Liberalism is Dead and Evangelicals Don't Deserve It Anyway

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Is that all you got from that, Kmo?
He deserves a merit badge for wading that far in. :plain:

Even if you ignore my antisemitic rhetoric
But really, why would anyone do that?


Though, I don't even think it's a matter of selling out for Trump. I think that the man is mentally deficient and incompetent overall. He just listens to the last person left in the room. He's George W. Bush on steroids in that respect.
One of the few bright spots of the Trump presidency is its impact on how Americans appreciate...just about every other president in living memory.




One further point:

Make no mistake:

I think that a white ethnostate would solve one, and exactly one, problem: racial tension.

And I think, Kmo, that you would find it nearly impossible to disagree with me when I say that.


In 1967, 17 Southern states (all the former slave states plus Oklahoma) still enforced laws prohibiting marriage between whites and people of color. Maryland repealed its law in response to the start of the proceedings at the Supreme Court. After the ruling of the Supreme Court, the remaining laws were no longer in effect.

Nonetheless, it took South Carolina until 1998 and Alabama until 2000 to officially amend their states' constitutions to remove language prohibiting miscegenation. In the respective referendums, 62% of voters in South Carolina and 59% of voters in Alabama voted to remove these laws

As recently as 60 years ago, interracial marriage was still illegal in 17 states - its only been within the last 17 years that Alabama amended its state constitution to remove language prohibiting "miscegenation," and that was only by a 59/41 vote!

With the dramatic increases in social mobility, its unrealistic to think that any modern nation could exist as an "ethnostate" - its also questionable as to whether the concept of discrete "races" can be justified in the 21stC, based on genetics!
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For anyone who may be wondering why I was banned for the past several days, it's because [MENTION=12969]Sherman[/MENTION] banned me for my reply to Kmo. where I put "JEW!" in parentheses next to a bunch of people who are, in fact, Jewish.

This was accompanied by the commentary "Knock off the antisemitic commentary."

Because, apparently, noting that people are Jewish is antisemitic and inherently objectionable.

I here post my open reply to Sherman, and to all the mods:

I tell you what. If you can give me a concrete reason for why anything that I've said is inherently objectionable, apart from "that's racist," I'll cut it out.

Otherwise, I'll talk about whatever I want.

And let's be real:

You can't. Because nothing I've said is inherently objectionable. The reason you keep banning me for "racist comment or reference" is because that's all that you've got. I haven't directly insulted anyone or engaged in otherwise objectionable behavior. I haven't even used racial slurs. You just don't like the fact that I'm speaking in racial terms.

Nothing that I've said constitutes inherently objectionable content, or otherwise content which is worthy of censorship, from a liberal perspective.

At no point have I incited violence, glorified violence, promoted violence, insulted anyone, slandered anyone, etc. In fact, I would defy you to show me a single factual claim that I've made which is even false.

I'm sorry, but simply pointing out that people who are Jewish are, in fact, Jewish, is not inherently objectionable, does not merit censorship, and does not merit banning me.

But I tell you what:

If you ban me again for "racism," or otherwise, if the previous ban hasn't been overturned, and if I haven't been given a public apology for that ridiculous and undue censorship of my speech, within a week, I will GIVE YOU a reason to ban me for racism.

I'll just start posting youtube links to Johnny Rebel songs. ;)

How does that sound [MENTION=1373]ebenz47037[/MENTION] ?


Hail the ban. Long may it live.

In other words:

"I can't actually beat Traditio in a one-on-one, head-to-head battle of ideas, but I don't like what he's saying. So I'll wait until he gets banned and celebrate the fact that he got censored"?

Lovely. :nono:


like marbles on glass
In other words:

"I can't actually beat Traditio in a one-on-one, head-to-head battle of ideas, but I don't like what he's saying. So I'll wait until he gets banned and celebrate the fact that he got censored"?

Lovely. :nono:

I wasn't here when you were posting this thread, although I wouldn't have expected you or anyone to notice. If I had been here, I certainly wouldn't have mollycoddled your racist navel-gazing.

I noticed you didn't answer the question, either. Where's your Hail Mary?




For more on the rampant anti-white racism in this country, see the video below (which documents MULTIPLE cases of anti-white racism and rhetoric).

To my mind, the "It's OK to be white" flier incident really does hammer in my point.

People posted fliers in various places, and all that these fliers said is "It's OK to be white."

That is not a racist sentiment. It shouldn't even be a controversial sentiment. If you replace "white" with any other racial term, there would have been no controversy. People would have celebrated it.

But people put up fliers saying that it's OK to be white, and general public outrage ensued.

Because in our society, it's NOT OK to be white.

Our multiracial society (and by that, I mean the West in general) is a failure.

We need a white ethnostate.

The SJWs and the ethnic minorities need to leave.



I wasn't here when you were posting this thread, although I wouldn't have expected you or anyone to notice. If I had been here, I certainly wouldn't have mollycoddled your racist navel-gazing.

I noticed you didn't answer the question, either. Where's your Hail Mary?

You still celebrated the fact that I got censored for saying things that, while controversial and probably offensive, are not inherently objectionable from a liberal perspective. You understand why that's not a good thing, yes?

At any rate, I removed the rosary signature because I didn't want people reading my political commentary and associating it with my religious views.


like marbles on glass
You still celebrated the fact that I got censored

Oh yes. Any time I don't have to read your rambling wreck of racist dreck it's a great day.

for saying things that, while controversial and probably offensive, are not inherently objectionable from a liberal perspective. You understand why that's not a good thing, yes?

You understand that you don't understand you're being objectionable, yes?

At any rate, I removed the rosary signature because I didn't want people reading my political commentary and associating it with my religious views.

Fascinating. Any reason why you'd have a problem with anyone associating the two?


Oh yes. Any time I don't have to read your rambling wreck of racist dreck it's a great day.

If you don't want to read my comments, you understand that there is an ignore feature, yes?

Essentially, what you've said is: "I don't like you've said SO MUCH that I think that institutional power should be used to prevent you from saying it."

I guarantee you that this is not a rabbit hole that you want to go down.

You understand that you don't understand you're being objectionable, yes?

If you can cite something in particular that I've said which you think is inherently objectionable on liberal grounds, then I invite you to do so.

But I suspect that you won't, because you can't. Because "That's offensive" or "I disagree" does not constitute "inherently objectionable."

Fascinating. Any reason why you'd have a problem with anyone associating the two?

Optics are important. :plain:


Well-known member
Traditio is apparently under the impression that bigotry consists only of the use of ethnic slurs. That as long as one says "Afro-American", and not "******" [edit: the site automatically censored the "n-word", showing that the site is unaware of context. Traditio doesn't have that excuse] - you are not officially a bigot. That if you use the word "Jew" and not "Kike", then you are not an anti-semite.


Traditio is apparently under the impression that bigotry consists only of the use of ethnic slurs. That as long as one says "Afro-American", and not "******" [edit: the site automatically censored the "n-word", showing that the site is unaware of context. Traditio doesn't have that excuse] - you are not officially a bigot. That if you use the word "Jew" and not "Kike", then you are not an anti-semite.

I've never made any such claims. What I do claim, however, is that bigoted opinions must be permissible in a liberal society.

If you want to censor someone for directly insulting someone by calling him the n-word, OK, fair enough.

But for expressing views critical of black people?

No. That's simply not acceptable.

In a liberal society, people have a right to be racist.


like marbles on glass
If you don't want to read my comments, you understand that there is an ignore feature, yes?

Absolutely. I also understand there's a ban feature.

Essentially, what you've said is: "I don't like you've said SO MUCH that I think that institutional power should be used to prevent you from saying it."

I guarantee you that this is not a rabbit hole that you want to go down.

If the rules of a privately-owned site forbid posting racist material in whatever form and you break the rules by posting racist material in whatever form then if you get banned you shouldn't be surprised.

If you can cite something in particular that I've said which you think is inherently objectionable on liberal grounds, then I invite you to do so.

But I suspect that you won't, because you can't. Because "That's offensive" or "I disagree" does not constitute "inherently objectionable."

Oh, there's so much that's objectionable, Trad. It's sad you can't see it.

Optics are important. :plain:

Translation: your racist views don't mesh with your religion, in fact would be considered non-doctrinal; therefore the religion goes in the closet while you're transmitting racist material.


Absolutely. I also understand there's a ban feature.

Such a non-response. You are essentially just saying "yay" and "boo."

Do,however, remember this in the event that the TOL administrative staff should become less hospitable to your views.

If the rules of a privately-owned site forbid posting racist material in whatever form and you break the rules by posting racist material in whatever form then if you get banned you shouldn't be surprised.

Tell me what you think about gay wedding cakes and Christian bakers. :rolleyes:

Oh, there's so much that's objectionable, Trad. It's sad you can't see it.

Then providing individual examples accompanied by clear, articulable explanations should be easy!

Just remember, though: "That's offensive" and "I disagree" are not permissible. Because in a liberal society, I don't have to care about your feelings. ;)


SJWs are statist authoritarians when it comes to fighting "discrimination" against "protected classes."

But all of a sudden, when it comes to private websites censoring views that they don't like, they become extreme libertarians!

Anyone else find that odd?


like marbles on glass
Such a non-response. You are essentially just saying "yay" and "boo."

Do,however, remember this in the event that the TOL administrative staff should become less hospitable to your views.

:chuckle: I've been banned at least 6 times. I didn't come back and complain about it.

Then providing individual examples accompanied by clear, articulable explanations should be easy!

Amazing how you think you're the only person in the world who knows how to put words together, but I'll humor you:

It's really not like that nowadays. I've renounced that. Today, it's more of a practical racism. I probably shouldn't do this, but I tend to use racial slurs in private...mainly because I find it personally amusing, and it tends to get an amusing reaction from friends of mine. Not to mention that I tend to avoid certain people. If I see a poorly dressed black person or hispanic (you know the kind of dress I'm talking about) headed my way...I'm crossing the street.

And when I see a black person or a Mexican (or even an Asian) doing his/her job poorly, failing to speak English properly (or worse, not speaking English), displaying a marked lack of intelligence (which is pretty often), or when I see a billboard or other sales labels in a non-English language, etc...suffice to say, I feel a marked frustration that I have to share this country with so many people who aren't of my culture/ethnicity. For obvious reasons. Obvious practical reasons.

Is much (if not all of this) a fault on my part? Probably. But we all have our crosses to bear, and so much more reason for you to pray for me.

Somehow I doubt you're bearing any crosses over your professed racism.


RE the link that [MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION] posted:

In the event that his name should turn red in the proximate future, I wish only to note that I didn't report it. :idunno:
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