowed . Everything we take for granted in the US - availability of food, goods, clothing , etc would be under strict government control .Now, they would love that, as a means of making sure all identities get their fair share.
5. There would be no free press and all dissidents would be either put in prison or executed or both .There will be a free press, free of cost, but all written in it will be government censored. You will love it, I'm sure!
6. All organized religious, whether Christianity, Islam , Judaism, etc would be prohibited and all churches, mosques, synagogues and temples would be closed down permanently . Those who practiced any religion in the open would be either imprisoned, executed or both . This will happen and again you are just biting your nails it will happen soon!
7. The government would control the media a- newspapers, magazines , the internet etc . One special twist here, the media will be the government, they will be talking constantly, no time to think!
8. There would be strict government censorship of all books, magazines, television the internet , films etc . And so on . This is a new-age goal no more freedom to read politically incorrect books. You, see, we already have the language to this plan to be realized.
Furthermore, this would not even be possible if the Democrats actually wanted to set up a strict communist government in the US !
That is my thoughts, but you and your ilk think different.None of the Democrats advocates anything even remotely similar to this . This economic system failed miserably in Russia, China and elsewhere , because it is a lousy way to run a government .
In essence, that would be communism, yet you know it does not work?All the Democrats want to do is to overhaul our current system so that life will be affordable for people, people will not have to struggle desperately to earn a living, people won't lose their homes if they lose their jobs , nobody will die because health care is too expensive , (40,000 die every year because of this in America ). And nobody will go bankrupt in order to get medical care.
So many do today here, people who are not even poor .
The Democrats want to make college AFFORDABLE . It's just to expensive for people who are not rich or who don't have rich parents . And this country really needs well educated people to be doctors, scientists , inventors , economists etc in order to remain competitive int he global economy . . We are shooting ourselves in the foot by allowing college to be too expensive for most people .
The Democrats don't want to take all the money away from rich people , and they are not opposed to wealth per se . They are opposed to the corporate greed which has ruined the US economy in the east 40 years or so .
The Democrats realize that there MUST be some government supervision over big business,s because without this, the corporate fat cats would e free to exploit their employees and the public with impunity .
And so on. Don't believe the Fox News propaganda and the propaganda of Breitbart and other right-wing extremist internet rags ! If you are not rich and you voted for Trump, you voted against you own interests !
If it is fake news, the thread is over. Polls are difficult to check, but the report of the polls are fairly easy to verify.
The source is Victims of Communism
No they aren't. The Daily Caller is notorious for publishing "fake news". Frankly, someone who thinks that "Infowars" is a legitimate source of journalism lacks credibility AFAIC anyway.
LOL. You think the mockingbird media, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NYTimes, MSNBC, CNBC, USA Today, etc... is reliable? They got everything in the Russia collusion hoax wrong for years and it was done deliberately. They printed known lies again, and again. and again. I posted here not too long ago where ABC deliberately used footage shot in a gun club in the US and claimed it came from Syria. And that is who you claim is a reliable source.
The entire mockingbird media reported the Steele dossier as fact and repeated that lie for years. They mocked Trump for saying he had been wiretapped, and the truth was on his side not theirs. They are nothing but propaganda for the Democrats/socialists. And the name mockingbird media is an earned sobriquet. They accepted money from the CIA to post CIA disinformation for decades. Then they got caught and GHW Bush announced the CIA wasn't going to pay the media any more to publish their disinformation. They did stop paying, but they kept the media blackmailed into publishing their disinformation. It's never stopped. And what they publish is what you believe is "the truth". It's nothing but a psyop on the public, and you buy into it whole hog.
If it is fake news, the thread is over. Polls are difficult to check, but the report of the polls are fairly easy to verify.
The source is Victims of Communism
Wow, what a pathetic, self-serving rationale. :down:Jesus said the poor would always be among us, and by extension, it means that it is appropriate to have inequitable materials.
At a time where we are focused on social concerns, it is commendable that generations want to take on social responsiblity, but the strong-arming they'd sell their freedoms for would cause them, their progenitors and descendants a loss of freedom Victims of Communism have always reported.
Not really seeing how this verifies people in general seeing Stalin as a stand up guy...
... and that the gulags etc weren't such a bad thing...
Wow, what a pathetic, self-serving rationale. :down:
Let's finish what Jesus said...per your own 'Good book':
For the poor you will always have with you in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’" (Deut 15:7-11)
hence, the need for a wall
Build that wall!
I don't buy into "the whole hog" as you put it in any way but there's no reasoning with someone who laps up "infowars" as a reputable source of news.
How'r things out there in left-field?
How'r things out there in left-field?
I don't buy into "the whole hog" as you put it in any way but there's no reasoning with someone who laps up "infowars" as a reputable source of news.
Biden Lied – Emails Show Burisma Executives Leveraging Hunter Biden Membership as Pressure on U.S. State Dept. For Assistance in Removing Ukraine Corruption Probe…
Posted on November 4, 2019 by sundance
Well, well, well…. everything Joe Biden and the Obama administration previously denied taking place is now documented as having taken place. Newly discovered emails between Ukrainian energy company Burisma and State Dept. officials show the company was leveraging Biden’s affiliation with the company to get U.S. govt assistance.
As a result of a FOIA lawsuit journalist John Solomon has received emails between the Burisma energy company and U.S. State Department; where Burisma seeking U.S. government assistance to get the Ukraine prosecutor to drop a corruption probe against the energy co., and leveraging Hunter Biden’s board membership toward their efforts.
This is the evidence the media said didn’t exist:
The eventual outcome was Vice-President Joe Biden threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. financial aid to Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor and drop their investigation of Burisma. Ukraine fired the prosecutor and dropped the investigation. [Full Solomon Article Here]
Hunter Biden and his Ukrainian gas firm colleagues had multiple contacts with the Obama State Department during the 2016 election cycle, including one just a month before Vice President Joe Biden forced Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son’s company for corruption, newly released memos show. During that February 2016 contact, a U.S. representative for Burisma Holdings sought a meeting with Undersecretary of State Catherine A. Novelli to discuss ending the corruption allegations against the Ukrainian firm where Hunter Biden worked as a board member, according to memos obtained under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. (I filed that suit this summer with the help of the public interest law firm the Southeastern Legal Foundation.)
Just three weeks before Burisma’s overture to State, Ukrainian authorities raided the home of the oligarch who owned the gas firm and employed Hunter Biden, a signal the long-running corruption probe was escalating in the middle of the U.S. presidential election.
Hunter Biden’s name, in fact, was specifically invoked by the Burisma representative as a reason the State Department should help, according to a series of email exchanges among U.S. officials trying to arrange the meeting. The subject line for the email exchanges read simply “Burisma.”
“Per our conversation, Karen Tramontano of Blue Star Strategies requested a meeting to discuss with U/S Novelli USG remarks alleging Burisma (Ukrainian energy company) of corruption,” a Feb. 24, 2016, email between State officials read. “She noted that two high profile U.S. citizens are affiliated with the company (including Hunter Biden as a board member).
“Tramontano would like to talk with U/S Novelli about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt,” the email added. “According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered.”
At the time, Novelli was the most senior official overseeing international energy issues for State. The undersecretary position, of which there are several, is the third-highest-ranking job at State, behind the secretary and deputy secretary. And Tramontano was a lawyer working for Blue Star Strategies, a Washington firm that was hired by Burisma to help end a long-running corruption investigation against the gas firm in Ukraine.
By the way, here's another instance of the mockingbird media lying to you.
See how often the mockingbird media lies to you?
Here is an excerpt from the John Solomon article linked to in the above CTH article.
The rest of the article is found at the hyperlink titled "Full Solomon Article Here" in the CTH article.