Liberalism is dead. Nobody actually believes in it.
Just saw a bumper sticker yesterday "Liberal and proud of it!" The votes in this liberal North West are celebrated highly. Perhaps it is dead in some other areas.
The core doctrine of liberalism, in the classical sense, is laissez faire (let it be). Liberalism is tolerance. Liberalism is the political doctrine that, though I may find what other people think, say, and, to a real extent, do, to be abhorrent, nonetheless, I shouldn't intervene, because it could well be the case that people who think differently may think the same about me.
Yet, we shouldn't always be rocking the boat. I shouldn't stand in the Yacht club and yell "Sailboats are a waste of money!" I may be right, but they may be equally right to ask me to say it outside instead of in their hall. It'd only be by invitation, thus privilege I'd be there in the first place. Manners would suggest I curtail my tongue, not forever, not whenever else I want to talk about such, but certainly there, then here on TOL if you follow as well. It is clearly neither your nor my stance on a good bit of theology.
My tolerance of others gives me, in turn, a right to be tolerated. Not endorsed. Not accepted. But certainly tolerated.
Somewhat. If it is against a TOL rule, then we should keep our end of agreement as we post here. You shouldn't use four-letter words in a public school either. It doesn't matter that such doesn't bother you, it is about what is appropriate discussion material. For instance, we are not supposed to have offensive monikers on TOL. I 'think' your current moniker is political and nothing about you at all. It is, if I'm understanding you, posted for the sake of offense itself. While I may say a football player 'can' take a knee or sit on his behind during the anthem, he will surely face consequences. Paul Romans 12:18 :think:
The old cliches come to mind: "Swing your umbrella as much as you like, so long as you don't strike my nose," and again, "I may disagree with what you say, I should defend to my death your right to say it."
But maybe not any place to say it... Yelling and cussing outside of an elementary school?
Of course, liberty has clear boundaries and restrictions. The right to free speech should be where that speech constitutes a clear and present infringement against the rights of another. Direct incitements to violence must be forbidden, and it is for good reason that libel and slander, strictly construed, are civilly actionable.
So speaking freely isn't absolute? Does that mean, if we go against our agreement on TOL, we shouldn't be held accountable because we have unalienable rights, but then, if it infringes on something like, say, rules, we shouldn't say it? :think:
When, however, speech does not constitute infringement upon the rights of others, it must be permitted, and this, for a multitude of reasons. First, if you deny me the right to express my opinions, then you have no grounds upon which to object when you yourself are denied the right to express yours. Second, if my opinions are so obviously incorrect, then allowing me to express them is actually a service to your own cause, since I am providing you a chance to refute obviously false opinions. Denying me a right to speak is an active disservice to your own cause.
So you are all for teaching sex ed to kindergarteners? :think: How about on TOL? Should we have inalienable bashing of our Savior by the nonChristian? No hold barred? :think:
If anything, the opposite is true: the fact that you had to deny me the right to speak is, in a sense, a proof of the weakness of your own beliefs.
Or that it was inappropriate? I have never received an infraction. I received one (1) warning on TOL, which I'm kind of proud of, because I responded in good humor. It was a misunderstanding. I didn't complain, just avoided the appearance of infraction. 1 Thessalonians 5:22. Would you want to rethink the swastika by the same verse token? :think:
Shutting me down means that your own views aren't strong enough to stand on their own merits in the free marketplace of ideas.
It 'can' mean that, but more often than not, when I've seen a ban, it is because of skirting or flaunting the rules given. More? Maturity has me not doing those things anyway. I generally think we older men SHOULD know better and have it out of our system. While many on TOL wear their bans like a badge of honor, for me personally, it would mean I don't have self-control (one of the aspects of the Fruit of the Spirit). Galatians 5:21,22
The simple fact, however, is that even though our society is liberal de jure, it is illiberal in practice. Most people are not liberal. 40% of millennial college students believe in hate speech laws. 20% of millennial college students, roughly, think that it's perfectly acceptable to use violence to shut down speech that they deem objectionable. A large percent of Republicans are perfectly fine, even, with legislative crackdowns on the freedom to protest.
So, let's compare that to TOL. 1) These would be banned if they were violent or threatened illegal activity or even suggested it. 2) Some language is a bit inappropriate on TOL for a kindergarten classroom (quite a bit actually) 3) Hate speech? I'm not sure what it means. TOL isn't keeping you from speech of any kind. It is calling for self-policing for TOL specific rules. "If" we cannot keep our agreement obligations that we signed up for 'freely' when joining TOL, mods will be happy (for free even!) to moderate our actions to help us keep in line. It really is as simple as that. This is a HUGE OP for addressing something as simple as holding up to our end of a binding contract. I am WELL aware of TOL rules. I would expect, having an inability for self-control, that others would come behind and correct me for my breach.
Do you think, perhaps, part of this has to do with your and my demeanors? :think:
I would have no sympathy if each and every one of you were forced by the government to bake a gay wedding cake at some point in your life.
Ain't gonna happen. I don't bake cakes for public purchase. Forced? If the U.S. stops being the U.S. I'll figure that out. Likely I'll be crossing a border somewhere and singing "The Hills are Alive."